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Medieval Pack II: A Call to Arms

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  • Engineer, you can modify the Medpack to your own setup fairly easily, unless I am mistaken. Simply take the MM2_gamefile.txt, and replace the names for individual files with names from your mod and save it as ENG_gamefile for example. Then you take the MM2_units.txt and make changes to it, and save it as ENG_units.txt, then specify that file in your gamefile text instead of MM2_units.txt. You may have to keep up with this thread, since I am still correcting bugs in the units text, but I hope you get the picture.

    Dale, the pics look great. This will definitely improve the game.

    Gnoll, you are right about the Cruise Missile. Find the unit in units.txt, and change the four CanAttack lines to CanBombard.

    Martin, fill me in sometime on you work with goods. I have not delved into this at all for Ctp2. Tim, have you experimented any?
    Btw, I went through the citymod readmes and updated the Medpack readmes.

    Rhuarc, Crusade will be the next major public release of the Medpack II.

    Jani, it sounds like your files are corrupted. Get the latest text update and see if things don't clear up.

    Jules, send Wouter (Locutus) your work, and I will let you two get the SLIC worked out. If text changes need to be made, send everything to me and I will get it posted.
    I would still like for someone to verify this without using the cheat mode, since it would seem to make existing triggers more complicated, which I do not like.
    If and when it is verified, however, fixing it needs to be our top priority right now.


    • Crusade wish list

      Originally posted by WesW
      2) food bonuses to a civ when they discover some of the medical advances, to simulate the runaway populations we saw in Europe in the 19th century and many 3rd world nations in the 20th century. I don't think this one is possible, though.
      How badly do you want this one? I think we could do it using a variant of my wonder fix. What you do is create an improvement in "buildings.txt" (or more than one if you like) with zero upkeep and zero production cost (so you can't get gold from selling it)--like my "anti" buildings. Have it give bonus food. Include this building in Locutus's wonder SLIC so it can't ever be built. Then like in my wonder fix use the CityBeginTurn trigger and check if the city owner has one of these medical advances or whatever, and create the food building if you have the advance.
      "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


      • Originally posted by WesW
        Jani, it sounds like your files are corrupted. Get the latest text update and see if things don't clear up.
        I burned all files to CD-R.

        But hey my first vacation after the year 1994 will start after two hours! Could you imagine that... No vacation in seven summers(ok ok I had one week vacation two years ago but I had to make those hours back in work afterwards). So if my wife and child will let me have some time to play in my vacation I will install all MedPack files again and have a some nice time with the MedPack.

        I will be back with my "stupid" suggestions and bugreports after three weeks(usually we have four weeks vacation in summer here in Finland but I will get not get the full vacation till next year(if I do not change my job(I am not designed to change this))).



        • Originally posted by Wes
          It is hard to give appropriate style to civs like the Mongols and Zulus who are known for their conquests rather than their buildings.
          Giving appropriate city styles is hard for all civs if you ask me. The Dutch had a very specific architecture that doesn't really resemble any of the existing styles. Polynesians, Zulus and Bantus lived in huts rather than in houses, Indonesian architecture didn't resemble the currently used Chinese style at all, what to do with modern civs like the Americans, Australians or Canadians, etc, etc. The only way to be historically accurate would be to give every civ it's own city style but that would require a massive amount of graphics. If you ask me, the best you can do is distribute the various styles roughly evenly over all civs (following historic whenever possible) so you don't have to look at the same two or three styles 80-90% of the time. In my setup I gave the Pyramids to all nations you mentioned plus the Zulu. I also made a couple of other changes to my own setup so that almost all styles are used by 6 civs. Since I usually play with 6 or 7 civs per game I usually encounter 5 or 6 (of 7) different citystyles in every game.

          Originally posted by janilxx
          Some early South American nations had same kind of pyramids too(for example Incas) so if there is incas or other South American nation in the game(I do not remember) they could have pyramids too.
          Yes, but those are already represented in the game by the Mayan/Aztec style: those are Pyramids too. Only American Pyramids looked quite different compared to their Egyptian counterparts.

          Hmm, good thing I brought the city expansion thing up then. I'll start working on the pirate code and renewed elite code as soon as I can. I'll also have a look at that wonderbuilding code, see if I can reproduce Jules' bug-report myself. However, I'll be out of town most of the weekend and after that my summer job starts, so I have no idea how long it will take me to do all that.

          (Where would this mod be without the Dutch? Go figure.)
          Thanks, Wes (Don't worry, you didn't hurt my feelings or anything; personally I just find it funny how people always mistake us for some other nationality )

          About the pirates code: I'm just gonna write a very generic version for the pirate code and let Wes decide (in advance and/or after playtesting) on when/how often/how strong/etc they should be.

          I agree with Immortal Wombat that random events, in particular natural disasters, would be a nice addition. Of course, the details would have to be worked out first (which events, what effects, how often, etc) before coding should begin.

          Jules, you're right about the KillWonder event: it doesn't exist. I swore it did but I must have been confused with DestroyBuilding and/or RemoveAdvance or something. Unfortunately there's no equivilant for Wonders, only a WonderDestroyed event but IIRC that could only be listened for and didn't actually destroy the wonder itself. I guess we'll have to go with your solution after all. On the food bonuses: exactly what I was thinking. The only problem could be the 64-buildings limit.

          Those diplo-pics are looking great, Dale!
          Last edited by Locutus; July 6, 2001, 11:28.
          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


          • Re: Trade Bug

            Originally posted by Martin Gühmann

            StarGazer a Freight Transport is worth three Caravans. If you build one Freight Transport you will get three Caravans for the trade screen. So for your problem you have to build five more Caravans or two Freight Transport. I think your problem is a problem of names. Replace the term Caravan by trade units in the trade screen. (Of course in your mind.)

            No, Martin, I don't get three Caravans for one Freight Transport in the trade screen. That's the problem. I get only one Caravan for each Freight Transport. Although I now have three Freight Transports built, the Trade Manager says that I still need to build FIVE more Caravans in order to establish a trade route that requires eight Caravans.

            Wes, can you solve this? Thanks!


            • Locutus,
              Do you know how to make the CreateWonder trigger work? My original idea to fix the bug was to create "anti" wonders. Plus, with Wes's idea of bonus food from advances, that'd leave us with a few improvements to work with before reaching the 64-building limit. I've been using CreateWonder with CityBeginTurn, so for example:

              HandleEvent(CityBeginTurn) 'MakeWonderTest' post {
              if (CityHasWonder(city[0], WonderDB(WONDER_STONEHENGE))) {
              if (HasAdvance(city[0].owner, ID_ADVANCE_RAILROAD)) {
              Event:CreateWonder(city[0], WonderDB(WONDER_PENICILLIN));

              If it worked, this would create the Penicillin wonder in a city that possessed Stonehenge after that civ discovered Railroad; then the trigger would be disabled. Problem is, CTP2 crashes to desktop when the prerequisite conditions for creating Penicillin are satisfied. Perhaps wonders can't be created during the CityBeginTurn phase; maybe at a different point in the turn. Any ideas?
              "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


              • I never used CityBeginTurn before, maybe that's causing problems? If I would have implemented your code I would have used BeginTurn and cycled through all cities using GetCityByIndex.
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • Ok, this is where my knowledge of SLIC events gets fuzzy. The only trigger I've used so far is CityBeginTurn, just because there happened to be an example using it in Activision's SLIC guide.

                  BeginTurn(int_t, int_t)

                  This is the info given by Activision's events doc. BeginTurn has two integer arguments, the first identifies the player. What's the second one for? And under what variable name is the player number passed within the trigger, player[0]? Thanks.
                  "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                  • Oh, and is your first city indexed as 0 or 1?
                    "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                    • You may want to look at some of the code I made for the MedMod or other stuff, I used this sort of this dozens of times. Yes, player[0] is where the player is stored. The second int is probably the year, but I never needed that so I didn't bother to test it, first city is indeed 0. It should be roughly like this (usual disclaimer: untested, blah, blah)

                      EventHandler(BeginTurn) 'WonderTest' post {
                      city_t tmpCity;
                      int_t i;
                         for (i = 0; i < player[0].cities; i = i + 1) {
                            GetCityByIndex(player[0], i, tmpCity);
                            if (CityHasWonder(tmpCity, WonderDB(WONDER_STONEHENGE))) {
                               if (HasAdvance(tmpCity.owner, ID_ADVANCE_RAILROAD)) {
                                  Event:CreateWonder(tmpCity, WonderDB(WONDER_PENICILLIN));
                      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                      • Danke.

                        btw, how did you get your code to look like that in the message?
                        "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                        • Rats! I just tested it out and the same thing happened--game crashed.
                          "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                          • To get your code displayed properly use this:
                            [ code]put your code here[/code]

                            Only without the space between '[' and 'code]'.

                            If it crashes, it's probably the CreateWonder event that is broken, as you suspected. I'll have a look myself tonight or so, but I don't think anything can be done about it
                            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                            • I've used CityBeginTurn before without encountering any problems. So I just plugged an insignificantly changed version of Jule's code into a scenario I'm running and it worked fine. What error messages are you getting Jules?


                              • Woah! Peter, you mean you put this code into your scenario?

                                HandleEvent(CityBeginTurn) 'MakeWonderTest' post { 
                                  if (CityHasWonder(city[0], WonderDB(WONDER_STONEHENGE))) { 
                                    if (HasAdvance(city[0].owner, ID_ADVANCE_RAILROAD)) { 
                                      Event:CreateWonder(city[0], WonderDB(WONDER_PENICILLIN)); 
                                Did you actually test it with a city having Stonehenge, and then discovering Railroad? Did Penicillin then show up in that city?

                                When I try to make it work, CTP2 crashes to desktop with a "This Program Has Peformed an Illegal Operation" error. That's weird if it actually works for you.
                                "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri

