Name: Jeremy
Email: ptl99 AT hotmail DOT com
IRC/AIM: n/a
PBEMing since: never
PBEM skill level: n/a but pretty good with SP
Interested in TCP/IP: No.
Favorite Faction: CyCon, or anyone but the aliens.
I have Smac and smax, so that won't be a problem.
Never did a PBEM before.
Unfortunately, I can't be online but twice a week: Tuesday & Friday.
Email: ptl99 AT hotmail DOT com
IRC/AIM: n/a
PBEMing since: never
PBEM skill level: n/a but pretty good with SP
Interested in TCP/IP: No.
Favorite Faction: CyCon, or anyone but the aliens.
I have Smac and smax, so that won't be a problem.
Never did a PBEM before.
Unfortunately, I can't be online but twice a week: Tuesday & Friday.