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  • #76
    "My new favorite thing is watching Democrats lock out RFK, the only anti-war, free speech, life long liberal...and then claim democracy is at stake"


    • -Jrabbit
      -Jrabbit commented
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      You really think the Democrats would run an ex-junkie anti-vaxxer for President?
      He's done some great stuff as an environmental lawyer, but not even a Kennedy gets a free pass on that kind of baggage..

  • #77
    Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

    Yes, its legal for Trump to have a rally and ask supporters to protest. And he had a plan to challenge the results right down to replacement electors if the audits were successful. Thats where the deep state took over, they had 100-200+ people in the crowd. What were they doing? At a minimum they fueled the riot with their presence even if all they did was 'observe', at worst, people like Ray Epps "orchestrated" the riot. Trump told them to protest, Ray Epps told them to enter the building. Kinda strange how the Dems want to throw the book at people for wandering around the capital while defending Epps as a victim.
    Again... TOTAL FANTASY Where is your proof of the "state" having 100 to 200+ in the crowd? And Ray Epps was a Trump supporter, and there is NO PROOF he was an agent of the state, and is suing FOX for labeling him as one. And they weren't just "wandering" around the capital. People died and were injured, people crapped, and where calling for Pence to be hung. That's not WANDERING.
    And since when are Dems DEFENDING Epps? Please provide evidence of that as well.
    Why don't you show some actual proof instead of sprouting made up theories and opinions.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #78
      Oh, and by the way, the audits, all the recounts, his and other people's "investigations" came up with absolutely NOTHING. His and other lawsuits failed because there was NO EVIDENCE.
      Yet he was going out producing FAKE electors to overturn an election HE LOST. FACT.
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #79
        Trump tried to end our Republic.

        If someone is OK with that, then I only assume you also are opposed to American values.

        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • #80
          ming is upset. he is upset with the likes of MWHC,,, YOU. MING voted for a petifile. you did. YOU DID! ban me IF you dare!


          • #81
            Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post
            Trump tried to end our Republic.

            If someone is OK with that, then I only assume you also are opposed to American values.

            this whole site is corrupt. it is with blind hate. so blind... they suppet the most evil things one could think of. T D S!!


            • -Jrabbit
              -Jrabbit commented
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              It's amazing how all the Trump fans here fail to understand that they are the deranged ones.
              This lack of self-awareness might even be called a "syndrome"...

          • #82
            sorry.. i was thinking 'PUPPET. china owns biden. NO ONE ELSE would. dang ming... what will it take for you to admit you f*cked up. dude. really?!!?!?!?


            • #83
              Sober up... if not, you can take the rest of the evening off.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #84
                Originally posted by Ming View Post

                Again... TOTAL FANTASY Where is your proof of the "state" having 100 to 200+ in the crowd? And Ray Epps was a Trump supporter, and there is NO PROOF he was an agent of the state, and is suing FOX for labeling him as one. And they weren't just "wandering" around the capital. People died and were injured, people crapped, and where calling for Pence to be hung. That's not WANDERING.
                And since when are Dems DEFENDING Epps? Please provide evidence of that as well.
                Why don't you show some actual proof instead of sprouting made up theories and opinions.
                We have no idea who Ray Epps is, just what he did on video. Thats why his lawsuit is a joke, he's claiming defamation when he was recorded bragging about orchestrating a riot. If he was charged with incitement and he was a Fed I'd expect him to tell the court he was working on behalf of the govt to save democracy. But he says thats defamatory, not the video of him orchestrating a riot. Huh? The 100-200 is a lowball estimate based on what has been gleaned from trials, freedom of information requests, and various investigations. The Secret Service was by far the largest force on hand with ~150-200 people. The FBI and Capital police along with a few other agencies were represented adding up to 50-100 people. That could be up to 300 or more but I figure a large chunk of secret service was assigned to Trump and never got to the capital.

                Actually we do know some things about Epps, he was involved with the proud boys or some related group. Maybe the FBI "recruited" him to spy on them, maybe more. The Feds love to go after people with the book to coerce cooperation, I think the American people deserve - have the right - to know how many govt assets were on hand Jan 6 and what exactly they did. Most of the people entering the capital wandered around, even Buffalo Hat wandered around with a police escort. The rioters broke the law and should be treated like BLM rioters.


                • #85
                  Originally posted by Ming View Post
                  Oh, and by the way, the audits, all the recounts, his and other people's "investigations" came up with absolutely NOTHING. His and other lawsuits failed because there was NO EVIDENCE.
                  Yet he was going out producing FAKE electors to overturn an election HE LOST. FACT.
                  Doesn't additional scrutiny increase trust in the results? He challenged the results "legally" from what I can see and his Georgia phone call was to be expected from any candidate falling just short. Gore wanted a recount in Florida counties favoring him, he not only wanted more votes found he wanted the search redefined and expanded only in parts of the state he won. Thats why the courts got involved, equal protection concerns.


                  • -Jrabbit
                    -Jrabbit commented
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                    So you're giving Trump a free pass on asking GA (and likely AZ) to "find" the EXACT NUMBER of votes he needs?
                    Let's see what the Georgia grand jury says.

                    I won't even dignify your revisionist history of the 2000 election with a rebuttal beyond these words: Roger Stone's Brooks Brothers Riot.

                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    I dont know what was done in AZ but I'm okay with the Georgia call for the reason I gave, Trump spent the entire time claiming the election was rigged and his votes suppressed and he wanted an investigation to find the missing ballots. Fine with me, I think elections need more scrutiny because both parties are rotten to the core. The Stone thing was separate from Gore's effort to find "missing ballots" in his stronghold, ofc Republicans would raise a stink when Democrats wanted a partial recount looking for dimpled or hanging chads etc. The court told them to do the recount like that statewide and was ignored. Grand juries have very low bars.

                • #86
                  I dont have a problem with Joe's habit of eyeing little girls with bad intent

                  j/k, his own daughter was creeped out showering with him but she never said he did anything, bathing together is how many parents teach their kids basic biology


                  • -Jrabbit
                    -Jrabbit commented
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                    Since you seem to love a good game of Whataboutism: How about The Donald literally talking about wanting to fvck his own daughter? After cheating on all his wives and divorcing them. Oh, and hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein. Creepy enough for you?
                    Last edited by -Jrabbit; July 17, 2023, 00:08.

                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    Thats partly why I didn't vote for him, but I defended Joe. I dont think you've grasped the concept of whataboutism, at its heart is an element of hypocrisy. For example, when Jesus told the Pharisees 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone' he was calling them hypocrites by asking "what about you". I even defended Biden from his daughter's accusation, attacking Trump for his vulgar compliments seems inconsistent with my leniency toward Joe.

                • #87
                  Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                  Actually we do know some things about Epps, he was involved with the proud boys or some related group. Maybe the FBI "recruited" him to spy on them, maybe more.
                  You have absolutely NO PROOF. FACT.
                  You are just making this stuff up. When you have some actual proof of the 100's of agents, let us all know.

                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #88
                    Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                    Doesn't additional scrutiny increase trust in the results? He challenged the results "legally" from what I can see and his Georgia phone call was to be expected from any candidate falling just short. Gore wanted a recount in Florida counties favoring him, he not only wanted more votes found he wanted the search redefined and expanded only in parts of the state he won. Thats why the courts got involved, equal protection concerns.
                    And his "additional scrutiny" came up with NOTHING. Yet he is still making his claims.
                    He has lost all the courts cases because of NO EVIDENCE. And he has been looking for YEARS.
                    There had already been a recount, but there is Trump ASKING for him to find him just enough votes to win.
                    And his fake replacement electors weren't LEGAL.
                    He then incited a crowd to march on the Capital. HE DID THAT. Not a bunch of government agents.
                    Facts are Facts.
                    But feel free to live in the Maga fantasy world where Trump won, and that the whole world is out to get him because he has never done anything wrong.
                    He has brought all this crap on himself.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #89
                      "We Need to go into the capital" - Ray Epps

                      "Why wasn't he arrested" - Tucker Carlson

                      "Tucker Carlson is promoting a conspiracy theory" - Media

                      "I'm suing him" - Ray Epps

                      Ray Epps, a mysterious January 6 figure some theorized to be a federal informant, told his nephew that he “orchestrated” what transpired that day in 2021. The bombastic assertion was revealed in a lightly redacted transcript released Thursday by the House January 6 Committee. Claiming he made a poor choice of words to his nephew, ...

                      “I was in the front with a few others. I also orchestrated it,” he said.

                      Investigators pressed Epps to explain his wording.

                      “I just meant that I got — you have to understand our relationship, uncle-nephew. We hunt together. We fun with each other [sic]. We do that kind of stuff,” he said. “What I meant by ‘orchestrate,’ I helped get people there.”

                      He claims to be a peacemaker but they have video of him whispering into another man's ear seconds before a few men push the barrier out of the way and he runs up behind them like infantry breaching a wall. And he claims he thought the building was open to the public lol.


                      • #90
                        I'm NOT saying he didn't egg on the crowd.
                        I am saying PROVE HE WAS A GOVERNMENT AGENT and THAT THERE WERE 100's OF GOVERNMENT AGENTS spurring on the crowds. There is absolutely NO PROOF of either. All you are posting is just more opinions and wild theories.
                        I would love to see proof that we what all saw on video was really Dems trying to make the MAGA crowd look bad.
                        Frankly, the Maga crowd doesn't need any help in looking bad.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

