Originally posted by Kidicious
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If I am the sole producer of a drug and the price isn't regulated, I am free to set my price at will, as long as the health insurers (or uninsured patients) are willing to pay for it.
That`s capitalism, baby
Originally posted by Kidicious
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Well, I don't know about the USA, but in european countries usually still the principle "in dubio pro reo" is in force.
Lets come up with an example:
Say someone films an accused in a child rape case and publishes the video on the internet.
People see this video and find out the address of the person.
Afterwards (while the trial is still running) this person is harrassed by everyone in his environment and then, due to the pressure, commits suicide.
In the end it is found out that the accused was totally innocent and someone else was the rapist.
One innocent person lost his life due to someone taking the law in his own hands and publishing details (address or videos of the person) on the internet.
This is the behavior you defend
(and actually there are a lot of real cases out there, were falsely accused people had their names or faces published on the internet by "activists", commited suicide (or were killed by other "activists") and later turned out to be innocent)