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Who do you tip to win the US presidential election

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  • Originally posted by Braindead View Post

    I loathe it because I am a white man. This nonsense favours everyone except white men. The racism and sexism of Joe Bidens selection of his appointees is my main reason for now hoping Trump beats him.
    I don’t see the left dropping their overt racism unless they really get defeated badly. They need their time in the wilderness where they truly reflect upon what a racist set of beliefs they hold and how the American people have roundly rejected them. Only then will they actually reform and purge their party of its racists.

    Hell, here in California Democrats actually voted to repeal the state’s equality before the law amendment to our state constitution. The reason? Democrats want to legally be able to discriminate against people based solely upon their race. I can’t vote for that. I never left the Democratic Party but they sure did leave me.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • Uncle Sparky
      Uncle Sparky commented
      Editing a comment
      Race and sex has given a huge advantage to white males in the US (and Canada). Since I was a teenager, I have fought for affirmative action, including being on the team that saw Audrey McLaughin become the first woman to lead an (elected) political party in Canada. I was also on the team that helped elect Jagmeet Singh as the first Sikh to lead a national party in Canada, and supported Wab Kinew when he became the only 1st nations member to lead a provincial political party in Canada.
      I've also always gone for the best person for the job. In Canada, that often means hiring POC and women because they've usually overcome many, many, many more obstacles than the white man applying for anything beyond an entry level position.

      Like the quote mistakenly attributed to Ginger Rogers, about dancing with Fred Astaire, 'Sure he was great, but don't forget that Ginger Rogers did everything he did…backwards and in high heels.’

  • Originally posted by BeBro View Post

    The guy who runs for pres gets to choose who he wants - how is this racism?
    My observation is that the Vice-President actually has lots of people who are competent and willing to take the position. The 'best' comes down to a lot of qualitative factors which are not demonstatedly related to being the best at the VP job. Things like 'did they come from a competitive state' or 'do they represent some group that I want to identify with my ticket?'. This happens all the time, look at Palin, Kaine, Bush and even Biden. You could argue that the least used qualities for selecting a VP is actually how they will perform in the VP role. Biden saying he wants to hire a woman for VP was the same thing as Clinton picking a man or Lincoln picking a southerner non-radical Republican. Biden saying he would pick a black woman for the Supreme Court is recognizing that there are many many good candidates and the one selected out of these good candidates is going to be primarily about politics and networking and not because they are demonstratably better.

    Biden was open about what non-quantitative factors he was including with the quantitative factors. A good thing I think.

    This is a common thing all over the place. In academia I have heard that they usually end up with at least 10 great candidates who would do a good job and then they select their friend or the one who went to Harvard. My limited experience and observations in private industry is that something similar happens. There are many candidates who CVs show that they will do a good job and generally the one selected is the one who has friends in the company or who went to Stanford.

    Doing things like say 'I will pick a minority' is basically correcting for the fact that people's friendships are segregated. It is not, in most cases, picking a less qualified minority over a qualified majority. The businesses and universities and so on would not be successful that way. It is rather that there are too many good candidates and the determination of winners and losers come down to biases (some defensible, some less defensible).

    (Note that in some places the requirement for disadvantaged groups actually does result in worse candidates being selected, consider South Africa were due to apartheid and so on Africans often are not as good of a candidate. Some people claim that this happens in the US, but I have not observed it. I observe that people hiring their friends is much stronger than people hiring disadvantaged groups (which often mean women because African-Americans and Native-Americans are often too disadvantaged to even have candidates in tech or physics academia).)
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • I think most people that think it's racist will think it's racist against black people because of her record.
      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


      • On Colbert she laughed when he asked her about accusing Biden of being racist. Then Colbert said, "So you didn't mean it."
        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


        • I just love how some white privileged males want to cry racism and sexism because somebody wanted a black woman as a running mate.
          What a bunch of whiny bigots and sexists. They are showing their true colors.
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Originally posted by BeBro View Post

            The guy who runs for pres gets to choose who he wants - how is this racism?
            The candidates are being filtered by race so it is racist.

            If a job advertisement said "no blacks need apply" would you consider that racist?


            • Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post

              This is a common thing all over the place. In academia I have heard that they usually end up with at least 10 great candidates who would do a good job and then they select their friend or the one who went to Harvard. My limited experience and observations in private industry is that something similar happens. There are many candidates who CVs show that they will do a good job and generally the one selected is the one who has friends in the company or who went to Stanford.

              This is in accordance with my experience so I agree with the text I highlighted.

              It does not justify ruling some of them out on some irrelevant criteria such as race and it remains racist regardless of which race is ruled out.


              • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                I just love how some white privileged males want to cry racism and sexism because somebody wanted a black woman as a running mate.
                What a bunch of whiny bigots and sexists. They are showing their true colors.

                You appear to be under the impression that name calling is a rational argument. At any rate that is your style when you are arguing with Kidicious.


                • Tell that to kid...
                  It seems some white privileged males just don't know how good they have it, and how the cards are stacked in their favor.
                  I'm sure not a single one of them would want to trade places with a black woman or black man.
                  But again, I'm sick and tired of listening to white privileged males whining. And calling picking a black woman as VP racism and sexism, unbelievable...
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • You’ve really nose dived off a cliff, Ming. I listed a concrete example of racism and you not only ignored it but did a textbook display of cognitive dissonance. Shown that is it definitively Democrats who are voting to remove equal protection before the law (in California at least) because they want different laws for different people based solely upon race... You wrongly then claim it is not the Democrats who are racist?!
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • I suppose Ming will tell us he is not a racist himself. He just hates white people.


                      • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
                        You’ve really nose dived off a cliff, Ming. I listed a concrete example of racism and you not only ignored it but did a textbook display of cognitive dissonance. Shown that is it definitively Democrats who are voting to remove equal protection before the law (in California at least) because they want different laws for different people based solely upon race... You wrongly then claim it is not the Democrats who are racist?!
                        You are welcome to your opinion about about the differences between the passed Proposition 209 and the new Proposition 16. The Democrats supporting the bill are simply bowing to the will of the Supreme Court which has it's own ruling on the matter which provides protection from discrimination.
                        Proposition 16 would remove the ban on affirmative action involving race-based or sex-based preferences from the California Constitution. Therefore, federal law would define the parameters of affirmative action. .
                        NO, the Democrats aren't the racist ones here... It's Trump who is supporting racist candidates and racists policies like attempting to remove the fair housing laws.

                        As far as
                        I suppose Ming will tell us he is not a racist himself. He just hates white people
                        I'm not racist... and I don't hate white people. But I do get tired of listening to white privileged males talk about how they are getting screwed by the liberal left.
                        It's time to realize that white privileged males have had ALL THE ADVANTAGES, and it's about time the courts are starting to level the playing field.
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • Kidlicious
                          Kidlicious commented
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                          How are people privileged when they can't even advocate for themselves?

                      • Originally posted by Braindead View Post
                        I loathe it because I am a white man. This nonsense favours everyone except white men.
                        Talk about racism and sexism... It seems all you care about are white men.

                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • Originally posted by Braindead View Post

                          The candidates are being filtered by race so it is racist.
                          No, this is definately not the case - he had several candidates for possible VPs, incl. blacks, whites, and choose one of them, which happens to be non-white (OMG), which is his prerogative.

                          What you are saying comes down to declaring that there can never be a black VP.

                          But some clarity where people stand is always nice.


                          • Gee... he picked a candidate that might help him the most in the election... But some seem to think it was racist and sexist because he wanted a black female...
                            Using that logic, Trump is a racist for picking a white religious male for his running mate. But that's right, the white privileged males are upset because it favors somebody besides them.
                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

