Name: Sam
IRC/AIM: Hadsingrinsen
PBEMing since: Basically never
PBEM skill level: newbie (can always win on transcend, but apparently so can everybody)
Average Turn Rate: 1/day
Interested in TCP/IP? No
Favorite Faction: Deirdre or Zakharov
Notes: Generally agreeable to modifications to alphax.txt.
OK, but I get to be Gaians
IRC/AIM: Hadsingrinsen
PBEMing since: Basically never
PBEM skill level: newbie (can always win on transcend, but apparently so can everybody)
Average Turn Rate: 1/day
Interested in TCP/IP? No
Favorite Faction: Deirdre or Zakharov
Notes: Generally agreeable to modifications to alphax.txt.
Always wanted to play a game in which the entire surface of the world is completely covered with xenofungus
