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Medieval Pack II: A Call to Arms

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  • Lost Trade Routes

    (1) My only complaint about the MedMod is that horrible rifleman sprite.

    (2) I'm in the late modern age, and have dusted my only real competetor after a long hard war. BUT, whenever I activate a trade route with the second most powerful civ, the route disappears after I hit end turn. They do not have an embargo against me, and I've noticed that I cannot cancel trade routes from foriegn cites to my cities. WHy is this happening? Is it a bug? Is the other civ able to cancel routes in order to hamper my growth? What gives? Anyone?


    • I had the same thing happen to me with the trade routes in my last game. The only thing I can figure is that the AI is enbargoing you, and there is a bug so that it doesn't show up on the diplomacy screen. I ended up making routes with another civ in my game.

      Other than the Rifleman sprite, you like the other 99.9999 percent of the mod, right?

      I didn't realize that revolting cities lost all their defensive units. I may have to raise the cost back to the original level. Does the cost seem too low now?


      • I hate to be a spoil sport here but the changes that have been made do not address the fundamental problem with CTP2. I have played the Med Mod about a dozen times now up to circa 1500 AD. I gave up in each of them from just plain boredom. The AI is totally and absolutely passive. In CTP1 being next door to, say, the Greeks was guaranteed to give your military skills a good workout. In CTP2 nothing happens. In desperation I tried attacking the AI a few times but no sooner had a war started than they were all begging for peace. Sorry, but this is simply not interesting.


        • Originally posted by WesW
          I didn't realize that revolting cities lost all their defensive units. I may have to raise the cost back to the original level. Does the cost seem too low now?
          Cost of what? Cost of Incite revolution. It costed me about 4700 to incite revolution in city with size 9(I do not know the happiness level). At least when I checked my money before incite revolution(It was maybe just before or few turns before when I checked my money) there were about 4700 moneypieces and after incite I had just 0(zero) money.

          I think that about 5000 moneypieces is quite low for a city??? But maybe that price is just fine if we could have few(or more) units left in the city when it revolts so that it would not be so easy to capture.

          Could we get some kind of list where we could check how much it will cost to incite revolution in city. Like:

          size happiness cost
          1 73 50
          1 75 100
          1 77 200
          2 73 500
          2 75 800


          • I had the same thing happen to me with the trade routes in my last game. The only thing I can figure is that the AI is enbargoing you, and there is a bug so that it doesn't show up on the diplomacy screen. I ended up making routes with another civ in my game.
            No Wes, I think you are wrong.
            1. Why it happens in post-modern age?
            2. Why with all civs (I cannot trade with anyone else, although every civ admire me)?
            3. I made a trade pact with Arabians, next turn my route was broken again, but trade pact was still active!

            BTW, why when I declare an embargo to one country I can make a trade route with this country?



            • Wes, are troop ships supposed to attack cities?

              In a game I am playing with the latest update I have just reached the modern age. I am at war with the Vikings who are placed on a island across from my continent.

              Now they have started attacking my cities with troop ships. Why they go on these suicide missions I don't know.

              I have seen this happen sometimes with other kinds of ships too. Sad to see the AI waste resources like this, so I hope you can fix it.

              No other bugs found so far. Good work.



              • Originally posted by Lou Wigman
                The AI is totally and absolutely passive. In CTP1 being next door to, say, the Greeks was guaranteed to give your military skills a good workout. In CTP2 nothing happens. In desperation I tried attacking the AI a few times but no sooner had a war started than they were all begging for peace. Sorry, but this is simply not interesting.

                What difficulty level do you play on? I have a theory about this.



                • The AI was aggressive with me at Impossible and highest level of barbians. Just to add to your poll, Peter.


                  • Other than the rifleman sprite? The game kicks ass! I had unistalled the damn thing and written it off as a loss. Now I can't stop playing.

                    And yes, it seems only one civ at a time pulls that dropping trade routes crap, so who knows. I just trade with others.


                    • Mister Pleasant, can I quote you on that?

                      Lou, give the game another try with the latest text update. I feel sure that you will find that the militaristic AIs now act as you would expect them to act. Passivity was a problem up until a few weeks ago, but I think we finally have that problem licked. Dale's new personality changing trigger should further spice things up.

                      Dane, Troop Ships can't attack or bombard anything, so it is very strange that the AI would send them to attack you. Are you sure they are not trying to land troops next to your city?

                      As far as dropping the trade routes, I think this is a form of passive resistance by the AIs. When you have pulled ahead of everyone else by a significant margin, they are trying to hinder you in a non-military fashion.
                      I may be wrong about this, but I have a feeling I am not, and if true it would actually be a compliment to the designers of this feature.

                      Btw, does anyone else find the animated smiles to the left of the reply screen distracting?


                      • Originally posted by WesW
                        Dane, Troop Ships can't attack or bombard anything, so it is very strange that the AI would send them to attack you. Are you sure they are not trying to land troops next to your city?
                        Yes, they do infact attack my cities and so does ironclads and ship of the lines. I am sure of that . They always lose so I think they should not have this abillity (If they do infact have that ability. )

                        I have not seen this in any other games I have played so it is very strange. I will do some more testing on this when I resume my game. If no one else has seen this happen chances are something has just gone crazy with my game.



                        • Medieval Mod

                          I bought ctp couple years ago. I downloaded wes's old mod for it. It was cool then i bought ctp2. I got that mod as well. I think a big slap on the back for wes fpr all the work he has done is in order.


                          • Originally posted by WesW
                            Btw, does anyone else find the animated smiles to the left of the reply screen distracting?
                            Nope(at least not me). It is actually ok that those animated smilies are in reply page. But if there will be many of them in messages I would like to turn smilies off.


                            • How to Threaten War?

                              Am still playing my very first game of CTP (CTP2 MM2 minus the most recent MM2 update), so forgive my ignorance.

                              Anyway, Dale suggested that I threaten England in order to "persuade" them to change their regard to a more positive one (they are now "irked" at my diplomatic proposals and they display a "sad" icon and have done so for the last 73 turns regardless of my attempts to improve their regard -- offering 100 gold each turn, holding a diplomatic reception, etc.).

                              However, I couldn't find any "threaten" option in the Diplomacy Manager. Only "request, offer, and treaties/pacts" or Declare War or Embargo.

                              I don't want to actually declare war. I just want to threaten England with the possibility of war. Is that possible?


                              • Demand some gold, or a city, and if they decline, then you get an option to threaten them.
                                Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                                "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

