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Wot no coronavirus thread? Part 2

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  • #91
    Originally posted by pchang View Post
    Don’t be afraid of Covid-19. We all can get Regeneron, remdesivir, and round the clock care.......

    The observations, from ordinary people, here in Australia tend along the lines of "Trump gets a sumptuous hospital and unbelievable care while the poor people can't afford any health care and that stinks even though we understand POTUS is the most important job in the world". ^

    Are the Americans taking a simillarly dim view of the incredible disparity in health cre?

    ^ We have a wonderful free public healthcare system here in Australia and we find it disgusting that the USA turns the poor away from the hospital.


    • pchang
      pchang commented
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      I have a dim view (and I have a s super comprehensive plan thanks to where I work). However, plenty of Kidiots think this is just fine.

  • #92
    We can't afford for everyone to get the same care, but HCQ is 10$.
    I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
    - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


    • -Jrabbit
      -Jrabbit commented
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      STFU, Kidiot.

    • pchang
      pchang commented
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      So, Kid, have you stocked up for yourself?

  • #93
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
    We can't afford for everyone to get the same care, but HCQ is 10$.

    we have a wonderful public health system here in Australiastan with lots of free care.

    For a real example, a bloke with lung cancer had tests, scans, surgery, chemotherapy and hospital all at no charge, The total cost to the patient was roughly A$100 (roughly US$70) for pills.


    • #94
      It's a matter of hospital capacity. We don't want the hospital full when someone really needs to be in the hospital
      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


      • #95
        I suggest there is a long list of countries with better health care than the USA.

        Here cancer, and a lot of other maladies, are treated by our public health system.

        In the USA the poor get sick and die.


        • Uncle Sparky
          Uncle Sparky commented
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          The truly poor are taken care of to a very limited degree in the US. The middle class can really get screwed by their medical system.

      • #96
        if you're going to use the fact that the President got special treatment as evidence for that it's a fail. The President isn't treated like that because he's rich.
        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


        • #97
          Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
          if you're going to use the fact that the President got special treatment as evidence for that it's a fail. The President isn't treated like that because he's rich.

          Please note that I said "we understand POTUS is the most important job in the world" with no mention of wealth. A lot of people still do not like it that anybody gets excellent care while the poor get nothing. That is an indictment of the US health care system with the important point being that the poor get nothing. Nothing.

          Of course POTUS should get care given the consequences of a potentially disruptive transfer of power to a successor.

          The poor should not get nothing in a rich country.


          • #98
            No. If they need to go to the hospital they go to the hospital.
            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


            • #99
              Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
              No. If they need to go to the hospital they go to the hospital.

              How much would treatment for lung cancer cost in the USA for a person with no insurance?


              • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
                if you're going to use the fact that the President got special treatment as evidence for that it's a fail. The President isn't treated like that because he's rich.
                I don't think ANYBODY is against Trump getting the best care possible.
                What is pissing people off is his whole "It's nothing to be afraid of" BS. People or their loved ones that weren't able to get the same level of care don't want to hear that crap from him.
                The fact that he is still down playing it and continuing to put other people at risk just so he can try to get reelected isn't sitting well with anybody except his rabid trumpettes.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Originally posted by Braindead View Post

                  How much would treatment for lung cancer cost in the USA for a person with no insurance?
                  They get treatment. You were claiming that they didn't.

                  The treatment costs the same. Someone must pay for it either way. There is no free health care, anywhere.
                  I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                  - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                  • -Jrabbit
                    -Jrabbit commented
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                    You are full of sh1t, Kid. Have you actually looked at hospital invoice numbers for insured vs. uninsured pricing?

                  • pchang
                    pchang commented
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                    And they definitely do not get the same treatment.

                • Originally posted by Ming View Post

                  I don't think ANYBODY is against Trump getting the best care possible.
                  What is pissing people off is his whole "It's nothing to be afraid of" BS. People or their loved ones that weren't able to get the same level of care don't want to hear that crap from him.
                  The fact that he is still down playing it and continuing to put other people at risk just so he can try to get reelected isn't sitting well with anybody except his rabid trumpettes.
                  If you want to be afraid of it that's your problem. I am not, and I'm not ashamed of not being afraid.

                  There's nothing wrong with telling people not to be afraid, but it says a lot that you are pissed off about that.
                  I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                  - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                  • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

                    They get treatment. You were claiming that they didn't.

                    The treatment costs the same. Someone must pay for it either way. There is no free health care, anywhere.
                    All up cost to poor person for lung cancer in Australia was about US$70 << close enough to free

                    How much would a patient pay for lung cancer treatment in USA?


                    • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

                      If you want to be afraid of it that's your problem. I am not, and I'm not ashamed of not being afraid.

                      There's nothing wrong with telling people not to be afraid, but it says a lot that you are pissed off about that.

                      If you can persuade somebody not to be afraid of covid then why would they see any reason to take any precautions? Why se a mask or socially distance or anything else?


                      • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

                        If you want to be afraid of it that's your problem. I am not, and I'm not ashamed of not being afraid.

                        There's nothing wrong with telling people not to be afraid, but it says a lot that you are pissed off about that.
                        Darwin in action...
                        Plus, please point out where I ever said "I" was pissed off. Oh, that's right, as usual, you can't.
                        I did post he was a moron for showing no empathy for those that didn't get the same great treatment he did, and for those that have lost friends and loved ones. Those are the people he is pissing off.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

