Super Mario Kart - good to see this is winning so far. best game ever. I remember placing bets on battle mode.
Super Metroid - only type of game similar to Castlevania that I would actually admit could be a better series...
Final Fantasy 2/4 - "Cecil, I am your father.... brother!"
Final Fantasy 3/6
Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Street Fighter - If you know me.....
Other - All the Castlevania series
Other - not officialy imported or translated. - My first thought, Dracula X: Rondo's blood.
Game I havent voted but deserves mentioning...
Super Knockout
Breath of Fire (1 or 2)
Super Mario World - would have voted for it, but didnt play as much as games above so...
Yoshi's Island
F-Zero - Good, but not as good as mario kart
Zelda: A link to the past - Only zelda game I enjoyed. That deserves something..
Super Metroid - only type of game similar to Castlevania that I would actually admit could be a better series...
Final Fantasy 2/4 - "Cecil, I am your father.... brother!"
Final Fantasy 3/6
Secret of Mana
Chrono Trigger
Street Fighter - If you know me.....
Other - All the Castlevania series
Other - not officialy imported or translated. - My first thought, Dracula X: Rondo's blood.
Game I havent voted but deserves mentioning...
Super Knockout
Breath of Fire (1 or 2)
Super Mario World - would have voted for it, but didnt play as much as games above so...
Yoshi's Island
F-Zero - Good, but not as good as mario kart
Zelda: A link to the past - Only zelda game I enjoyed. That deserves something..