There's going to be a slight delay in my turn. I've moved to another city to start my Masters. I wanted to assemble my desk before I installed my computer, but since I have a neck injury right now, what I think I'll do is take my computer to my office, hook it up and then play the turn using my office's ethernet connection. I should have the turn ready by Friday.
No announcement yet.
"Who are the furlings?" - Turn Tracking.
Another problem that I encountered with my home computer. One of the clips that holds the CPU heatsink snapped off and the heatsink fell off. It's possibly been tumbling around hitting other components such as the video card and ram. I'm getting some guy in my physics department to test each component to see what's salvageable but I'm going to definately need to buy (or replace) parts for my computer. And I don't really have access to a WinXP machine so that I can install a copy and play from there.
Otay, Spanky. I'll be checking in from time to time. Honestly never had a problem like that before but will be looking to work musically from a laptop in the next 2 years. (apple). I've got a big aluminumunum heat-sink on mine. I have some support around that is going to get me at a base-line PC for @$200. Right now I am rattling the canyon-valley with my dinosaur cries.
yahoo DOT com@smoke_henke_kelner
Yes I do. Probably on Tuesday. I'm still here. Anyways, networking my computer shouldn't be a problem as I can use my university's network connection. I have ordered a new motherboard and a new CPU but I don't know how long that's going to take.
I'll ask a grad student of mine to see if I can install SMAX on his computer temporarily so I can play my turn. I apologize for the delay.
Coincidentally, that is when U.S. is back from Labor Day weekend. So I look to be out-doors alot but look forward to getting back to the game soon. We are mindful and prayerful of all the displaced victims of Hurricane Katrina here. Its too close to the historical Tsunami tragedy, just eight months ago.