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World of Warcraft

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  • You know, I never did get my paladin epic mount. I suppose I should have tried harder to find a group willing to do it, but I never liked the look of it. Those fumes....

    What is that? The paladin epic mount looks like it needs a bath or something.
    While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


    • Originally posted by Hot Mustard
      The lock epic mount quest in Dire Maul is a pain in the butt. Look it up and know exactly what you need to do, or the folks that are helping you will have just cause to get very annoyed.

      The paladin one in Stratholme is dead simple, and if you know someone with the key to get in the side door of the instance, it can be done in minutes.
      That was a pain, though I heard the best strategy is to enslave a doomguard. My guildie lock did not, he kept felguard out and on aggressive while he did his channelling thing or whatever he had to do. He was actually level 66 when we were doing this. The pally was 58 I believe and soulstoned. The pally died once, but came back with soulstone, and barely made it through again. I was trying my best to target all the mobs with my pet to get aggro, but it was hard to see all the doomguards with all the imps in the way. Don't think my pet could have lasted if he had all aggro though. Even with the pally flash of lighting the pet.

      I was just doing my best to take them all down, I wasn't sure how long it would last, and how much mana to burn. I couldn't use my best shot in steady shot as I had lots of imps pounding on me and I'd lose channelling time (which slows up my auto shot rotation), so had to use arcane shot which burns alot of mana. We got through it, but it wasn't easy. Even with me being level 70. But it only took one try, so it wasn't too bad I guess. Don't think I died.

      Scholo was easier. But we had to get the key (I even helped to get the key to get in scholo where you have to fight the guy in the center of the circle, and lots of mobs around. I mean lots). And the key inside. Those summoners were a pain in the ass though. You can't pull them as they stand there summoning skeletons. had to fight them in the room, and sometime there they would bring in adds from nearby in the room. I must have died 4 times in there. Though one time was because that neutral room aggro'd all at once when I tried talking to the neutral boss guy. That was a mistake. . So I had to clear that entire room. And it was real hard to pull those guys. Sometimes I'd get 5 elites, which I could barely handle. But one bad pull I got 7 and we wiped there.

      Hmm seems like Dire maul was easier considering we didn't wipe . But that summoning sequence was not easy, even though we didn't wipe. Scholo was harder for my 70 hunter now I think of it. But my gun wasn't very good (mid 60's era). But once I figured out how to pull those groups (and take them down efficiently), it wasn't too bad.

      The felguard would off tank one, and my pet would tank all the others. The trouble came in that I had to pull everything in scholo (except summoners). So I have 4 elites pounding on me. I have to tab through and get my pet on all 4 before I die . As my amor can't handle 4 60 elites pounding on me. Mail just isn't that good. Then the pally had to heal my pet, which he would draw aggro. My pet just doesn't have an AOE growl type thing. It's why when I play a healer, I don't like pets tanking, as I end up dying But my pally once did heal a hunter's pet tanking the Wailing Caverns big boss (not the murloc, but the real tall one). That's how awesome flash of light is. Just spam that to your hearts content.
      Last edited by Dis; October 16, 2007, 15:18.


      • I haven't done Scholomance - the pally epic mount quest instance is Stratholme, and all that is required is fighting off a half dozen paladins after killing the guy in the chapel by the sidedoor.


        • The horde paladin elite mount quest is in Stratholme - and is reportedly easier than the alliance quest.

          The alliance paladin elite mount quest (the last one anyhow) is in Scholomance in Rattlegore's room (which has to be entirely cleared - gah).


          • Is it? He just told me he needed some items that dropped. We got the drops from the bosses. He was level 58 at the time, but I believe he was still able to get the items that dropped and save them up for when he hit 60.

            we got most of them from the 6 small bosses in the side rooms in scholo when you go in that side door (past the supposedly neutral room that attacked me all at once).


            • Originally posted by Sharpe
              The horde paladin elite mount quest is in Stratholme - and is reportedly easier than the alliance quest.

              The alliance paladin elite mount quest (the last one anyhow) is in Scholomance in Rattlegore's room (which has to be entirely cleared - gah).
              Aha - confusion explained.

              I've only ever played Horde.


              • Well damn. I reactivated my acct.... after 4 weeks of not playing.

                I left my friend's PVP server cause it was just plain retarded. I moved my alliance toons into RP realm I play with my friends. They are going casual instance with friend type of play from now on. As for PVP, Im sticking with my horde server. I like that serve so much better. and i like my toons better anyway.

                though im pretty much only playing TF2 these days. i figured id reactivate since so many of my firneds play that damn game. and im hating missing out on "what happened last night" conversations.

                meh.. i guess ill finish gearing up my UD warrior whenever im bored...


                • Is The Battle of Darrowshire worth running or should I just drop it?
                  I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                  For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                  • Originally posted by DinoDoc
                    Is The Battle of Darrowshire worth running or should I just drop it?

                    It's one of the fun\interesting quest chain from pre-BC.

                    It leads to
                    which were pretty good rewards pre-BC.

                    Of course compared to items you can get in Outland at the same level, it's all ****..

                    So it depends what you're in it for.


                    • those are group quests right? I figured it'd be too tough to find groups for pre BC stuff.

                      for my shaman I was using a free levelling guide (Jame). I think it touches on the very first part of those quests. His guide only goes on to 60, but in outlands I do all quests anyways, regardless, so I don't need a guide for that.

                      So here I am in eastern plaguelands doing quests at 59. You don't see too many people in those areas. I was also 59 in Silithis. And of course you see all these level 54's running around. There are better places for 54's, but people insist on fighting things 4 or 5 levels above them. As a caster, I get too many resists. Course my shaman was still doing the melee thing back then. Didn't go elemental until 61.


                      • Originally posted by DinoDoc
                        Is The Battle of Darrowshire worth running or should I just drop it?
                        I'd just do BC stuff.


                        • dp


                          • New patch is out. may have been out for a while. I'm going on 2 months with no WOW, but I really had to resist a temptation last night. I did load up the game to see if it still worked. Brought my druid out of the inn. I noticed they changed some of the icons. Like if you over the pointer over a wanted poster board or a quest giving npc. I still haven't figured out the changes. I didn't see the icons listed in the patch notes.

                            The biggest change is levelling from 20 to 60 should be significantly faster. I'm not sure if I like this change. If you look at the census, you can see most characters are already level 70. The problem is you get a bunch of level 70 noobs. And you still get into bad parties even at the higher levels. Though I've been fairly lucky in my 60+ parties. Never had a bad one, though some were only average.

                            And a new high level raid I'll never see. This one in Ghostlands. I knew one would eventually go there. They had the high level elites outside for months now. But just couldn't go in.

                            Another change is they removed alot of elites in the game. Mostly elites that aren't inside instances. I'm talking about the ones that are usually outside the instance. Not sure why they did that. They also bumped down some elites for the regular quests to make it easier to solo quests so you don't have to find groups.

                            And they added a new city and 50 new quests to Dustmellow Marsh. Not my favourite zone because it's kind of gloomy and I don't like the colors. Sometimes I tire of doom and gloom and like pretty colors. . I was so tempted to check this out last night. I have several characters in their 40's who could check this out. The new city is a neutral goblin town that was just built in the southern part of this zone. I'm curious where they put it. There is a dragon flying around this zone iirc. The zone will probably be crowded now. I kind of liked it before it wasn't crowded .

                            Now if they would add some more quests to Ashara, it's like they completely forgot to do something with this zone. Yes I know there are some quests, maybe there were move before BC, because I have no idea what the deal with all the timbermaw guys are. I know not to kill them because I want the rep to get through the tunnel in Felwood.

                            My subscription ends on Dec6. Kind of annoying I was paying for 2 months in which I did not play. I should have never had the 3 month subscription recurring thing going. I now need some willpower to not renew the subscription and start playing again.


                            • There is nothing in Ashara because Ashara is for farmers.
                              "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                              "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                              "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                              "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


                              • I've renewed for a month to check out the new levelling changes. I only want to play an alt or 2 so I was happy that they made some changes there.

                                Level 20-60 less xp per level, level 30-60 more xp per quest turn ins. Also, as you said elite quests have been turned normal so that you can solo them which also speeds levelling.

                                I don't buy the argument that faster levelling means noobs at 70. Honestly the game is not rocket science. You can learn any class even with the new levelling curve. And it isn't THAT much less.

                                They took a couple of things right from lotro which made me chuckle. They added a sparkly effect around quest objects to make them more obvious in the world, they added markers on the mini map for quest givers etc and added some fluff titles.

                                There has been a change to the global cool down that I don't know much about. Apparently alot of melee pvpers are upset about it.

                                Frankly, after playing lotro for the past couple months, wow was a bit hard to get back into. Especially graphically. Lotro has a couple problems too though.

                                It's been days since I played wow after renewal. Guess i'm done, but not sure. Still evalutaing the levelling changes because the only thing I want to do is get another character to 70 to pvp with.
                                While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.

