Permission to unveil Project Delta?
In case I've been that little bit too cryptic, Project Delta is the Cyborgs' first Sky Hydroponics Lab, the first satellite to be built on Chiron. I was planning to unveil it shortly - is this OK? If so, which thread (the CC or PC) should I use to do so? I believe I put the original message regarding it in the PC thread.
Edit: And should we maybe think about creating a new Discussions thread, seen as this one is now on its 7th page?
In case I've been that little bit too cryptic, Project Delta is the Cyborgs' first Sky Hydroponics Lab, the first satellite to be built on Chiron. I was planning to unveil it shortly - is this OK? If so, which thread (the CC or PC) should I use to do so? I believe I put the original message regarding it in the PC thread.
Edit: And should we maybe think about creating a new Discussions thread, seen as this one is now on its 7th page?