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Medieval Pack II: A Call to Arms

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  • Edit: another (minor) issue: in the last version of the mod I played, the Egyptians were the only civ with a Pyramid city style while this style is by far the best-looking of all.

    Couldn't you add it to some other African nations too? I already did this myself for my own game but I'd have to have to redo it everytime you bring out a new version...
    I gave this citystyle in CityMod2 to the Egyptains, the Zulus, the Negerian and the Necaraguan. The last Civ was a mistake but what about the Ethiopians? You will ask for the correctness of these styles. But it is also wrong to give the Zulus the palace style I was quite surprised to see this. By the way Wes you should update the readme about CityMod.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • Hey Wes,

      I didn't read anything in the large civs addition regarding distance from capitol. Is there a way to change this value too, because larger civs are generally more spread out. I always thought that there should be some kind of measured increase in movement, distance unhappiness etc with respect to larger maps. Since there isn't then, theoretically, a map could almost become unplayable due to sheer size, even if its size were supported by the game engine.


      I use to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure


      • Adam, I did think about the distance penalties, but I realized that they should be taken care of by the reduced movement costs. The distance penalty is based upon the number of turns it takes to get from the capital to the city, so reducing the movement costs by one-third should accomodate the increased number of cities. Once you have roads, the penalty should not be a factor anyway.

        I really like the Egyptian style too, but no one else built anything like they did, so I kept their style unique. I have went back and given the style to the Hebrews, Ethiopians and Bantu.
        It is hard to give an appropriate style to civs like the Mongols and Zulus who are known for their conquests rather than their buildings.
        The CItymod 2 is listed in the Installation readme, and described along with Harlan's mod in the City and Civs readme. I have gone in and noted which of you did what. Is there something I have forgotten I include?

        "BTW Wes, just dawned to me: weren't you considering to add BleuO's city expansion mod to the MedMod a while back? I think that would be a great addition, why did it never come to that?"

        I *knew* I was forgetting something! Yes, I definitely want to get the expansion mod into the game. It was going to be one of the highlights of the Crusade release, I had just forgotten to list it on my notecard of the additions. I wondered why things seemed a little flat.
        Ok, here is what I have on my Crusade wishlist:

        1)BlueO's city expansion mod. This one may be difficult, since I do not want to use his method of using the exanding city squares as a type of trade good. If they could be dead or special terrain with the city graphics on top, that would work well.
        Dale, this would be a good one for you to jump on while Wouter is working on the pirate code.
        Jules, if you want to join us, you are more than welcome. You certainly seem to have some knowledge and expertise in this from your earlier post. You can contact us by email so we can get you on our list, and read up on BlueO's code. His mod should still be up at .

        2)Huysman's pirate code. Wouter has said that he would try and finish this. This could be a pretty complicated trigger if you give the pirates land units like I want.
        Dale, your experience with the withdrawal trigger and dealing with borders over water could come in handy. Hopefully you guys will start trading emails and come up with some solutions to whatever it was that Huysman's couldn't work out. The last I heard, he said he was almost finished with the trigger. It's too bad that he left. (Where would this mod be without the Dutch? Go figure.)

        3)Terrain influenced Elite units. Wouter is already familiar with this one. I want the 9 tiles that a civ's city is on and touching to play a factor in the odds of getting Elite units. Thus, cities with a lot of water around them, like if they were on a small continent or large island, would have a better than 1 in 6 chance of getting the Catamaran or Viking units (Longship and Berserker). Civs with a lot of flat terrain would be more apt to get mounted units, while hilly terrain would increase the chances of the Zulu or Legion units. If we can get the code working, I can have a lot of fun deciding the factors.

        These are the big three things that I have in mind at the moment. Since the AI behavior problems kept setting the first public release back, some of the things I had initially envisioned for the Crusade release were ready to go in the first release, like the basic Elite units code. Things like Dale's latest trigger to change diplomacy personalities could have been in Crusade too, but since it was finished and apparently stable, there was no good reason not to include it right now in an update.
        I hope to get in touch with Harlan sometime soon, and have him send me his buildings pack so that all the buidings in the mod will have full-sized pics. Harlan, if you read this, send them on in to me. I also wish Charles would return my emails and get me the rest of the GL write-ups he has, even if he never did get them all finished.

        Some of the smaller things that I would like to see in the mod include:

        1) mercenary units, which would be supported by gold rather than production.
        2) food bonuses to a civ when they discover some of the medical advances, to simulate the runaway populations we saw in Europe in the 19th century and many 3rd world nations in the 20th century. I don't think this one is possible, though.
        3) boats with fuel supplies, like the PT boat and Monitor. Dale's air trigger might be modified to make the AIs return to base. In this manner, you could give the PT's a big movement range to simulate their speed, but make them return to base the next turn so simulate their role as a defensive and coastal patrol unit.

        Dale contacted me today and said that he has found a way to bring back the leader pics to the game, so that is one of the smaller things I wanted already done, I hope.

        These are all things I have had in mind since back in the winter, and I hope they explain some of the seemingly superfluous advances and units in the game. They also add to the Medpack's tradition of combining all the best in the civ genre with things never seen before to bring you something more realistic and more fun than we have ever played.


        • Originally posted by Locutus
          Edit: another (minor) issue: in the last version of the mod I played, the Egyptians were the only civ with a Pyramid city style while this style is by far the best-looking of all. Couldn't you add it to some other African nations too? I already did this myself for my own game but I'd have to have to redo it everytime you bring out a new version... (I know, I'm a lazy bastard )
          Some early South American nations had same kind of pyramids too(for example Incas) so if there is incas or other South American nation in the game(I do not remember) they could have pyramids too.


          • I am still playing with my "maybe corrupted version" of MedMod(the second final public release(but it might be so that my version has have some mix-ups in textfiles and it might not be fully the correct version)).

            I am playing in impossible.

            Do you guys have to build all happiness improvements to all cities? I do not. I have built shrine to all cities but I do not have theater, arena or basilica in my cities. And my cities are mostly between 73-75 in happiness. I am now playing in year 1500AD(plus/minus 200 years). I have about 15 cities. And I have not built any wonders so that will not be the reason of my happy people.

            So my point is are the citizens too happy in the game? I think that it is meant that almost all happiness improvements are usually built to keep citizens happy.


            • Originally posted by WesW
              2)Huysman's pirate code. Wouter has said that he would try and finish this. This could be a pretty complicated trigger if you give the pirates land units like I want.
              Dale, your experience with the withdrawal trigger and dealing with borders over water could come in handy. Hopefully you guys will start trading emails and come up with some solutions to whatever it was that Huysman's couldn't work out. The last I heard, he said he was almost finished with the trigger. It's too bad that he left. (Where would this mod be without the Dutch? Go figure.)
              I have writed a post about pirates a long time ago. I will paste it here(turns may be wrong but fix them a little):

              "I read from local newspaper about a month ago that there were for example hundreds of cargoship captures in Asia in year 2000 made by modern pirates. So we could have that kind of pirates in CTP2 too near the year 2000. Maybe near the year 2000 those pirates could be located only in big oceans and they would try to find traderoutes and if they see other ships they would try to hide.

              Maybe this would be easiest to do making two kind of pirates. Pirates1 for turns 100-450 and Pirates2 from the turn 450(or maybe from 400 etc) to the end of the game."


              • free improvement wonder bug

                I originally discovered the problem using the method you described: in scenario editor giving yourself the wonder, then a few turns later giving yourself the advance that obsoletes it. But to be sure it wasn't just something screwy with cheat mode, I built the wonder normally for a few turns, then gave myself enough gold to rush build it. Then I gave myself the prerequisite advances for the obsoleting advance and researched that normally. Alas, same result!

                Is there a KillWonder event? I have all of Activision's SLIC documentation, and haven't found an event or function that destroys wonders. I did find a CreateWonder event, but haven't been able to make it work (CTP2 crashes to desktop everytime it's executed). The documentation is probably incomplete (personally I think it sucks, but oh well... ). I agree that killing the wonder would be the easiest, least messy solution. Although ever since playing the original Civ, I always liked having wonders around even after they expired as a monument to past greatness. Especially during the end-game period when you were almost always involved in a world war with jealous AIs, nukes were flying, and you would think, "Hey, remember when we had that Colossus thing, eliminated our budget deficit, conquered the Roman Empire, and really turned the corner in the science race? Those were the days, huh?!" But I digress....

                I guess I'd be willing to help out as much as I can with your other projects for the Med Mod. I know a little of SLIC and I can program (had an undergraduate course in TurboPascal, and I program with statistical packages for my graduate work). My wonder fix involves a handful of simple SLIC events/functions (where I could figure out what Activision's documentation was saying! ) and lots of if-else/elseif statements. I'm meticulous to a fault, which is probably how I noticed this wonder bug. So I'd be glad to help. Thanks for making me feel welcome.
                "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


                • Trade Bug?

                  I'm at 1953 C.E. I just built three Freight Transports in order to establish a trade route with a city that required 8 trade units. As you know, whereas a Caravan is worth one trade unit, a Freight Transport is worth three. Therefore, three FTs should be enough to establish this trade route.

                  The problem is that when I entered the Modern Age in 1904 C.E. (I believe) my Trade Advisor did not change over from Caravans to Freight Transports. The Trade Advisor shows that I have three CARAVANS built, not three Freight Transports, and when I tried to establish the route, he said that I needed five more CARAVANS.

                  So evidently there is a trade bug. I am using the MM2 upgrade just before the one that included Dale's most recent Diplomod upgrade.

                  I am playing at Medium Level.


                  • Wes, ok, I m going to show my ignorance here, and I know that it tells about it in the current version, but what exactly is the MedPack II Crusade? Is it just like a major second public release of the mod? Or is is it a new mod completely? Thanks!
                    DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda


                    • The CItymod 2 is listed in the Installation readme, and described along with Harlan's mod in the City and Civs readme. I have gone in and noted which of you did what. Is there something I have forgotten I include?
                      Maybe I forgot to send to you the CM2 final readme. I only sent the necessary files that I changed and added from the beta. The changes from the beta are four additional styles instead of three. The last style was the palace style it is based on a style that PinkFriend (I only know his nick) offered to use in your mod in the MM2 beta thread. Therefore the MedPack contains now 91 additional city graphics instead of 75. I will send the CM2e_readme.txt to you, Wes.

                      About Goods Wes did you ever try what happen if you create a good with these values?

                      From GM1_goods.txt
                      # Crabs
                      TERRAIN_GLACIER_GOOD_THREE {
                      SpriteID 23
                      Sound SOUND_ID_CRABS
                      Gold -1
                      # Food 10
                      # Production 10
                      Probability 0
                      Icon ICON_GOOD_GLACIER_THREE

                      # Pearls
                      TERRAIN_GLACIER_GOOD_FOUR {
                      SpriteID 24
                      Sound SOUND_ID_PEARLS
                      Gold 0
                      # Food 10
                      # Production 10
                      Probability 0
                      Icon ICON_GOOD_GLACIER_FOUR
                      I had to place both goods extra on the terrain and they didn't show up in the trade manager. After I deactivated the food and production fields. I have no idea what these fields do and I have no idea why I see the the dummy good graphic instead of the baloon and starroad graphics from the seven samurai scenario.

                      StarGazer a Freight Transport is worth three Caravans. If you build one Freight Transport you will get three Caravans for the trade screen. So for your problem you have to build five more Caravans or two Freight Transport. I think your problem is a problem of names. Replace the term Caravan by trade units in the trade screen. (Of course in your mind.)

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                      • Two more requests for Crusade! -

                        1) Natural Disasters
                        2) Martin's GoodMod, if its done.
                        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                        • FYI-

                          there was an artical in the NY Times today about the US Coast Guard helping out Asian countries against piracy:

                          Just to give some facts and figures to what jani just said up there.


                          • cruiese missiles

                            I cannot seem to get cruise missiles to do anything but crash and burn. they have no attack str no bombard ability. What gives?


                            • For those who didn't see it in the Apolyton Pack thread, how I'm setting up the diplo photos. Here's the test screen I did with the yanks:
                              Attached Files


                              • Dale,

                                Pictures look great. I think it will add a little personality to the game.


                                Is it my understanding that mod's won't work with the Med Mod II. I was hoping to use Med Mod as a base, but I guess that's not possible unless everybody adjusted their mod. Oh Well, maybe for now on...

