Digging a bit deeper, the reticle comes in several colors, each of which means something:
1) Green: Unit Sprite has movement points available.
2) Yellow: Unit Sprite has used up all movement points on this turn
3) Red: Unit Sprite has no movement points (f/e a "city")
4) Black: Sprite is a Good (reticle appears and then fades away)
Unfortunately I could not find the reticle graphic in any of the files. It's not included with the compressed .zfs or .til files, nor is it one of the editable cursors. In addition, there is a different look for the settler-type units, as the green reticle also includes a small green outline around the adjacent hexes.
The good news is that I found the file which controls the colors: Colors00.txt. Rather than require modders to edit this file, the SC team added a line to userprofile.txt (ColorSet=0). The way it works is, you create an alternate file with a different numeric ending and the game will use that file instead of the default. For example, Cradle5 now uses a file named Colors06.txt and the line in userprofile.txt has changed to ColorSet=6. As for the specific color, Line 44 is the culprit, specifying that the reticle is a bright neon green. I played around with this and tested a number of different colors, but unfortunately all of them obscure the movement to some degree. The big problem is the reticle graphic itself does not have an alpha channel (nor can one be assigned), so it's impossible to add a transparency effect, which would solve the problem. Anyway I finally settled on a "less bright" tone of green, and the reticle is now somewhat less obtrusive (see attached).
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