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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Originally posted by PLATO View Post

    How about starving to death? Is that something Russians like too?

    Yeah, we are really starving to death due to your sanctions:


    It is beyond stupid to threaten nuclear war.
    It's called a wisdom to warn about it in attempt to stop your insane actions.

    Your people should instantly rise up and get a leader who is sane.
    Says who?

    The representative of the Nation who had "elected" a complete imbecile and degenerate?

    What the FK could you know about electing a sane leaders, Americans?

    The continuing propaganda in Russia to make the people think that nuclear war is anything but a death sentence is warping reality. If it must be fought, it will be...and most everyone will die. There will be no winner.
    We'll see.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	f04581fed60fbe6b1e8d9f497f3c71b0.jpg
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ID:	9454855

    Your Minuteman-3 commissioned 50+ years ago and controlled by 8-inch floppy disks are in perfect condition now, as you can see!


    • Originally posted by PLATO View Post

      Russia is the invader. If they "back off" then normalcy can begin to be restored. Aggression will not be tolerated. You forget the mantra of the U.S...."Live free or die." You talk about Russians willing to die instead of being, as many in the past have, completely underestimate the resolve of Western people when pushed to far. Stop your aggression against another country now. It is foolish and will, in the end, gain you nothing but sorrow.
      Eat your lying sh!t!

      It is you, who is the agressor, you - US of A and your gang of lakeys and NATO cocksrs!

      It is you who who have destroyed the interbational law by YOUR agressions against Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria.

      It's you had broke your promise to do not expand your bloody alliance of predators, known as NATO to our borders, when we have disbanded our military alliance.

      It is you who still military occupies Europe and Japan, even after we had withdrawn our forces decades ago!

      It is you who initiates a colur revolts on our borders, not us on your borders!


      A bloody lying butchers!


      • Originally posted by Serb View Post

        We'll see.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	f04581fed60fbe6b1e8d9f497f3c71b0.jpg
Views:	73
Size:	111.3 KB
ID:	9454855

        Your Minuteman-3 commissioned 50+ years ago and controlled by 8-inch floppy disks are in perfect condition now, as you can see!
        The US constantly re-evalutes those systems. The old floppy disk mediated SACCS system was finally abandoned in 2019. The replacement system is still wisely air-gapped and the replacement wisely prioritizes reliability and security over cutting edge performance gains.


        • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
          Russia can't even defeat little Ukraine on their own. No NATO forces are fighting what so ever yet Russia is at a stand still and their "great offensive 2.0" has maybe moved the lines a km or two at the cost of tens of thousands of dead Russians.
          What do you mean by a "little Ukraine", if you pump in your chest at every occassion that you supply them with military harware worth hundreds billions of USD?
          And, if you really think that there are no NATO regular soldiers 9without their insignias) and Western bought mercenaries in Ukraine, then you are nothing, but American (which a synonimous for and "idiot' in a whole known universe).​


          • Originally posted by PLATO View Post
            We finally have a success story out of Russia's "Special Military Operation"!! Welcome to NATO Finland!

            Turkish MPs vote to admit Finland to the West's defensive alliance, after blocking it for months.

            Thanks to the 200,000 dead Russians who helped make this possible! Turns out your sacrifice wasn't for nothing afterall!
            Keep fapping on your fairy tales.


            • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post
              The US constantly re-evalutes those systems. The old floppy disk mediated SACCS system was finally abandoned in 2019. The replacement system is still wisely air-gapped and the replacement wisely prioritizes reliability and security over cutting edge performance gains.
              It's still a 50+ year old rusty crap!
              So, only insane idiots like Americans can threaten Russians, whose nuclear forces are next generation and 97% new!


              • Originally posted by Serb View Post

                What do you mean by a "little Ukraine", if you pump in your chest at every occassion that you supply them with military harware worth hundreds billions of USD?
                And, if you really think that there are no NATO regular soldiers 9without their insignias) and Western bought mercenaries in Ukraine, then you are nothing, but American (which a synonimous for and "idiot' in a whole known universe).​
                Serb the number of NATO troops in Ukraine is tiny fraction of the number of Soviet troops that were in Korea during the Korean war or in Vietnam during the Vietnam war. NATO can almost get by just fine without a single deployment to Ukraine thanks to 8 waves of Ukrainian mobilization, large numbers of volunteers, and ample facilities to train them in nearby NATO countries.

                I have no idea why, on the other hand, Russia kept getting caught with active duty soldiers and equipment on the wrong side of the frontier.


                • Originally posted by Serb View Post

                  It's still a 50+ year old rusty crap!
                  So, only insane idiots like Americans can threaten Russians, whose nuclear forces are next generation and 97% new!
                  You can't park a fission bomb in the basement and forget it about. There is constant scheduled maintenance including extremely messy and expensive core reprocessing. These missiles are NOT 50 years old. Unlike a ship of Theseus, or a classic car, the military constantly upgrades as it goes and you can rest assured real upgrades DO occur and the details do NOT reach the public.


                  • Yeah, right!!!

                    You are threating and PR'ing to the World a single concept of any of your conventional military toys, but hide any info about inovations in nuclear forces!

                    You were farting into the pond so loud with your SDI, when it reality it was just a farse, but now keep being silent about any improvments of your modern nuclear missiles in time of conflict with Russia, except that you have finnaly abondoned floppy disks to launch your missiles (if it is true of course - that is a major upgrade, my ass!!! But the hardware is still the same - it is still the same piece of metal designed 70 years ago and build 50 years ago. You have no single bew design for your nuclear arms, except an upgrade for a freefall nuclear bombs and have a zero strategic missiles commissioned since Reagan!)
                    Last edited by Serb; April 3, 2023, 17:55.


                    • And again Serb... Just how is the short military exercise going? Over a year, and you still haven't achieved any where near your goals.
                      We can ALL see who is failing here. But that's ok, you can keep talking about how great your military is, even though it kind of sucks.
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                        You can't park a fission bomb in the basement and forget it about. There is constant scheduled maintenance including extremely messy and expensive core reprocessing. These missiles are NOT 50 years old. Unlike a ship of Theseus, or a classic car, the military constantly upgrades as it goes and you can rest assured real upgrades DO occur and the details do NOT reach the public.
                        The Y-12 plant in Oak Ridge is constantly busy machining nuclear cores. They are probably more up to date than Russia's are. Not to mention, who knows what level of corruption exists in the Russian supply chain there.
                        "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                        • Originally posted by Serb View Post
                          Yeah, right!!!

                          You are threating and PR'ing to the World a single concept of any of your conventional military toys, but hide any info about inovations in nuclear forces!

                          You were farting into the pond so loud with your SDI, when it reality it was just a farse, but now keep being silent about any improvments of your modern nuclear missiles in time of conflict with Russia, except that you have finnaly abondoned floppy disks to launch your missiles (if it is true of course - that is a major upgrade, my ass!!! But the hardware is still the same - it is still the same piece of metal designed 70 years ago and build 50 years ago. You have no single bew design for your nuclear arms, except an upgrade for a freefall nuclear bombs and have a zero strategic missiles commissioned since Reagan!)
                          Understandable for someone who come from a country where "maintenance" is considered an opportunity to go grab another Vodka.
                          "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                          • pchang
                            pchang commented
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                            Or substitute cheap tires and pocket the difference.

                        • Originally posted by Serb View Post

                          Russians, whose nuclear forces are next generation and 97% new!
                          These are the weapons assembled by the guys who take the 12 Vodka lunches, right? They are supposed to be fired by the guys who drink jet fuel just for fun, right?

                          If this war has shown anything, it is the incompetence of the Russian military supply chain. Why should the nukes be any different. I bet half your missiles would blow up in their silos if you tried to fire them.

                          "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                          • You don't bring a nuke to a gunfight. Seriously.


                            • Tritium's half life is only 12.5 years.
                              “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

                              ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


                              • BeBMan
                                BeBMan commented
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                              • pchang
                                pchang commented
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                                Which means the tritium in fusion bombs needs to be replaced every 4 - 5 years (5 is stretching it) or they get reduced to the effect of tactical fission bombs.