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  • #31
    Originally posted by My Wife Hates CIV View Post

    spoken like a true liberal. Biden could dis-own his own granddaughter and you would defend him and cry trump trump trump trump. oh wait. i guess biden did do that. can you see your own blind brain-dead hate. didnt think so. enough said.
    Strange... I'm not a "true Liberal". I was a Republican but became an Independent thanks to Trump and his corruption.
    And when did I defend Biden... oh that's right, I didn't. ENOUGH SAID.
    I don't like either... but given a choice...

    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #32
      Originally posted by Ming View Post
      I notice you haven't brought up the Trump Mafia... and all the laws they have broken. They are the biggest crime family in politics.
      I didn't bring up the Biden Mafia either, Rabbit did that. I believed Trump was rotten to the core in 2016-18. But then we had all those investigations combing the desert and found squat, Mueller, Horowitz, Durham, all showed the Obama administration and Clinton campaign framed Trump as a traitor.

      Near the end of July 2016 John Brennan told Obama, Biden and Comey the CIA knew the Clinton campaign was framing Trump so they joined the conspiracy. Well, thats assuming they didn't already know. I cant imagine Obama and Clinton were not working together before that, but we do have a firm date. Crossfire Hurricane began July 31st 2016 a few days after Brennan's briefing of Obama's top people. Gee whiz Wally, you mean Obama was told in late July Hillary was framing Trump as a Putin Puppet so Obama told Comey to help her a few days later?

      And these people preach democracy to the world? But no, Trump is the liar. They lie to Fisa judges to spy on political opponents.


      • #33
        framed Trump as a traitor
        The one who was showing people state secrets for the bragging rights?
        Indifference is Bliss


        • #34
          Silly liberals, Trump elevated Kim on the world stage and got a love letter in return. Art of the deal


          • #35
            Originally posted by N35t0r View Post

            The one who was showing people state secrets for the bragging rights?
            So the Dems framed Trump as a traitor in preparation of him waving some document around after leaving office


            • #36
              So you say that he only started doing that after he left office?

              (Never mind that he publicly gave away details of covert agents, classified images from satellite surveillance, which AFAIK wasn't illegal but it certainly wasn't good for the US)
              Indifference is Bliss


              • #37
                Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                So the Dems framed Trump as a traitor in preparation of him waving some document around after leaving office

                It wasn't just that... and you know it.
                It was so much more... But feel free to fall for the Maga crap that you are being spoon fed.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • #38
                  Clinton is a crook. Trump is a crook. Biden is a crook. Nixon was a crook.

                  We Americans sure know how to pick 'em.

                  (I won't comment on the fact that only Republican crooks seem to get forced from office or charged with crimes. That is a different discussion. )
                  "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by N35t0r View Post
                    So you say that he only started doing that after he left office?

                    (Never mind that he publicly gave away details of covert agents, classified images from satellite surveillance, which AFAIK wasn't illegal but it certainly wasn't good for the US)
                    I dont know and I dont trust Dems and Repubs to tell me what's good for the US, I do trust them to kill people for money/power and lie about it. There is a consistency to that so 'follow the money' is always good advice. The people who perform best on Wall St as a group is Congress, says it all...

                    Trump was right about many things, including cooked intel. Strange Americans now condemn the Iraq war while embracing the same deep state that lied to us about WMD. Victoria Nuland was Dick Cheney's underling 20 years ago and Biden voted for her war. Its a club and we aint in it. Neither was Trump and thats why 50+ intel experts lied to smear Trump for Biden. Joe's been in the club for over a half century.

                    Trump was standing next to Putin taking questions and a reporter put Trump in the position of calling Putin a liar or dismissing US intel. Trump chose the latter rather than call Putin a liar. Turns out that US intel was based on Obama and Hillary framing Trump. Crowdstrike testified they didn't have proof Russia hacked emails and Obama's deep state goons lied to spy on Trump for a year. It was made up. Julian Assange offered proof it wasn't Russia. So why should we trust the Dems? Orangemanbad is not a reason, he's more honest about matters of importance.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Ming View Post

                      It wasn't just that... and you know it.
                      It was so much more... But feel free to fall for the Maga crap that you are being spoon fed.
                      I was responding to a post with 1 specific complaint about what Trump did after leaving office, not the plethora of Dem gripes over the years. I didn't learn about Russiagate from MAGA, left wing journalists exposed it before the 3 DoJ investigations corroborated their reporting. I'd like to know why the DoJ/FBI under various people never exposed it, they knew it was a fraud. Barr, Wray, Rosenstein, the big bald dude, they all must have known Obama and Clinton framed Trump and they either let it happen or conspired to further the cause.

                      Aaron Mate thinks maybe the reason why is a thorough investigation of Russiagate would hurt the cause for this proxy war in Ukraine. So much of our effort is premised on Russian interference in our elections, if Americans learn the Dems were fabricating evidence of that interference - and they were - people may find other priorities for their money instead of dead Russians.


                      • #41
                        waiting approval

                        Originally posted by PLATO View Post
                        Clinton is a crook. Trump is a crook. Biden is a crook. Nixon was a crook.

                        We Americans sure know how to pick 'em.

                        (I won't comment on the fact that only Republican crooks seem to get forced from office or charged with crimes. That is a different discussion. )
                        in 2016-17 I was convinced Trump was not only outrageously corrupt but was a Manchurian Candidate. I was a loyal MSNBC viewer and fell for Russiagate hook, line and sinker. Then the house of cards began collapsing and god knows how many investigations later I'm astonished at how clean Trump is compared to Obama, Clinton and Biden and they never got the magnifying glass treatment. Nixon's crime was talking S Vietnam out of a peace deal (sound familiar?) in '68, he covered up the burglary but I dont think he ordered it. Bush will forever have his WMD, but so will Hillary and Joe. Wall St picks our presidents.


                        • #42
                          The "complaint" was more than just showing people the documents. How about the lying about the documents in the first place... hiding them, not returning them when asked, ignoring a subpoena.
                          He FORCED the FBI to come get them since he wouldn't return them. If he had turned them over in the first place, there wouldn't have been a "raid" on his home... but it was the only way to get them back because the little child didn't want to give up his toys.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • #43
                            "The one who was showing people state secrets for the bragging rights?"

                            that was 1 complaint, not the kitchen sink


                            • #44
                              snip snip
                              Last edited by Berzerker; July 6, 2023, 02:45.


                              • #45
                                US court in Louisiana has ruled the obvious - the Dems have violated the 1st Amendment by censoring the internet.


                                About 18m in Greenwald discusses the court ruling

                                NYT laments restrictions on govt censorship

                                Former civil rights lolyerJamie Raskin condemns Putin for censoring internet criticism and proceeds to oppose a free speech bill while endorsing internet censorship.

                                Then Jamie is worried how Iran will interfere in our elections if he doesn't censor the internet... Not Ukraine or Israel or Britain. If they interfere to help Dems thats fine.

