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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
    Putin has been offering peace deals for over 2 years, Nato/Biden said "NYET"... Once Russia is ready to send in the reserves and no deal is made and/if the ground can support heavy machinery the push will come. Maybe... is there a need for it? Russia can sit back and take advantage of their defensive lines while Biden badgers Zelensky into more 'counter offensives'.

    Biden made Zelensky a better offer... and Azov wouldn't kill him.

    and... no, Zelensky couldn't kill Azov and if he tried they'd/we'd kill him. You already know Zelensky got elected to make peace and when he showed up in the Donbas Azov sent him packing with his tail between his legs. He's an actor playing a role and trying to stay alive. When Azov objected to his friend and adviser Zelensky sent his friend packing.​
    Please provide proof of all of your wild ass theories... especially the exact peace deals you keep talking about. And actual proof that it is NATO/Biden that is turning them down, and that Biden is in charge of the Ukraine military actions... or are you just sprouting more stuff that you have seen in internet videos.
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • The evidence has already been posted, Nato Secy Gen admitted they rejected Russia's deal to keep Ukraine out of Nato in the summer/fall of '21 and in March '22 Russia advanced on Kiev to pressure Zelensky and he made a deal and Russia withdrew from Kiev. Biden sent Boris over to educate Zelensky about our goal for Ukraine and peace was not in their future. So he could either choose to play the role and make millions, maybe a billion, or get assassinated like his peace negotiator did on March 5 2022.

      “Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement,” wrote Fiona Hill and Angela Stent. “Russia would withdraw to its position on February 23, when it controlled part of the Donbas region and all of Crimea, and in exchange, Ukraine would promise not to seek NATO membership and instead receive security guarantees from a number of countries.”

      The news highlights the impact of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s efforts to stop negotiations, as journalist Branko Marcetic noted on Twitter. The decision to scuttle the deal coincided with Johnson’s April visit to Kyiv, during which he reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to break off talks with Russia for two key reasons: Putin cannot be negotiated with, and the West isn’t ready for the war to end.
      A recent piece in Foreign Affairs revealed that Kyiv and Moscow may have had a tentative deal to end the war all the way back in April.


      • And that has what to do with all you wild Biden claims....
        Also.... I can see why Ukraine would reject the deal that was "claimed" to have been offered since it amounted to just giving up their land. Last time, Russia just took what they wanted, and here they were doing it again.

        Just on Monday...

        Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Monday that Moscow is ready for talks on the "post-conflict settlement" of the war in Ukraine.

        Shoigu made the remarks at the Beijing Xiangshan Forum, China's largest military diplomacy event, saying that Russia is also ready for talks on further "co-existence" with the West, but said Western countries needed to stop seeking the strategic defeat of his country.

        The prospect of peace talks between Kyiv and Moscow have been raised multiple times since Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

        The Kremlin has specified a few conditions that are non-negotiable for Russia, including that Ukraine must accept the September 2022 annexation of four of its regions—Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia—following referendums called by Putin that were deemed illegal by the international community.
        Not much of a deal for the Ukraine... Russia gets to steal their land. I can see why Ukraine hasn't taken them up on this.

        But yet again, NO PROOF of ANY of you wild ass Biden conspiracy theories...
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • Ukraine war: Whole family shot dead in Russian-occupied Ukrainian town

          Nine people, including two young children, have been found shot dead in their house in the Russian-occupied eastern Ukrainian town of Volnovakha.

          Ukrainian officials say they believe Russian soldiers killed the whole of the Kapkanets family on 27 October for refusing to give them their house.

          Russian investigators say two male suspects have been held, saying they are Russian soldiers from the Far East.

          Ukraine and Russia have begun separate investigations into the attack.

          Photographs have emerged on social media showing blood-splattered and bullet-riddled bodies lying in beds, some of them still locked in an embrace.

          Ukrainian ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets said on Monday that "Russians' bloodied hands were involved" in the Volnovakha killings.

          "According to preliminary information, the occupiers have killed the whole of the Kapkanets family, who were celebrating a birthday and who had refused to hand their own house over to occupiers from Chechnya," he said on Telegram.

          The Ukrainian-controlled Donetsk prosecutor's office, citing preliminary information, said the attackers in army uniforms shot the family dead after their demand to vacate the house had been rejected.

          Two children, born in 2014 and 2018, were among the victims, the office added.

          Russia's official Investigations Committee described those arrested as Russian soldiers from the country's Far East, who had signed contracts with the Russian military.

          "According to preliminary information, the motive for the crime was a domestic conflict," the committee said in a statement.

          Astra, a Russian news channel on Telegram, earlier quoted the victims' neighbours as blaming the Russian military for the killings.

          "All of the neighbours are saying that the killers were in the military. We're all scared," one neighbour told Astra.

          Baza, another Russian Telegram channel, said members of the household had had "a conflict with unidentified men wearing military fatigues with no insignia".

          Volnovakha was captured by Russian forces just weeks after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

          Most of the town has been destroyed.

          The killings in Volnovakha come as fierce fighting continues on the vast battle front of Ukraine's eastern and southern regions.

          Kyiv launched its counter-offensive in June, trying to split the occupying Russian troops in the southern Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions in two, and make their resupply more difficult.

          So far, the Ukrainian advance has been slow and costly, as the Russians have had time to prepare their defensive lines.

          In recent weeks, Moscow has also been on the attack near the key city of Avdiivka in the Donetsk region, as well as Kupyansk in the north-eastern Kharkiv region.

          Ukraine's military says all Moscow's attacks have been "unsuccessful", reporting heavy Russian casualties around Avdiivka - a gateway to the Russian-held regional capital of Donetsk.

          The claims by the warring sides have not been independently verified.

          Russian soldiers are suspected of killing nine people, including two children, in the town of Volnovakha.
          I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
          Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
          Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


          • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
            Once Russia is ready to send in the reserves and no deal is made and/if the ground can support heavy machinery the push will come.
            Here's what those reserves look like:

            Russia's defence ministry has taken over from Wagner in recruiting inmates to fight in Ukraine.



            • Thoth
              Thoth commented
              Editing a comment
              High quality reserve machine gun detectors.

          • Originally posted by Ming View Post
            And that has what to do with all you wild Biden claims....
            Also.... I can see why Ukraine would reject the deal that was "claimed" to have been offered since it amounted to just giving up their land. Last time, Russia just took what they wanted, and here they were doing it again.

            Just on Monday...

            Not much of a deal for the Ukraine... Russia gets to steal their land. I can see why Ukraine hasn't taken them up on this.

            But yet again, NO PROOF of ANY of you wild ass Biden conspiracy theories...
            Look at the dates, Sept '22 was a year after Biden rejected Putin's peace offer and months after Biden rejected the deal Putin and Zelensky made. Ukraine didn't reject the deal, they agreed to it and Russia withdrew its army from Kiev. Thats when Biden sent Boris over to veto a peace deal after it was already made. If all this was about Russia stealing land Putin wouldn't have supported Minsk and repeatedly rejected pleas from the people living in the Donbas to exit Ukraine for 8 years. Do you want to put Azov in charge of the Donbas? I dont.


            • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
              Biden made Zelensky a better offer... and Azov wouldn't kill him.

              and... no, Zelensky couldn't kill Azov and if he tried they'd/we'd kill him. You already know Zelensky got elected to make peace and when he showed up in the Donbas Azov sent him packing with his tail between his legs. He's an actor playing a role and trying to stay alive. When Azov objected to his friend and adviser Zelensky sent his friend packing.
              Azov was the smallest it has been in years when the Russians pulled back from Kiev. There is nothing Biden could have done, especially through Azov, to force Ukraine and Russia to wage war against each other.

              ​​​​​​Nobody said no to any peace deal. Ukraine's allies did assure them they wouldn't have to surrender. How can you not recognize the difference?


              • Every "peace" proposal I've seen has included a non-negotiable point of Ukraine's acceptance of Russia's illegal annexation of 4 Ukrainian territories (Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia) along with keeping Crimea.

                That's not a peace proposal; it's surrender.
                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                • But remember... Berz blames Biden for every world crisis, and never considers that the actual invader who is trying to steal land is to blame.
                  In his mind, Putin just wanted to "save" all the people his troops randomly killed and raped, while destroying their towns. But I guess he saw it on a video on the internet.

                  One more time Berz... as JR says, there were no "PEACE DEALS" just demands to surrender.
                  But feel free to blame everything on Biden like you always do.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • "Money trumps.... peace.... sometimes" - George Bush

                    money trumps peace


                    • Berzerker
                      Berzerker commented
                      Editing a comment
                      old people have a harder time sealing the vault and the truth leaks out occasionally

                  • Originally posted by -Jrabbit View Post
                    Every "peace" proposal I've seen has included a non-negotiable point of Ukraine's acceptance of Russia's illegal annexation of 4 Ukrainian territories (Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia) along with keeping Crimea.

                    That's not a peace proposal; it's surrender.
                    Indeed, and it would reward aggression if Russia can just keep stolen lands. In the absence of military success this is the primary reason for lobbying for these kind of "peace deals" .

                    This would make further aggression more likely, as there is no guarantee for Ukraine that Putin would not try the same again after he licked his wounds...


                    • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                      Azov was the smallest it has been in years when the Russians pulled back from Kiev. There is nothing Biden could have done, especially through Azov, to force Ukraine and Russia to wage war against each other.

                      ​​​​​​Nobody said no to any peace deal. Ukraine's allies did assure them they wouldn't have to surrender. How can you not recognize the difference?
                      Azov was 'disappeared' into the army. In 2014 the Ukrainian army was small and Azov attacked and conquered Mariupol and was only driven out 8 years later by Russia. Why wasn't the Ukrainian army based in Mariupol? But Azov is just the obvious face of the wider movement, Right Sector, Svoboda, there's a bunch of right wing nationalists in the army who are the muscle on the ground. They were responsible for Maidan and undoubtedly the massacre that drove the leader from office. The Russians pulled back from Kiev because they had a deal with Ukraine, its that simple. And ofc the necons lied to us about it because they didn't want any credit for the war, kinda like how US politicians kept telling us 'they hate our freedom' after 9/11 to hide the fact thousands of Americans died for their agenda.

                      As for what Biden and friends did, they funded "reformers" to affect policy and looked the other way as their allies slaughtered protesters to frame the leader. We poured billions into this effort before the coup and afterward to arm the Ukrainian right wing (eg Azov). The media started noticing Obama and Biden were arming Nazis (and ISIS) so Congress got around to pretending they cared by prohibiting arms to Azov which the Pentagon ignored. If Russia was arming right wing nationalists attacking the people living along our border the USA would be unified behind defending the victims. They did surrender, they had a peace deal and we vetoed it. Next time they surrender Ukraine could be landlocked, the more Russian parts of the country probably dont want to be ruled by Kiev/CIA if Azov et al are still in charge and they likely will be. US policy is never ending war, been that way before I was born which was about when Ike left office with a warning about the military and Wall St. I dont think Russia will be satisfied with returning to 2014 with the front further west.


                      • So again... your concept of a peace treaty is simply surrendering... So aggression should be rewarded.
                        And yet again, if Russia cared oh soooooo much about the people... Why did they kill and rape them while destroying their towns.
                        You never seem to answer that one... But I guess in your mind, the Russians are the real heroes in this story. Guess what, they aren't.
                        They have killed and raped far more people and have destroyed far more towns in their attempt to expand their empire while stealing another countries land. But keep continue to support them.
                        Russia's idea of peace is to take what they want, no matter who gets hurt.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                          Azov was 'disappeared' into the army. In 2014 the Ukrainian army was small and Azov attacked and conquered Mariupol and was only driven out 8 years later by Russia. Why wasn't the Ukrainian army based in Mariupol? But Azov is just the obvious face of the wider movement, Right Sector, Svoboda, there's a bunch of right wing nationalists in the army who are the muscle on the ground. They were responsible for Maidan and undoubtedly the massacre that drove the leader from office. The Russians pulled back from Kiev because they had a deal with Ukraine, its that simple. And ofc the necons lied to us about it because they didn't want any credit for the war, kinda like how US politicians kept telling us 'they hate our freedom' after 9/11 to hide the fact thousands of Americans died for their agenda.

                          As for what Biden and friends did, they funded "reformers" to affect policy and looked the other way as their allies slaughtered protesters to frame the leader. We poured billions into this effort before the coup and afterward to arm the Ukrainian right wing (eg Azov). The media started noticing Obama and Biden were arming Nazis (and ISIS) so Congress got around to pretending they cared by prohibiting arms to Azov which the Pentagon ignored. If Russia was arming right wing nationalists attacking the people living along our border the USA would be unified behind defending the victims. They did surrender, they had a peace deal and we vetoed it. Next time they surrender Ukraine could be landlocked, the more Russian parts of the country probably dont want to be ruled by Kiev/CIA if Azov et al are still in charge and they likely will be. US policy is never ending war, been that way before I was born which was about when Ike left office with a warning about the military and Wall St. I dont think Russia will be satisfied with returning to 2014 with the front further west.

                          You've continually declared that Azov was the enforcer of US policy in Ukraine and the check on Zelensky's desire to implement the Minsk agreement. Now you say they are part of a wider movement, Right Sector, Svoboda that are all folded into the military and control it. How is that supposed to work? How do you covertly control a military by folding your mercenaries into the national military's command and pay structure? Again, if Zelensky and Putin wanted peace between each how would Boris, Biden and NATO stop them?

                          Furthermore, Russia never stopped shelling, invading and generally bombing anywhere else along the huge front with Ukraine while it was withdrawing from the Kiev area leaving its heavy equipment behind. What in the hell is simple about that? What possible terms would have allowed Russia to continue any of that? What is obvious is that either Ukraine and Russia had no deal or if they did it was secret and immediately broken by Russia. Not simple Berz. There were negotiations occurring between Ukraine and Russia and Ukraine was sending out feelers of which demands it considered totally non negotiable and NATO and other allies did communicate to Ukraine what they thought they could offer in terms of support to give Ukraine a way to avoid capitulation or defeat but nobody anywhere claims they said or were in a position to say "no" to any kind of deal between Ukraine and Russia. No power on earth could have stopped Ukraine, or any government really from surrendering. Every source you have provided fails to show otherwise. Finally even if they had surrendered it obviously would not have saved any lives because Russia was continuing to attack Ukraine along the entire front, except where their forces had been encircled, depleted and cut off from supplies where they abandoned equipment and routed across the border in total disarray.


                          • Good luck convincing Berz his internet videos aren't THE TRUTH. He continues to sprout whatever they tell him to.
                            Remember, Biden is to blame for all the bad things going on in the world today
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

