Or could the sudden increased passing in 2008 and 2009 have to do with LT's rapid decline and the decline of the Charger's rushing attack in general:
San Diego Rushing yardage:
2006: 2578 yards
2007: 2039 yards (note how the passing yardage increased by 200 yards when the rushing declined by 500)
2008: 1726 yards (300 yard rushing decline corresponding to 400 yard passing increase)
2009: 1423 yards (300 more yards decline and another 400 yard passing increase)
Between 2006 and 2009, the Chargers lost 1100 yards in rushing per season and increased their passing yardage by 1000. That does not mean the offense improved! It just means it changed! Jackson didn't make the offense better. His emergence corresponded to the Chargers being forced to pass the ball more with the decline in LT and the loss of Michael Turner.
