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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Uncle Sparky View Post
    Are the gargoyles safe?
    Yes, they could be rescued. The hunchback was rescued as well

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  • Uncle Sparky
    Are the gargoyles safe?

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  • spambot
    God isn't real

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  • Bereta_Eder
    It flew the kosovar flag and now it's destroyed by God.

    at least that's what some say in serbia

    who am I to disagree?


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  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    Give him time......

  • rah
    or immigrants.

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  • Dauphin
    At least Trump didn’t suggest the fire was caused by lack of raking the cité streets.

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  • -Jrabbit
    Just saw this from Fortune Magazine, published about a month ago:

    The Commerce Department reported Wednesday the U.S. posted a more than $891 billion merchandise trade deficit last year - —the largest in the history of the country.

    Significantly, the trade deficit with China hit a record $419 billion, despite a series of tariffs the administration imposed on Chinese goods to decrease reliance on imports.

    Meanwhile, the overall goods and services deficit jumped 19% between November and December 2018, to $59.8 billion, the highest monthly trade deficit in 10 years.

    The data shows that Trump’s America First policies to close the trade gap haven’t had their desired effect. Americans are importing far more from abroad than they are exporting—imports grew 7.5% while exports increased only 6.3%.

    What’s more, Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut enacted in late 2017 served to further fuel the deficit. The government had to borrow to pay for the cut, and some of those dollars came from foreign investors.
    National debt also through the roof. It's like Trump heard people mocking him for finding a way to bankrupt casinos and said, "You ain't seen nothin' yet."

    Full story link

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  • -Jrabbit
    commented on 's reply
    Here's the quote: ‘"Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out."

  • Aeson
    Just build a wall around the building, once the wall is completely surrounding the building on all sides (and top) the lack of oxygen will cause the fire to go out. It will also keep out the drugs, rapists, and future wives.

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  • pchang
    Actually it was helicopters dropping big loads of water. Unfortunately, Trump did not do well in physics and did not realize that dropping a ton of water on an old stone work building would destroy the building even more surely than the fire.

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  • BlackCat
    Yeah, fighting a reasonably limited, though big, fire on a small island in the midst of a river are of course best done with planes. He really have some strange ideas about how firefighting is done.

    Did his tweet say whether the planes should carry fire extinguishing stuff or maybe some bombs ?

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  • rah
    He did recommend using planes to try to extinguish the flames.

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  • BlackCat
    Originally posted by rah View Post
    How is Trump going to deny his involvement in this?

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  • rah
    How is Trump going to get the blame for this?

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