Sadly, the "alt" has just become part of the "right" over the past few years.
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Who do you tip to win the US presidential election
Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms
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I usually just scroll past his stuff. He isn't alt right so much as just hyper partisan to the point of derangement. Unfortunately, many people on the left seem to think anyone who is right of center or conservative are some how alt right which is not remotely true.Try for discussion and debate.
Nope, that's just your own perception. Most people can tell the difference.
Bro you posted a video from a channel that was defending the Michigan kidnappers. Maybe you seriously aren't aware of it but alot of your talking points are direct messages from extremists whether you realize it or not. We all get duped but you just double down, talk about shooting people or go on nonstop tirades about Democrats burning down cities.
Yet you have not once condemned alt right violence and have even defended them too. When you're spending so much energy and passion defending these groups what perception do you think people are going to have? I'm just trying to help your azz but you are running with the wrong crowd.
At least you respected the election process. Props to that.Last edited by Ted Striker; December 15, 2020, 23:51.
Here's something for Trumpists.“It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Originally posted by Dinner View PostI usually just scroll past his stuff. He isn't alt right so much as just hyper partisan to the point of derangement. Unfortunately, many people on the left seem to think anyone who is right of center or conservative are some how alt right which is not remotely true.
Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
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You don't think Biden is left of center? He is certainly not further left nor is he further right. He loves to play all the left wing talking points though even if it is, thankfully, mostly just lip service. He is very much center with a small step to the left mainly with an eye on fundraising cash and acting like a political weather vane.
Any of you guys actually catch the news? Dueling electors from s e v e n states? Hello? Or are you watching main steam media? I thought I talked to you guys about this...
Just FYI, Biden is heading for a rockin chair somewhere else besides the basement of the White House. Maybe a prison...Last edited by Lancer; December 16, 2020, 00:31.Long time member @ Apolyton
Civilization player since the dawn of time
The idea seems to be to claim the election is contested and to then try to get it thrown to the states where each state gets one vote as per the constitution. As the election has been certified it seems unlikely to happen though. It has always been a long shot designed more for fund raising and trying to build a victim hood narrative more than anything else.
I continue to say Democrats played this all wrong and should have agreed to investigate everything seriously as it would have mostly proven the election valid other than a few mi or issues. By refusing to do that they played into the hands of the conspiracy theorists allowing them to pretend there was a cover up. That said, let us not forget that Democrats spent the last four years playing the same stupid "the election was rigged" nonsense, making up conspiracy theories about Russia some how fixing everything, and babbling horse crap like Pelosi claiming Trump was an illegitimate president. How quickly some of you forget that both sides routinely play this stupid game.Last edited by Dinner; December 16, 2020, 01:42.Try for discussion and debate.
First, there is a big difference between the two... over 50 lawsuits so far and cases brought to the Supreme Court and a President refusing to admit defeat is FAR different than what the Dems did 4 years ago.
And second, you say that the Democrats played this all wrong... but in Most cases, since most of the swing States are Republican, it was the Republicans that were in control of how it was played... with Republican governors, Republican judges and other local officials making the decisions...Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
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In fact, every election since 1960, with the exception of two landslide elections where the losers really couldn't claim anything, has seen the losing side claim some how they were robbed. Sure, Trump turned this up to a ten but stop pretending this isn't what the losers always claim. Also, no, the judiciary has proven very independent so nothing would have changed except that the conspiracies would have been publicly debunked. Where as now the conspiracies still spread so, yes, Dems screwed that one up.Last edited by Dinner; December 16, 2020, 04:53.Try for discussion and debate.
There is a big difference from "claiming they were robbed" vs doing what Trump is doing...
No President has acted like Trump has... Not even close.
And since the Dems won, it's hard to see how they were the ones that screwed this up.Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
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If you say so... Just remember, they could have conclusively debunked his claims but chose not to do so. It would have been better for all if they had.Try for discussion and debate.
Give you guys a team effort on the Drama you've displayed here... 9,1, 6,8, 9.3. Wow that's great! However, while the Left thinks putting out Drama with a capital D will somehow save them, it won't. Good marks though.Hey...Friday things might change a lot if I'm right. Friday...remember that. Could be wrong, but...see what happens Friday.
Long time member @ Apolyton
Civilization player since the dawn of time
Originally posted by Lancer View PostGive you guys a team effort on the Drama you've displayed here... 9,1, 6,8, 9.3. Wow that's great! However, while the Left thinks putting out Drama with a capital D will somehow save them, it won't. Good marks though.Hey...Friday things might change a lot if I'm right. Friday...remember that. Could be wrong, but...see what happens Friday.
And Dinner...
Not even close... a spoiled petulant child vs. somebody with class.Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
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It doesn't matter what they say Dinner, they will just talk all this nonsense about the lamestream media, Communism, they're taking our guns, fake news, blah blah.
You're asking them to feed the troll, and just fuels the outrage. They way they handled it was fine. They had an army of lawyers (thousands) ready to go if things got out of hand. But Trump got pwned in court.
They let Trump and his idiots clown themselves, and they did.
The way deprogramming is going to be done properly is the way Reagan did it, with pop culture messaging. Now with social media on top, since you guys all get your info from there as if it was fact. This is going to take a very long time.Last edited by Ted Striker; December 16, 2020, 18:52.