I've been a die-hard civ fanatic since the dawn of civ back in the early 90's. Of all the civ variations I've been addicted to, this one has got to be the most consumer sensitive product since the unix empire suite. Wess, I will most certainly send you a check. Your efforts in relegating the future Pol Pot dictators to the harmless basement and back-room computers is a social service indeed! It takes one to know one
I've been a die-hard civ fanatic since the dawn of civ back in the early 90's. Of all the civ variations I've been addicted to, this one has got to be the most consumer sensitive product since the unix empire suite. Wess, I will most certainly send you a check. Your efforts in relegating the future Pol Pot dictators to the harmless basement and back-room computers is a social service indeed! It takes one to know one
