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Neverwinter Nights - Capitalist Utopia

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  • #76
    I visited Folderol around last Christmas. It's very nice and well-thought contentwise, but I suffered a lot of crashes to desktop, mostly while looting stuff (still in the newbie area). And that despite having the latest patches for both NWN and the CEP. It was kind of sad, but when you suffer the fifth crash in a hour in the same dungeon, your desire to continue somewhat vanishes. I tried it again the next day, but after the first crash I gave up.


    • #77
      I didn't get any crashes.


      • #78
        I did, and Turgatron had to reset the server. Trouble was, this meant that our entire quest was lost. Well, I'd saved shortly before it, but some of the noobs I was with hadn't, and one of them lost 4 levels worth of XP and lots of loot. We managed to persuade Turg to reset his XP, but there wasn't much chance of getting the loot back.


        • #79
          Yeah Turg, I was level 215, honest. It was a long quest.


          • #80
            No, it was really from 6 to 2.

            I should have known that there was a problem when it didn't autosave your characters in-game, but in the heat of the action you don't always notice things like this.


            • #81
              Does this mean it's worth to try it again?


              • #82
                Yeah, I would. If you can play on Friday night then I'm up for some low-level (4) fun, or level 9, or 30 something if I "borrow" one of Spikie's characters.


                • #83
                  Did you try the sorceress? Most powerful character in the game.


                  • #84
                    No. I played a tiny bit with the cookery master (Jam ), but didn't have a clue where he was in relation to the rest of the game so that didn't last long. I didn't die though.


                    • #85
                      The kukri master is fun when the dev crits start rolling, but doesn't even begin to approach the sorc in power.


                      • #86
                        Sorcerors are very powerful, as caster class. Perhaps a bit too powerful, though. Just like monks. All saves primary. Up to 150% speed without haste equipment. Craploads of attacks per round. Intrinsic spell resistance (20+level). 4 skillpoints. Nice AC due to abundant boni. Take tumble for yet more. Great item set in the game (except perhaps the Dungeon of Apolyton ). Ouch! Just don't multiclass. Like sorceror, this class is best pure.


                        • #87
                          Btw I probably can't next Friday. We have a guild event in EQ2. Yep, I'm still playing it, on occasions.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                            I visited Folderol around last Christmas. It's very nice and well-thought contentwise, but I suffered a lot of crashes to desktop, mostly while looting stuff (still in the newbie area). And that despite having the latest patches for both NWN and the CEP. It was kind of sad, but when you suffer the fifth crash in a hour in the same dungeon, your desire to continue somewhat vanishes. I tried it again the next day, but after the first crash I gave up.
                            The white stuff is caused by your video card, is it an older one?

                            I had the same problem.

                            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                            • #89
                              NVidia 6600, certainly not the newest, but I can play games like WoW, Guild Wars and the very graphics power consuming Everquest 2 (even with a hi-res setting) without any problems. And I never had problems with SP NWN, not before and not after.


                              • #90
                                Well I'm up for playing Folderol when you are Sir Ralph (except next Friday, and Friday night is usually best for me).

                                Inspired by this thread, I've started playing HotU again. My dwarpen defender is in the room on the first level with all the traps and the blue dragon. Does anyone know if there are any traps that I can set off so I can attack the dragon without getting TEH FEAR and running away to my certain doom?
                                Or do I just have to stick Deekin where he is, and then stand on them all until I find one that doesn't?

