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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • cuz Trumpisaliar


    • Nato Secy Gen Jens Stoltenberg said in the fall of '21 Putin told Nato Russia wouldn't invade if Nato didn't let Ukraine join


      • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
        Nato Secy Gen Jens Stoltenberg said in the fall of '21 Putin told Nato Russia wouldn't invade if Nato didn't let Ukraine join
        NATO didn't let Ukraine join and Putin invaded anyway. And you wonder why we don't believe what Putin says.
        Indifference is Bliss


        • Jens said they rejected Russia's offer

          I've seen videos of men being abducted off the streets to fight. Do you support that?


          • N35t0r
            N35t0r commented
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            NATO rejected Russia's offer to have Ukraine join NATO? Yeah, that makes sense, a country should apply for itself.

        • Do you support Russia Berz?
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • No, we're not arming Russia, if we were and Russia was abducting people to fight their war I'd object... I support the people of the Donbas gaining autonomy from Washington and Moscow, sadly the war will solidify the latter's control over the region but if they wanted to be governed by Kiev they would have turned their guns on Russian soldiers in 2014 instead of defending themselves from Ukrainian right wing nationalists. You know, those white supremacists Democrats cant stop talking about as the number 1 threat? Yeah, they've been arming them for a decade all the while preaching about the evils of the people they armed. Same thing with Syria, declare war on Islamic terrorism and then arm Islamic terrorists. No shame in these people.


            • So you don't object to what Russia is doing?
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • You asked me if I support Russia and I said no. Do you support abducting people to fight Ukraine's war?


                • Ukraine has a Nazi problem, we must stop arming Azov - Jamie Raskin 2018
                  This talk about Nazis is Russian propaganda - Jamie Raskin 2023


                  • Gee... you keep defending Russia by making it sound like they had to invade to protect Russians from the Nazi's... even after all they have done is rape and kill them.
                    This is a land grab, pure and simple. But feel free to keep making it sound like it was justified. It wasn't.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • You're not answering my question. Kiev/Washington is abducting people to fight our war, we might even start forcing refugees to return. Do you support that? The people of the Donbas have the right of self-determination, given the choice between Washington and Moscow they've already spoken. They defended themselves from Obama, not Putin. I dont support Russia because they wont respect their autonomy either when this is over, not because they've been helping the Donbas defend themselves. But we're not arming Russia, we've been arming Nazis and looking the other way as they went on a rampage against Ukrainians protesting their coup.

                      Do you support self-determination for the people living in the Donbas? What happens if they dont want you deciding their fate? Define victory for us... Will the Nazis be put in charge of the people they've been killing for a decade? If not for that simple fact I dont think Putin cares about the land there, Russia wants a neutral Ukraine, no Azov on its border with Nato missiles minutes from Moscow. If he wanted the Donbas he wouldn't have waited 8 years only to offer Nato a last minute deal to end the war. You do understand the US has been wanting this war, right?


                      • Uncle Sparky
                        Uncle Sparky commented
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                        You are an idiot.

                      • Berzerker
                        Berzerker commented
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                        thats a Nazi talking point

                    • Troll level: Over 9000

                      Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                      I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                      • So I guess you supported slavery and the south in the civil war. You know, self determination and all...
                        And you would support Mexicans living in Texas who wish to make Texas a part of Mexico...

                        And no, Russia doesn't want a neutral Ukraine, they just wanted All of the Ukraine, and they tried to take it just like they did Crimea.
                        But keep trying to claim that they are "saviors' in all of this. They are just a big bully who tried to take what they wanted.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • slavery /= self determination
                          if Washington sent a Nazi army to slaughter Mexican Americans in the SW for protesting their coup I would not support arming the Nazis, if I armed anyone it would be the Mexican Americans being attacked by the Nazis. All Russia has asked for this whole time is a neutral and peaceful Ukraine - the coup and slaughter of protesters ended hope for that, we sent them a Nazi army to fight a proxy war on their border instead. Try wearing Putin's moccasins for a moment, the USA would not allow a coup in Mexico and a Russian backed Nazi army attacking Mexicans or American Mexicans across our border.

                          When Ukraine does collapse you might be surprised by who is doing the taking. Russia will keep Crimea and the Donbas but Ukraine could see chunks of land (re)claimed by other neighbors. Ofc we'll say its to prevent Russia from taking it, just watch... Now if Putin did want Kiev and did take it, the west would just move the proxy war westward to the Banderite strongholds fighting to retake Kiev.

                          This war will continue until Ukraine (and the world) runs out of white supremacists willing to die fighting the great Jewish/Bolshevik plot to control the world, I'm starting to wonder who the real target is here. If the Nazis are right wouldn't they realize the Jewish/Bolshevik plot requires their removal from Ukraine... everywhere? Same thing with Islamic terrorists, if we can pit them against Muslim countries and govts we get rid of them and weaken or destroy other 'enemies' (people who dont do as we say). Do you have evidence Putin issued a rape order? Would seem rather strange given the ethnic and cultural ties western Russians and eastern Ukrainians share, they'd be raping relatives. Is it our policy to help Ukraine abduct people to fight our war?


                          • Blah blah blah... the war will continue until Russia stops it. They are the offenders.

                            Oh and this "This war will continue until Ukraine (and the world) runs out of white supremacists willing to die fighting the great Jewish/Bolshevik plot to control the world"
                            What video did you watch to come up with that one.

                            Again, the war will stop when Russia gives up. They are in the wrong. They aren't saving or protecting anybody, just killing and raping them... all in an attempt to steal somebody else's land.
                            And while I have no evidence that Putin ordered rape, there is tons of evidence that it has happened. And again, it's all happening because Putin ordered the war.. He ordered it, and is continuing it.
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

