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The Chiron Chronicle: Discussions (4)

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  • Permission to unveil Project Delta?

    In case I've been that little bit too cryptic, Project Delta is the Cyborgs' first Sky Hydroponics Lab, the first satellite to be built on Chiron. I was planning to unveil it shortly - is this OK? If so, which thread (the CC or PC) should I use to do so? I believe I put the original message regarding it in the PC thread.

    Edit: And should we maybe think about creating a new Discussions thread, seen as this one is now on its 7th page?
    "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


    • Sprayber- Phase I and II seem good.

      Phase III sounds good as well- however... I suppose we can summary the landings and fightings- and summarize the first meetings between the races- then we will have the things happen as you say.

      After that someone, Cyborgs, or Pirates; or the Spartans with University scientists send out a ship to the island to research and study the warring aliens... The peacekeepers send peace ships. The aliens have made bases- the Peacekeeper or the Spartan/Uni/Cyborg/Pirate boat is taken over by the losing aliens who are going to move further away and set up a base... then the game is wide open.

      SMAc- perhaps later we will go to another thread... When we jump ahead, I;ll create a new thread.
      - you are rogered on the Hydroponics lab.
      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • Sprayber,

        Your whole plan sounds good to me. I'd be willing to have Gibson Base be the one slaughtered by the aliens, a valiant stand ending with an attempted surrender, only resulting in a massacre. After that, Dunkirk like you said. As well, Angel operatives would be useful on the island once the bugs have taken over, as we're pretty good at being inconspicuous.

        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


        • Okay, here is my list of events without any dates....

          -Cyborgs launch their first Satellite
          After the Cyborgs launch their Sky Hydroponic Lab, University launches its own satellite game month or so after that. Zhakarov doesn't fully know of the project, being distracted with other matters. Also, involves the secret joint efforts of the "hidden" University bases in Cyborg territory.

          -Factions start shooting up various satellites
          Will be mainly the big higher tech factions that will start shooting bunch of satellites, then the Believers, Cult, Drones and etc will start doing so after acquiring the tech via diplomacy or espionage.
          Won't be hundreds of satellites, but will vary; Sky Hydroponics, Communication Satellites, GPS satellites, Space Telescopes, etc...

          -War starts out between the Spartans and the Pirates
          Athen Outpost will of course the Spartans first main target...and the Pirates will be ready. The Battle Dragons will be outnumbered, but they do hold the battle lines short distant away from the Outpost. Meanwhile, the pirates' Operation Trojan and Operation Blitz begins just when war was declared, slightly catching the Spartans in some areas off guard.
          Operation Trojan won't be a complete success, but does disrupt the Spartans: various riots starts at various spartan bases, mainly outside of the base, but in the radius at various mines, farms and etc... Pirates also succeed in releasing some wild mindworm boils in the upland wastes, which distracts the Spartans for a short time, preventing them from going for Athen Outpost full force right away. In General, Trojan distracts the Spartans temporally within their territory, sort of preventing them from completly going on the offensive. Also provides the pirates more footage of how the Spartans mistreat their Drones
          Operation Blitz is well more organized. When war starts out, the Third Fleet seperates in three major task force... One lead by Admiral Proudmoore go straight for Fleet Anchorage... Second goes straight for Parade Ground island, tackelling any Spartan ships there, Bombarbs the base and the island, land bunch of Nautilus Marines via Transport Cruisers and Air Transports(using drop pods to parachute down and Air Transports will have a Interceptor escort). Slightly before the second group arrives to do their action, a Probe Cruiser unknown to the Spartans launchs a Probe Chopper to the island, to drop off a Nautilus Probe team with the Porcupine weapon. By the time the Marines land on the island, the Probe Team succeeds in activating the weapon at the Spartan Air Base there...completly and cleanly destroying the Air base which was housing various spartan air units, aswell as anything else within a 10 or more kilometre radius. Not a planetbuster, but is a powerful weapon. No mushroom cloud, just a ball of big lasers lashing all over the place... Laser Warhead. The Probe Team will be temporally be missing, until some survivors our found later on... So by nocking out practicly all of the island's Air Force, the Air Transports and escorts didn't have to much trouble flying to the island and drop off some marine units. The Third Group will mainly go hunting down a Spartan Task Force near the Redemption Base area...then later simply hunt down any spartan ships in Chiron Sea.

          -Free Drones not please with the Spartans
          Free Drones openlly condemns, via diplo channel and at the Council, Spartan actions in Free Drone territory, attacking Athen Outpost. By then, Spartans finish dealing with various distractions in their territory and attacks Athen Outpost full force. The Nautilus Battle Dragons is force to retreat back into Drone territory, towards the Outpost. The Free Drones sends a group of units to the Athen Outpost where the Spartans was currently sieging the place. Spartans attacking the Free Drone units on the assumption that they are reinforcements for Athen Outpost. Free Drones say they were sent to patrol their most easterness border region from Spartan incursions...but since the Spartans attacked their units, it is considered an act of War. So skirmishs between the Drones and Spartans erupt all along their fortified border. Soon afterwards, there is various air battles between Free Drone and Spartan Air forces, both equally match... but Free Drones still outnumber the Spartan air units and they have slightly better jets and air training (Cloudbase Academy).
          In the meantime, Big arse Naval Battle still going on around Fleet Anchorage between the Pirates and Spartans, Nautilus Marines and Spartan Ground/Garrison troops go into trench like warfare near Parade Ground. This happens because there not much of ground vehicules like Rovers, island is only a few squares big, and lack of air presence by both sides...especially since the Probe Team that activated the Porcupine, destroying practicly all of the air units at the Air Base.


          I am tired, will finish this later..... But I have stated the Pirates initial battle plans.



          • Athens Outpost will of course be an objective for the Spartan Army, but the Spartans will know that the Pirates will expect this.

            I can go along the the way the Drones and Spartans get into war. At that point the Spartans would set into motion one of their plans for an invasion of Drone territory. I understand the the drone border if foritfied, but the Spartans main streaght has been mobility. In many places they would be content to move around drone fortifications and allow them to stay there. the Spartan objective would be to take the nearest drone base(which would take many casualities.) And to maintain pressure on Athens outpost using gas pods(sporific) and other means. Of course the Spartan navy is going to be outmatched wherever they meet up with the pirate navy. So the pirates are going to have to go out and find it. As far as the sea base. read my post on the war. The pirates will no doubt take a seabase, but like i said in the post, the new seabase that i have mentioned will have no civilians(size 1 base) so when the pirates move in the base, it is destroyed like in the game. I really think my idea about the supposed Hive-Spartan split would be a cool addition to the war. Then when the drones are forced(after many months) to commit more and more of their troops to retaking their lost base and helping out at athens outpost the hive takes advantage and lauches a preplanned coordinated attack on drone bases accross Euytrian Bay. Supported by some Spartan aircraft. Of course Natan will want to weigh in on this. Maybe we could combine our two plans into one.
            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


            • All sounds cool to me.

              I'd like for Morgan to launch a couple of high-altitude energy-collecting satellites, sort of like solar collectors in space. Maybe people would start to look at reaching Pholus and the other moon (damn if I can remember its name).

              And bring on the Progenitors! I'm still willing to do the Usurpers if no-one objects. I'm looking forward to invading Planet. And, Mr. Sprayber, might I suggest that the Spartans also be the last faction to evacuate their (non-guerrilla) armies from Deianira? Maybe have sort of a Centauri Thermopylae where they hold off the Usurper army against impossible odds and so secure their place in history?
              Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


              • Originally posted by Mr. President
                All sounds cool to me.

                I'd like for Morgan to launch a couple of high-altitude energy-collecting satellites, sort of like solar collectors in space. Maybe people would start to look at reaching Pholus and the other moon (damn if I can remember its name).

                And bring on the Progenitors! I'm still willing to do the Usurpers if no-one objects. I'm looking forward to invading Planet. And, Mr. Sprayber, might I suggest that the Spartans also be the last faction to evacuate their (non-guerrilla) armies from Deianira? Maybe have sort of a Centauri Thermopylae where they hold off the Usurper army against impossible odds and so secure their place in history?
                You yanked the thoughts right out of my head.
                Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                • Originally posted by Mr. President

                  I'd like for Morgan to launch a couple of high-altitude energy-collecting satellites, sort of like solar collectors in space.
                  You mean like Orbital Power Transmitters? Won't they require Morgan to have discovered the prerequisite tech first?

                  Maybe people would start to look at reaching Pholus and the other moon (damn if I can remember its name).
                  Nessus, I believe.
                  "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


                  • This sounds good to me. The Hive should have no trouble faking a breakdown of relations with the Spartans. Hopefully we'll finish the Cyborg Factory SP before entering the war, which will give us a big edge in terms of morale. The Hive will try to use its self-propelled artillery and human wave tactics to punch holes in the Drone line which it can then exploit with its fast rovers. The goal will be to get Free Drone armies to flee and/or surrender (possibly a promise of safe passage to a neutral country) and to gain control of the bases immediately to the North, hopefully linking up with the Spartans. The Hive will need the Spartans help to keep air superiority. Also, I hope I can do some commando/infiltration operations.

                    When the Aliens land, the Hive will try to help in the defense/evacuation of the Deneira island, and in any subsequent naval blockade of the island.


                    • Originally posted by Mr. President
                      All sounds cool to me.

                      I'd like for Morgan to launch a couple of high-altitude energy-collecting satellites, sort of like solar collectors in space. Maybe people would start to look at reaching Pholus and the other moon (damn if I can remember its name).
                      As for reaching Pholus and Nessus, maybe man on each of the moons maybe....... but no bases on the moons until after Advanced Spaceflight.

                      Sprayber, as for the Free Drones.......maybe the Spartans take a Drone base near Athen Outpost and the border? further you go east of the Drone border, and less and less fortified.
                      And Free Drones does have a kick arse air force and will be the Spartans and Hive biggest problems, no matter what. And the Cloudbase Academy floats in the air, so will be like a floating Air Carrier Base :P but will stay put near the base it was built, which is Free Drone Central...could be the main reason why hive not able to capture the base.

                      I don't mind the Hive bypassing the Free Drone Blockade with an Amphibious Invasion via the Erytion Bay, and taking a couple of bases along or near the coast. Then siege Free Drone Central with a lot of problems. Hive maybe pretty much ignore the Pirates and the Pirates pretty much ignore the Hive.... but if Hive unit strays near a Pirate base, will be blasted to smitherines
                      Aslong as the Free Drones gets their bases back eventually later on the war or after it.......

                      I agree with and orginally planned to Capture Fleet Anchorage...where the Pirates use their Sweetdream Gas....Officially called Stun Gas. This pretty much stuns the populace and the garrison, where the majority falls asleep because of the gas.... easier for the Pirate Marines to take the base. Pirates knew they would have trouble taking a spartan base due to defenders, to nock them out with stun gas invade nd put the military types into make shift brigs and percentage of them temporally shiped to Prison Island for the duration of the war. then unintentionally destroy Hydrodock... base was small and recently established... so after taking a few direct artillery hits, becomes unstable and eventually sinks But Pirates will of course be nice enough to pick up any life boats and so on

                      Stun will also be used at Parade Ground, but like to see trench warfare on the island for the duration of the war....eventually getting into a stalemate around the Base.

                      Would like to the war to recently end before Aliens arrive.......
                      No fleet of ships and it wouldn't make ence.....they would crash land everywhere, not all in one location. Only One Usurper ship and One Caretaker ship. After the Usurpers takes the island, with of course still some guerilla problems... they will really be able to establish themselves. I would to have Pirates forces fighting with the Spartans...and then fight together as guerillas. Will be ironic seeing two Factions been at war with each other fighting together like they were best friends
                      To have Pirate units on the island.....Pirates sends one of their Battle Dragon Divisions to the island via the Free Drone base, planning to attack Bunker 118 which is currently blockaded and bombarded by the Fourth Fleet there. There will also be Nautilus Marines landing near Bunker 118 before the war ends....the attack never happened.

                      After the Usurpers takes over the island, they take almost a decade to properly establish themselves. And prepare further invasions towards the Caretakers and for the Manifold Nexus in the central Continent. University will eventually have an unwelcomed visitors in their territory
                      It would be interesting to note how fast the Usurper population grows...pump out many babies a year? babies grow up fast?
                      maybe cloning? hey, they nicknamed Bugs after all :P



                      • there two moons just to say orbiting Chiron, Nessus and Pholus.



                        • How far

                          Exactly how far are we jumping. I thought it was only 5 years.

                          One thing about the Spartans at Bunker 118. Santiago's son, Leonides, will be at Bunker 118. And he will be among those that are killed defending 118 and the other human settlements. He was 17 in 2200.
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • I say we can jump about 10-15 years So 27 to 32 years for Leonides when he fights the Usurpers.



                            • Originally posted by [LordLMP]
                              I say we can jump about 10-15 years So 27 to 32 years for Leonides when he fights the Usurpers.

                              Ok that makes way more sense than the 5 years i was thinking about.
                              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                              • Lord LMP, you mention the Pirates attacking Spartans near Redemption Base. That equals a full war with the Believers too. And with the Cult war assets lying around, that spells a huge campaign...
                                Unfortunately for the Believers, they have a very small navy compared to the Pirates. So, I think that the Pirate attempt to destroy the Spartans near Redemption Base will fail, with all Believing assets coming along.
                                However, the Pirates will take over He Walked on Water. The Believing Navy is overwhelmed, and remains of it either flee to mainland for safe or join the Spartan fleets. There will be Believing support for the Spartans in form of troops and hardware throughout the war, officially or unofficially.
                                There should be some Believing trainers or psychological experts at Bunker 118, but nobody'll remember them after the Usurper onslaught (Like the Finns at Vietnam, I bet none of you know about them.)
                                The Caretakers are more close to Believing turf. Believers will assist in "driving away the unholy demons", and maybe some Believers will encounter the Caretakers at last. Maybe some secret relations with them (Believing citizens would not like it) in the style of X-Files . They do have advanced tech and all.
                                Believers and satellites: I doubt they would need the satellites. It's their Promised Land, why leave it? And purchasing the tech would cost way too much. Probing it is a viable option, but their probe assets have other things to do. Foil Probes here we come...
                                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!

