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Medieval Pack II: A Call to Arms

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  • Re: Why Can't I Delete My Posts?

    Originally posted by StarGazer
    What do I have to do in order to be able to delete posts in which I have asked questions to which I have discovered the answers and therefore which no longer need to remain posted?

    Every time I try to delete one of my own posts, I am blocked from doing so.:banned:
    StarGazer only forum administrators and moderators are able to delete posts. But maybe other people have the same question in their mind they will get the answer here that you a have already discovered. And for these people your question need to remain posted. Otherwise we could delete every thread which is dead.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • Thanks for the heads-up on the large civs, Starfighter. I had wondered why there had been no comments on it. The link now works.
      I have also changed the Public School preq. I tried to be sure and not have any obseleting buildings as preqs, but I obviously missed one here.

      Mister, I have changed the Ecotopian gov't to Communism. It is a pretty good fit. At least it should be available a hundred turns or so before Fundamentalism.

      Pedrunn, you are right about the random setting. I have thought about changing it to 5, too. What do the rest of you think?

      I sent an email to Dale informing him of your embassy reports. Hopefully he will see it when he gets to work in a few hours.


      • Well, I'm well on with my game now. 1800AD and ticking... I noticed some things, mostly good, for me, but not very good for the AI.
        1: With the new decrease in research costs in the later stages, I manage to be ahead of the chart almost all the time. Playing on Impossible with 8 civs on a 98 x 196 "gigantic" map, as usual. Before, I've had enuff problems keeping up with the AI's in science. Now, I'm waaaaaay ahead of them and I can't really say that my empire is that much better than it usually are. Sure, I manage mostly without bigger problems there. But now it wasn't that fun seeing the AI getting left behind.

        Some good updates on the AI:
        They build cities like rabbits multiply i.e, enuff.
        Also noticed they changed "policies" during game, haven't noticed many side-effects of that so far.

        Time to go to bed, 2:30 am at the moment.


        • Originally posted by WesW
          I have also changed the Public School preq. I tried to be sure and not have any obseleting buildings as preqs, but I obviously missed one here.
          WES, did you make that change in the July 18th update, or is there an even more recent update?

          Originally posted by WesW
          Pedrunn, you are right about the random setting. I have thought about changing it to 5, too. What do the rest of you think?
          Although I've played only two games so far, I think 6 is OK. I've gotten elite units in both my games. If you change it to 5, that includes the AIs, and in the two games I have played, they have certainly gotten their fair share of EUs! But then, two games is not what I would call a "fair sampling" statistically.

          Originally posted by WesW
          I sent an email to Dale informing him of your embassy reports. Hopefully he will see it when he gets to work in a few hours.
          Yes, I'd like to know this, too, since all of a sudden, on TURN 40, an English noble appeared next to my capital city, established an embassy, and disappeared. And my civ hadn't even made contact with the Brits yet. But then, perhaps it was the noble himself who made "first contact."


          • MM2 update

            In my actual game (impossible, max. barbarians, huge map, 21 civs) sometime before the discovery of ocean faring I traded maps with a neighbouring civ.
            The map I got included information about a continent with three civs on it, which was completely isolated from the rest of the world and had no connection to it on the map, which would indicate the use of some early ocean faring elite-ships.
            I guess the map came to my neighbour with one of the 'teleporting nobles', which I saw several times appearing at my own capital.
            Not a severe bug I think, but it didn't happen before the update.

            Another thing I mentioned:
            Shortly after the discovery of public education I built a school in one of my biggest cities (size 19). I checked out the science output before and after the completion of the building and saw that it had decreased!
            By lowering the upkeep cost for the school from 16 to 6 in the MM2_buildings.txt I achieved a slight increase in science, but surely less than the promised 60 %.
            This experience made me have a closer look at the gold and science ratings, but I didn't understand completely, how they come about.

            Can anybody tell me, how this ratings are calculated and in which order wages, buildings like the bazaar and the academy, governmental influences and all the other things are taken into account?


            • Talking about the large civs addition. Is capitol distance unhappyness reduced (readme doesn't seem to mention it) too? I ask because I have cities on the other side of the world which keep rioting.


              • Geez, can't get you guys happy can I? You want AI's making embassies and swapping maps, so I do it. Now ya want them not to do it......

                I'm still working on it guys. Wait on it.


                • Hello everyone this is my first post. I have all the MODS and they installed without trouble ,the second try. I read most of the preceding posts yet did not see this BUG .If it is indeed a BUG.

                  Playing on Hard ,Im still learning.With 8 civs and the Gigantic map.With marauders as the Barbs. At about 1800 in every game ive tried so far .About 6 games in all. For no reason I can explain . ONE and only ONE of my trade routs deletes.If I restart it ,deletes again.Each turn I have to restart the rout and each turn I have one less caravan to do so .As one dies at the same time.

                  No matter how long I do this .The same thing occurs ONLY with one rout though. Does anyone know what might be going on here. .



                  • Update on my work: I've been busy with all sorts of non-SLIC stuff in the last week or so but still found a fair amount of time to code. The pirate trigger is progressing only very slowly. I'm still having trouble getting units to board the ships. I may have found a solution though, but it will be fairly complicated to code (don't worry, the strain on resources should be minimal) so that will probably take at least another week or so to finish.
                    In the meantime I also coded the terrain dependent elite unit code, which went a lot smoother: finished it in a single evening (the code was surprisingly simple to make). I still have to test it though, a preliminary test showed that is still has at least 1 bug but I don't know yet how serious it is (could be fixable in less than 5 minutes, could also take weeks).
                    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                    • Here's my update on what I'm doing.......

                      Nobles: I've been trying to sort out this thing with the "morphing nobles" as they are being called. They are actually deliberate because the only way I could find to establish an embassy was to create a noble and give it the order, then disband it. The idea was to get the AI making embassies. Anyways, the bug is that it's occuring too early. That's the point I'm working on.

                      City-expansion: Unfortunately due to doing the Apolyton Pack and working on the Nobles bug I haven't even had a chance to look at this one. But I do have some ideas on it.


                      • Dale & Locutus,

                        Keep up the good work and thanks for the update. I been following the mod for a while, but could you explain exactly what the you want the Pirates code (Locutus) to do and the same with city expansion code (Dale)? Also might help new people.


                        Are the trade routes with other nations? They could be a trade embargo against you. I think others discussed this before so it might be a bug, but I believe it was the embargo thing.


                        • Jason, the pirate code will be like that in civ2. Pirates will form like barbarians to raid your shorelines and land troops to attack your cities.
                          The expansion code will add a city tile next to existing cities when they reach certian sizes (generally when their borders expand). The tile underneath the new "suburb" will have no value, like a dead tile. This will be the price you pay to house your growing population. You will also in effect lose the production of the worker assigned to this square. I envision that worker as a city employee working to keep the city running (trash collection, maintenance, police, city hall, etc.)

                          Walco, that is a game bug you are experiencing. It deletes your last trade route each time you reload the game.

                          Apollon, you need to use the Large civs version, which is designed to help keep you from getting ahead in the timeline. I do not see how the new reduced advance costs would hurt the AIs performance. I think you may have some weak AI civs in this game.

                          PH, as for the School, building upkeep is taken out of commerce, along with wages, and what is left over is divided into science and gold dependent upon your slider settings. If your city does not have a lot of commerce left to convert into science, then the School upkeep may be negating the effects of the building. You need to build more commerce TIs, or else switch into a government which has a higher commerce rating.


                          • Originally posted by Walco
                            At about 1800 in every game ive tried so far .About 6 games in all. For no reason I can explain . ONE and only ONE of my trade routs deletes.If I restart it ,deletes again.Each turn I have to restart the rout and each turn I have one less caravan to do so .As one dies at the same time.

                            No matter how long I do this .The same thing occurs ONLY with one rout though. Does anyone know what might be going on here. .
                            I don't know if this fits your situation, but I'll offer my experience in case it helps.

                            I've found that when my civ gets, in the opinion of the other civs, far too powerful (or wealthy), they begin silently (i.e., without notifying me) to cancel my trade routes with them.

                            Each civ does it in its own way. Some cancel all their routes at once (the Native Americans seem the most prone to do this); some cancel only a few; etc. The first time this happened, I kept re-establishing the routes with the same civs, only to find the routes cancelled again on the next turn. Finally, I got so disgusted at losing one caravan for each route every turn, I switched all my trade to my own civ. Reduced income, but far less frustrating.


                            • Wes: Do you update the Large Civs version each time you release the other text update? Because I chose to use the normal version due to the fact that I didn't know if you updated them both. Mayby you should add a "update date" as with the txt file?


                              • Wes,

                                This trade bug - the one that deletes a route every time you reload, can this be fixed? If not, is there a way that the player can be "given" enough caravans so that he can reestablish the route?

