There was never an asterisk. It was simply listed as a separate record (and, frankly, I see the point of that. Different # of games).
Steroid Era applies to many, many more ballplayers than Barry Bonds. I agree with the majority that believes he used. The trouble is that tons of guys used (including pitchers!), and Barry's (supposedly secret) positive test was for amphetamines, not steroids... and amphetamines have a long history in baseball. It seems to be widely acknowledged, for instance, that Hank Aaron used them.
Basically, all records from this era have to be viewed in the context of "steroid era." All of them.
Baseball commissioner Ford Frick announced that unless Ruth's record was broken in the first 154 games of the season, the new record would be shown in the record books as having been set in 162 games while the previous record set in 154 games would also be shown. It is an urban legend, probably invented by New York sportswriter Dick Young, that an asterisk would be used to distinguish the new record.
Basically, all records from this era have to be viewed in the context of "steroid era." All of them.