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Who do you tip to win the US presidential election
You can see how much affidavits are worth here.A former captain with the Houston Police Department who was part of a private citizens group trying to investigate 2020 election fraud claims was arrested Tuesday after allegedly running a man off the road and pointing a gun to his head, the Harris County district attorney said.“It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
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Originally posted by BBCTrump Twitter ‘hack’: Police accept attacker's claim
Dutch prosecutors have found a hacker did successfully log in to Donald Trump's Twitter account by guessing his password - "MAGA2020!"
But they will not be punishing Victor Gevers, who was acting "ethically".
Mr Gevers shared what he said were screenshots of the inside of Mr Trump's account on 22 October, during the final stages of the US presidential election.
But at the time, the White House denied it had been hacked and Twitter said it had no evidence of it.
In reference to the latest development, Twitter said: "We've seen no evidence to corroborate this claim, including from the article published in the Netherlands today. We proactively implemented account security measures for a designated group of high-profile, election-related Twitter accounts in the United States, including federal branches of government."
The White House has not responded to a request for further comment.
Mr Gevers said he was very happy with the outcome.
"This is not just about my work but all volunteers who look for vulnerabilities in the internet," he said.
The well respected cyber-security researcher said he had been conducting a semi-regular sweep of the Twitter accounts of high-profile US election candidates, on 16 October, when he had guessed President Trump's password.
Dutch police said: "The hacker released the login himself.
"He later stated to police that he had investigated the strength of the password because there were major interests involved if this Twitter account could be taken over so shortly before the presidential election."
They had sent the US authorities their findings, they added.
Mr Gevers had told officers he had substantially more evidence of the "hack".
In theory, he would have been able to see all the president's data, including:- private photos and messages
- privately bookmarked tweets
- how many people he had blocked
But Twitter has refused to answer direct questions from BBC News, including whether the account had extra security or logs that would have shown an unknown login.
Earlier this year, Mr Gevers also claimed he and other security researchers had logged in to Mr Trump's Twitter account in 2016 using a password - "yourefired" - linked to another of his social-network accounts in a previous data breach.I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!
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Originally posted by giblets View PostA magic unicorn told me Trump lost, bigly.
So let us all be consistent and say unnamed sources are untrustworthy or not. No more "I will trust this unnamed source because it works towards the side I want but not that unnamed source because it makes my side look bad."Try http://wordforge.net/index.php for discussion and debate.
JRabbit hasn't been keeping up with the news, I see. Hint: The FBI and DOJ opened investigations over a year ago about the Biden's corrupt dealings after several banks filed suspicious financial transaction reports. The laptop is being kept by the FBI as evidence. Try doing a bit of searching on Google and you will learn more details.
Boy, good thing Hunter Biden is not part of the incoming administration. That would be almost as bad as hiring your daughter and son-in-law as key advisers, then having to use presidential strong-arm tactics to get them the security clearance that they are in no way qualified to hold.
Woh. Now Fox News is reporting that the intelligence report is delayed over a dispute about evidence that China interfered in the election.
Fox News on Wednesday published a report billed as an exclusive that the Trump administration would blow past a deadline to publish a report on foreign election interference in the 2020 election."The 2020 Intelligence Community Assessment focused on foreign election influence will be delayed, Fox Ne...I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
- Justice Brett Kavanaugh
"Deep State Trying to Deep-Six Intel on Chinese Election Interference Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is considering not signing an intelligence report to Congress if it does not accurately reflect an ongoing debate among intelligence community career analysts over Chinese attempts to influence American voters in the 2020 election, according to a source familiar with the issue. The intelligence report on foreign efforts to influence the 2020 election is due to Congress on Friday, but Ratcliffe is concerned it will not accurately reflect the debate among senior intelligence community analysts as to the extent of China’s influence operations during the election, according to the source. There is allegedly “ample” raw intelligence about China’s intentions and actions related to the election, with more intelligence reporting coming in everyday. Some of the influence operations include social media campaigns seeking to amplify messages such as that President Donald Trump is a white supremacist. However, senior career analysts disagree on the significance of those influence operations. Some analysts argue that they were minimal or ultimately not acted on, while others say it is extensive and far more than previously known. The disagreement includes whether there should be a China section in the report, according to the source. Despite this serious debate, Ratcliffe is concerned that proper tradecraft — which would require that the disagreement be reflected in the report with both views represented — will not be followed simply in order to deprive President Trump of a potential political talking point. In other words, Ratcliffe is concerned that the intelligence report would be written in a way due to politics — the very definition of politicization of intelligence, and only bury real and growing concerns about China from the intelligence community. A senior national security official told Breitbart News on background: Good to see Ratcliffe stepping up and addressing the China issue inside the IC. This appears to be a textbook case of intelligence being politicized by a handful of careerists in the bowels of the CIA. They don’t want to give Trump the talking points that China was engaged in election influence operations, but we all know they were. Ratcliffe has applauded the growing focus among the intelligence community on China, which he said for the last few decades has prioritized counterterrorism. He wrote in an op-ed on December 3 in the Wall Street Journal: Within intelligence agencies, a healthy debate and shift in thinking is already under way. For the talented intelligence analysts and operators who came up during the Cold War, the Soviet Union and Russia have always been the focus. For others who rose through the ranks at the turn of this century, counterterrorism has been top of mind. But today we must look with clear eyes at the facts in front of us, which make plain that China should be America’s primary national security focus going forward. The intelligence report would go to Congress in a classified form, but would be released in an unclassified form to the public weeks afterwards, which will certainly fuel public discussion on Chinese election interference, as President-Elect Joe Biden seeks to move past what for many was a contested outcome. The current IC debate is similar to a debate that was not reflected in the Obama administration 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment, which alleged Russia interfered in the 2016 election to specifically hurt Hillary Clinton and help Trump. There was fierce debate among intelligence agencies over whether Russia’s goal was to help Trump or just to sow discord, but that debate was not reflected in the ICA, which was then used as a talking point by the left that the Trump campaign and Russia had colluded. After several years and millions of dollars, Special Counsel Robert Mueller found there was no criminal collusion, conspiracy, or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia. The intelligence report only covers foreign influence operations related to the election, not voter or election fraud or election security."I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
- Justice Brett Kavanaugh
So China may be accused of doing the same thing as Russia did in 2016? If Biden met with Chinese agents about cooperation, even if it turns out that he was too incompetent to successfuly engage in it and obviously did not ask for their involvement from the stump, then put me on board for impeachment. I will note that there was no real penalty given to Trump or Russia and so we seemed to have invited such activities by foreign powers.
With the current baseless claims about election fraud, and the fact that such actions are not voter fraud or vote tampering/etc, then I don't think now is the time to focus on such analyses/etc. Now being while Trump is making dictatorial noises about holding onto power after losing the election.
JMJon Miller-
GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
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