Originally posted by Tingkai
You need to remember that Hot Mustard was part of first two Poly leagues so even though his RL situation prevents him from being in the league this year, he should still be welcomed here.
You need to remember that Hot Mustard was part of first two Poly leagues so even though his RL situation prevents him from being in the league this year, he should still be welcomed here.
Originally posted by Tingkai
You also need to realize that throwing temper tantrums every time you don't get what you want is not acceptable and usually a waste of time. Maybe it works with your parents and you get everything you want, but it won't work with most people.
You also need to realize that throwing temper tantrums every time you don't get what you want is not acceptable and usually a waste of time. Maybe it works with your parents and you get everything you want, but it won't work with most people.
Next time, please be prompt with your picks for the sake of everyone else here waiting on you.
As for it not working, I beg to differ. People are PMing me picks when they know they won't be around. This league has drastically picked up its drafting pace, despite the efforts of some people to stall it.