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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • "But the Nazis were worse" is a pretty low bar tho.



    • Originally posted by Serb View Post

      You are a morons, really!!!

      Russia always lives by its own rules only, idiots!
      True ... as you can see by Russian treatment of POWs and civilians in the occupied territories.
      (which surely goes against lots of rules in the Geneva Conventions)

      And by the covert ethnic cleansing that takes place in your provinces
      (i.e. primarily drafting ethnic minorities for the war, so those get killed ... and less so "true Russians" )
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
      Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


      • Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post

        True ... as you can see by Russian treatment of POWs and civilians in the occupied territories.
        (which surely goes against lots of rules in the Geneva Conventions)

        And by the covert ethnic cleansing that takes place in your provinces
        (i.e. primarily drafting ethnic minorities for the war, so those get killed ... and less so "true Russians" )
        Aye, perhaps this is why 6 billion people of the world prefer Russia over the West eh?

        I don't know why I needed Serb to explain it.


        • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

          Aye, perhaps this is why 6 billion people of the world prefer Russia over America eh?

          I don't know why I needed Serb to explain it.
          There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


          • Originally posted by PLATO View Post

            OMG! I nearly fell out of my chair reading that! You are truly a comedian. At least I hope you are as the only other choice is that you are so dim witted that you would believe that kind of crap. Tell me, do a lot of Russians actually believe that stuff? Good wonder everybody laughs at you guys for stupidity.
            They don't show you that kind of thing in your media.

            The Nazis acts like Nazis, there is nothing new with that.
            But, you dimbas$es are living in a phantasy world of your propaganda and never see that.


            • Originally posted by PLATO View Post

              Fire some missiles at a NATO base (if you have enough left, that is). See for yourselves what cowards NATO is. Go ahead and try it. We are waiting.......

              Still waiting.....

              Still waiting...............

              Yep, Russians are the cowards here.
              You are a clowns really!

              Do you think you are immortal or something?

              After you have blown our pipelines, you will get the feedback for sure, trust me!


              • N35t0r
                N35t0r commented
                Editing a comment
                The west didn't blow those pipelines doofus.

            • Well, the almost occupied bits of Ukraine are now considered part of Russia, like Moscow, or St. Petersburg, or Novosibirsk. Ukraine needs more longer range missiles to hit all the targets,
              There's nothing wrong with the dream, my friend, the problem lies with the dreamer.


              • Originally posted by Serb View Post

                You are a clowns really!

                Do you think you are immortal or something?

                After you have blown our pipelines, you will get the feedback for sure, trust me!
                It would make no sense for the Russian government to blow up that pipeline.

                I would not be even remotely surprised if the Americans did it. I have no reason to believe they did however they can not be trusted.


                • It is a bit dumn to blow up those pipelines.

                  especially north stream 2 was built byt dog peristence from germany fighting off the european commission all the batlic states and poland and the US.

                  the rest of europe was meh.

                  so I vow that germany did not blow it up. so either russia (but why?) or the US (but it is glaringly obvious they would be considered suspect).

                  I don't exlude them being blown up by lesser powers. like poland or the baltics

                  the pipelines binded "europe" germany with russia. now there is no binding. like you cross a bridge and blow it up so you can't come back


                  • Originally posted by Egbert View Post

                    It would make no sense for the Russian government to blow up that pipeline.

                    I would not be even remotely surprised if the Americans did it. I have no reason to believe they did however they can not be trusted.
                    If this theory is true:

                    It wouldn't actually be a Sabotage ... neither by the USA nor by the USSR ehm Russia.

                    Instead it would be the fatal result of a maintenance attempt by Gazprom (the russian (mostly) state owned company which runs the pipelines).
                    When natural gas stands a long time (instead of flowing through a pipeline), it can form methan hydrate (i.e. "methan ice" ) that can begin to more and more block the pipeline.
                    Removing this is a difficult task, which should only be done by experienced service personnel, because else, everything can blow up.

                    If this theory is true, then the russian technicians accidentally blew up the pipelines, trying to remove methan hydrate.

                    Considering that a lot of technical personnel either flew to the west (due to the war and the fear of getting conscripted) or was consccripted in order to serve as cannon fodder, maybe Gazprom now only has less experienced personnel at its hands, which is not able to do such difficult tasks

                    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
                    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


                    • Originally posted by Uncle Sparky View Post

                      Iraq and Afghanistan were the only western military adventure where all the push came from Washington and the US hasn't conscripted in the lifetime of most of its citizens so your correction isn't that helpful


                      • Originally posted by Egbert View Post

                        It would make no sense for the Russian government to blow up that pipeline.
                        Except 1) you now see how riled up Serb is about it. Those pipelines were already stopped, and Russia was not going to restart them, so why not use them for something useful?
                        2) Gazprom can now claim force majeure as to why it is not fulfilling it's gas sale contracts.

                        Originally posted by Egbert View Post
                        I would not be even remotely surprised if the Americans did it. I have no reason to believe they did however they can not be trusted.
                        It would be extremely dumb for them to do so, especially now. The lines were not pumping any gas, and if it ever comes out they performed terrorist attacks on NATO EEZ on partially NATO -owned infrastructure, they will lose what little trust they have left among the international community (there is a reason not much weight was put on the US' word that the Russians were about to invade Ukraine back in February).
                        Indifference is Bliss


                        • Originally posted by N35t0r View Post

                          It would be extremely dumb for them to do so, especially now.
                          The foreign policy of the United States appears driven more by domestic political considerations than by national interest, decency, common sense or even sanity.


                          • So Ukraine encircled Lyman now? Looks like they're not impressed by da Poots yesterday.


                            • poots(a) means penis in greek slang. so you saying they were not impressmed by the poots takes a whole new meaning

