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Thread for obviously newsworthy stuff

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  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    Why not get paid in Euros? How are you going to spend USD?

  • BeBMan

    I'm getting paid from London, but in USD

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  • pchang
    Ok. BoJo is now PM. No Deal Brexit, here we come.

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  • The Mad Monk
    He's not wrong...

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  • Aeson
    This thread has fallen off the first page. There is nothing more that is newsworthy. All previously newsworthy events are now tabloid worthy only.

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  • spambot
    commented on 's reply
    Man's chair needs a butt plug.

  • pchang
    commented on 's reply
    The woman’s chair needs to be motorized

  • -Jrabbit
    Could someone please mansplain this to me?

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  • spambot
    Manspreading SOLVED:
    Laila Laurel, centre, has created a chair, pictured, during her course at the University of Brighton to prevent men from 'manspreading' by physically keeping their legs together.

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  • Meticulous Man
    DR Congo Police Killed, 'Disappeared' 27 Young Men and Boys - HRW

    Security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo killed and forcibly disappeared the young men and boys during an anti-crime campaign between May and September 2018. The campaign, known among the police as "Operation Likofi IV," targeted alleged gang members in Congo's capital, Kinshasa, a Human Rights Watch report reveals.

    Security forces in the Democratic Republic of Congo killed and forcibly disappeared the young men and boys during an anti-crime campaign between May and September 2018. The campaign, known among the police as "Operation Likofi IV," targeted alleged gang members in Congo's capital, Kinshasa, a Human Rights Watch report reveals.


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  • The Mad Monk
    Rather Picasso-esque.

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  • Broken_Erika
    Behold! The Unrivaled craftsmanship of the Smurfette Melania!
    Originally posted by BBC
    New Melania Trump statue in Slovenia gets mixed reviews
    A tongue-in-cheek statue of US First Lady Melania Trump has appeared on the outskirts of her Slovenian hometown.

    US artist Brad Downey hired a local chainsaw artisan, Ales Zupevc, to carve the likeness out of a tree trunk outside the town of Sevnica.

    The result was a wooden rendering of Mrs Trump dressed in a blue coat with a club-like hand gesturing to the sky.

    Some residents described it as "a disgrace", a "Smurfette", saying "it doesn't look anything like Melania".

    Downey told Reuters news agency he wanted to "have a dialogue" with the US political situation.

    The artist has an exhibition in Slovenia's capital Ljubljana until late August. The gallery reportedly suggested the statue "might only be a slapstick prank" in a leaflet.

    Downey's previous works include Wisdom Testicles and Cactus Hand.

    Sevnica has become a tourist magnet ever since Donald Trump was elected US president in 2016, and Ms Trump - a famous former resident - became the first lady.
    A Smurf-like sculpture of the US first lady unveiled in her hometown of Sevnica gets mixed reviews.

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  • Uncle Sparky
    commented on 's reply
    Trump was simply declassifying Top Secret information again. This is his right, as the really smart president.
    Too bad Huckabee Sanders isn't around anymore, to exclaim, "He clearly said 'harbours', not 'airports'."

  • Broken_Erika
    Originally posted by pchang View Post
    The US is clearly the most advanced nation on earth. According to Trump, we had airports in the late 1770’s.
    The Battle of the Baggage Claim was most brutal.
    Originally posted by BBC
    Donald Trump's 'airport' revolution sees people rewrite history
    A speech by the president of the United States will always get attention, especially on 4 July.

    But Donald Trump's 2019 address to mark America's Independence Day has been flying around on social media more than usual.

    During the address in Washington DC, Mr Trump suggested the Continental Army "took over the airports" during the revolutionary war against Britain in the late 18th Century.

    It's not clear exactly what Mr Trump was referring to. The first successful plane to take flight was the Wright Flyer, in the US, in 1903 - more than 100 years later.

    In response, people have been adding their own, imagined references to air travel within established history.

    The hashtag #revolutionarywarairportstories has been used nearly 4,000 times on Twitter so far, and the term Revolutionary War used more than 16,000 times.

    Twitter user @King_Of_Shade invented the Battle of Baggage Claim in 1776.
    User SlumdogSkillionaire commented: "By the end of the war there was not a single airport on the continent that was under British control. The troops were nothing if not thorough."

    While another user added that: "Not a single RAF aircraft was in the skies above America during the Battle of Yorktown. What a strategic accomplishment!"
    The US president said the army took over airports in the 18th Century in his Independence Day speech.

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  • pchang
    The US is clearly the most advanced nation on earth. According to Trump, we had airports in the late 1770’s.

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