Strtegically speaking you should have infra whenever you need it.. If a city grows that extra square should that turn be given a fishery or a mine etc.. Think about it, you delay a turns production if infra 100%... BUT that infra you created works every single turn for the rest of the game.. You get the prod or growth benefit forever.. This is why in most of my games you see my Powergraph start low, as I invest in infrastructure, but later in the game it goes up alarmingly quickly..
Yes I am talking infra cities after aqua built if nothing else urgent required, but sometimes I still use infra as well..
Never be in such a rush to spread and build that you forget growth and prod.. These are key to winning a game.
Yes I am talking infra cities after aqua built if nothing else urgent required, but sometimes I still use infra as well..
Never be in such a rush to spread and build that you forget growth and prod.. These are key to winning a game.