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FG: Mafia 30: Mental Mafia

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  • Spaced Cowboy


    • I like that thinking! Ben Kenobi
      How can I deny to have my head in the sky?
      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


      • Originally posted by Spaced Cowboy

        I like that thinking! Ben Kenobi
        I just voted for him because I knew you were already screwed.

        However, if it turns out you aren't the mafia, Ben will be the prime suspect the next round.... although, I'm sure I'll be dead.

        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


        • /me pokes the disasterously low voter turnout
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • Spaced....cowboy I got this feelin.....
            Safer worlds through superior firepower


            • ben kenobi for, the block please


              • Spaced Cowboy... the list of culprits is beginning to narrow down
       - After Our Time - Six to Start


                • The clues seemed to point to either Ben Kenobi or Spaced Cowboy, but seeing the stars in Jonny's avatar, I went back to search the story so far to see if I could find any additional clues pointing to any of the three:

                  Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                  Today a very peculiar incident took place here in Polyview Mental Asylum. We were doing the rounds when we chanced upon Ljube-ljcvetko's own padded room, which we were forced to put him in a few weeks ago since he was getting increasingly psychotic and delusional. He had the standard paranoid fare; someone was out to get him, operations had been made to him during sleep, aliens had abducted him.

                  But that morning, he was dead. There was no blood, no traces of any struggle at all: the patient was lying there, rather disturbingly quiet, when we noticed that his body was cold and that he wasn't breathing. Of course we brought in the crash cart and the works right away, but it was apparent he had died several hours earlier, during the night.

                  Since the cause of death wasn't readily apparent, we followed standard practice and were preparing to conduct an autopsy on him. However, when we attempted to lift him from his bed, his very back peeled off and stuck to the sheets. He had suffered massive trauma to the region, and we can only surmise that it was burned with... something. We hadn't seen anything like this since the napalm burns in Vietnam, but something, that certain smell maybe, was missing.

                  The oddities didn't stop there, though. As we tried to assemble patient Ljcvetko back together again, we found a small piece of metal amidst all the damaged tissue. It was small, the size of a matchbox maybe, and on it was carved "Ljube-ljcvetko" in stylish old-fashioned handwriting. The late patient's name. It was so deeply embedded in the tissue, we surmised, that it had to have been inside the patient's body before the actual trauma was caused.

                  This all just makes no sense to us, none whatsoever. We've decided to get a good nights' sleep over it; we're certain everything will seem brighter in the morning.
                  Reference to aliens from SPACE perhaps?

                  Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                  The day after, the story of patient Ljcvetko's strange death had spread throughout the ward. While were were busy trying to contain the "rumour", a mob mentality unlike anything we've seen before emerged. Quickly this mob surmised that the one called Skaky Burns had torched poor Ljube. Heh, never expect any rational thought to be found in the loony bin.

                  Unfortunately we were unable to stop this rowdy crowd from grabbing patient Skanky by the arms and whisking him out of the fifth storey window. It's still a bit unclear how they got the keys to the window to open the bars, but regardless, Skanky flew down the building in a very noisy fashion. The patients have jokingly started to call this "discharging". Sigh. It's not like we can just call up the police and ask them to sort this out, not with the other incidents here lately like the one where a certain head of state was "feeling strange" had his head examined here and one of the patients managed to... oh, right, shouldn't be writing about that, yes.

                  So we decided to stash away the body in the old morgue. Ugh, the place gives us the willies. Some patients say it's haunted. We're inclined to believe them...

                  But like always, as the therapist here used to say, sweeping something under the rug seldom helps. This morning we found another dead patient. Adagio was sitting limp in a chair that was used for electric shock treatments back in the fifties and sixties. By the looks of it, the device had been jerryrigged so that it could be used to administer a lethal dose of power.

                  The smell was disgusting. We couldn't find the device either. We both agreed that sleeping tonight would be very difficult.
                  Reference to STASH away the body, anyone know of someone who speaks of his "stash"

                  Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                  But there used to be more doctors here. What happened to them?

                  We could have used them this morning. Patient Joncha was found dead in his bed when the patients allowed us into the ward to check up on his room. (Will get back to that part later.) Joncha had the same trauma Ljube had a few days ago. No signs of anyone missing or electrocuted, however, which suggests that the killer, as is likely, is some sort of obsessive-compulsive person since he alternates killing methods and carries out his deeds on a regular, daily basis. This hasn't really narrowed down the scope of suspects judged by the patient records, however, but the search continues.

                  Today was rather surprising, not that most day's wouldn't be over here as long as you have a modicum of interest in what the patients, or "clients" as we have to call them nowadays, are doing and talking about.

                  They have apparently organized themselves into some sort of democratic organ that elects by vote who they think is responsible for the murders. It is droll, after a morbid fashion. The only downside here is that they've also voted to barricade themselves to the ward and are throwing each other out through the window on a daily basis. Today was Whoha's turn.

                  We are currently trying to figure out how to cover it all up when they are all dead... we can't involved the police now! We just wonder what sort of a blemish on our records it will be when all of them are discovered dead under our watch? But maybe we worry too much. Things will resolve themselves over time, we suppose.
                  The reference to "Doc" has been thought to refer to Spaced, but I think this is a leap, I think the Doctor reference somehow connects to Lord Nuclear. I don't see any clues here that help

                  Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                  Yesterday the patients defenestrated Theben. We're currently planning to herd them together, then slip some sedatives into their milk so that they'll doze off and we can tie them up to quell this little "uprising" of theirs. Damned bastards, no shred of gratitude to us, no sir. Evidenced even more so by the fact that patient Atragon's fried corpse was found outside our office this morning a few hours ago. Again, we could still smell the burned flesh. Not a pretty sight. And we still can't find the device from anywhere! It was such a quality machine, made by Siemens or some other European firm I think. Now that you think about it, it was pretty old... like from the 1930's.

                  Reference to "Herd them together" has already been noted, and further implicates Spaced Cowboy.

                  Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                  After sitting inside the institution for the past four days, we just had to get some fresh air, lest we go... mad. Heh.

                  We chose to do it in the early morning, because all the patients are usually asleep at that time. You can never be absolutely certain, of course, but we decided to take our chances just this once.

                  The downside to this plan is that the surroundings of the institution are rather drab. Yes, there's a forest, but we aren't too fond of the thought of going there at night. Some innate distaste for dark, damp and dangerous-looking places, maybe.

                  We had to trace back our steps hastily into the building only after a short while of walking, though, because the building itself managed to scare the bejeezus out of us. Not only does it look mighty malformed and distorted in moonlight, it seemed to have this evil, glowing aura surrounding it.

                  With all the latest deaths... like the defenestration of DrSpike early in the evening... it's not like it'd be the first time a place like this would be considered haunted, surely? But we couldn't vacate the place, not quite yet... our work wasn't quite done yet...

                  In the morning we again did our rounds. We weren't surprised in the least when we came upon the burned corpse of DarkCloud. Since they are already piling up in the morgue like nothing, we just decided to let it sit there.

                  Maybe it'll be a warning example to the others. Maybe that's why there's been no end to it yet? Damn patients.
                  Any clues here seem to implicate Lord Nuclear and are of no help that I can see.

                  Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                  I am now alone. It feels so quiet... and so empty in here.

                  The gall! They took his room by storm, took him from his bed and threw him out of the window.

                  Good colleague, Dr Lord Nuclear, you will be missed.

                  You will also be revenged, and my vengeance will be horrible and excruciating! I am already on the move - Hercules was the first on this renewed crusade, as I found the device used for the electrocutions. A beauty, a Siemens AZR-4200. Over 50 years old and still working like nothing.. Maybe fashion it into a prod of some kind. Heh. Heh heh. Now Hercules' charred flesh stains the floor of one of the operation theaters.

                  Slowly, they will all die.
                  Reference to it being so "empty" in here, as SPACE must feel.
                  Reference to the "prod" has already been mentioned as refering to a certain Cowboy.
                  Reference to being over 50 years old hopefully a red herring, as that indicates one of our senior posters (Some of whom are still alive).

                  Originally posted by Kassiopeia
                  I waited for Nuclear to do his thing again, but nothing happened.

                  Oh, right, he's dead.

                  Although there never was a corpse... but I distinctly recall them taking him - or was that a dream?

                  Regardless, I am now alone. Oh so alone!

                  Stars can be seen through the window now, through which they they threw out reismark, but there's only so many of us left. I have to take them out before they do me in.

                  Nuclear was nowhere to be found, so I did his work for him. I chose Paddy the Scot to be our, er, my next victim.
                  As has been stated, the "stars" again seem to refer to "Space" and though not entirely damning or conclusive, I have no choice but to vote for.........
                  Spaced Cowboy

                  "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                  • Hehe scuppered!

                    You may join the ranks of those who have deciphered entire sets of clues to unmask the mafia.


                    • And also the ranks of detectives who tend to get off-ed early, to stop them doing what you just have: detect.

                      Thankfully those ranks are growing so that at least one of us survives long enough to do the unmasking.
                      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                      • Mind you we also enjoy a good Docpile from time to time.
                        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                        • I never look for clues.

                          Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                          • And I killed off Ljube for that very reason. And when he said he was still going to come back and hunt for clues, guess what? He didn't.


                            • Yeah, nice bullseye you painted there Sparrow.


                              • We detectives have professional ethics. We try to avoid doing what the remaining live players should be doing: detecting, looking for clues. Sometimes we stray though.

                                What we never/rarely do is bold suspects when we're killed, AFAIK, unlike some others.
                                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

