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  • #91
    Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

    the flag represents one nation under god and christians refused to recite the pledge even before 'under god' was installed

    they said it was idolatry
    You just repeated what I said, that no one believed that the flag was a god. If they didn't believe in making the pledge fine. I just think they don't know what an idol is.
    I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
    - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


    • #92
      Originally posted by Aeson View Post
      Not a Nazi

      (punching him is wrong, at least as long as he doesn't have the power to enact his vision ... but he's definitely a Nazi)
      You're missing the point. Why doesn't the press ask if it's ok to punch a terrorist?
      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


      • #93
        Since you probably don't get it still, republicans are used to being called nazis. We're treated like nazis. That happened in this thread. This wasn't just an attack on nazis, white nationalists or the alt-right. It was an attack on everyone some lunatic liberal has called a Nazi.

        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


        • #94
          for cockney and all

          jst to put some things clear chronologically

          the "doing" was not the verb "to do"

          rather it was a sound like "boink, doink etc" a sound dressing for an event

          I came in this thread to share something that was funny, namely that sally prebuius is going to get baptized greek orthodox

          then kid replied with an assassine comment if sharia and feminism are the same, probably steaming from older conversation with kentonio

          then I saw in huffington post this video and I posted it

          about wether punching a peaceful nazi is wrong, it's up for debate because he is peaceful

          about the monopoly of violence by the state, that's another issue although I think that's not the issue at hand

          seeing kid flip out was very entertaining so I prursued it

          who can blame me?


          • #95
            Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
            You just repeated what I said, that no one believed that the flag was a god. If they didn't believe in making the pledge fine. I just think they don't know what an idol is.
            You said people didn't believe the flag was God (no kidding), idols are not gods, they represent them. Children are "asked" to stand and pledge their allegiance to the state and its god every school day. Leave them kids alone. They aint yours. You want your kid to pledge allegiance every day, do it on your time and your own dime.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
              Since you probably don't get it still, republicans are used to being called nazis. We're treated like nazis. That happened in this thread. This wasn't just an attack on nazis, white nationalists or the alt-right. It was an attack on everyone some lunatic liberal has called a Nazi.

              No one punched you.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                Not a Nazi

                (punching him is wrong, at least as long as he doesn't have the power to enact his vision ... but he's definitely a Nazi)
                no he's not. unless we're using 'nazi' to describe any far-right view, in other words making it meaningless.
                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                • #98
                  "Heil Trump" (giving a similar salute, and being saluted back with the actual one)
                  "Lets party like it's 1933" (referring to when Hitler became Chancellor)

                  ... oh, and the whole ethnic cleansing stuff ...


                  • #99
                    "Lugenpressa" is another Nazi cry he's used and prompted other white nationalists to use.


                    • ah, you seem to have fallen for some of 'mainstream' media's 'alternative facts' about that speech. i suggest that you watch it. he actually said 'hail trump, hail victory' (as in 'hail to the chief', while raising his glass). a handful of people then did a nazi salute (led by a guy called mike enoch, whose wife turned out to be jewish, so a rather odd 'nazi' to say the least (agent provocateur?)).

                      (interestingly there were some other lies told about that speech by the MSM, including the whole 'are jews people?' nonsense. this has made me very sceptical of anything the MSM has to say about spencer, and i prefer to look at his own words, rather than their reporting of him).

                      i believe that spencer defends an 'ethnic homeland' for 'european americans'. he's basically a nationalist who emphasises the ethnic component of national identity. that kind of view, though i disagree very strongly with it, is not 'nazi', unless we're calling japan and israel nazi states.
                      "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                      "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                      • Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                        "Lugenpressa" is another Nazi cry he's used and prompted other white nationalists to use.
                        no it isn't. 'lügenpresse' dates from the 19th century.
                        "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                        "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                        • If we go into semantics then probably recent events outlast their historical precedent and should be viewed for what the "mainstream" takes them to symbolize.

                          The "heil" salute is old and goes back to ancient greece and rome (that's how they saluted)

                          However today it has taken the conotation of the nazi salute.

                          Similarly the swastika is an ancient symbol, it can be traced to ancient greece and the meandros (the way rivers run) to ancient India and amaszingly enough to some indian tribes in america,

                          but if someone today uses it, it's clear it takes another meaning.

                          that is for semantics and symbolisms which I think have value in our conversation.

                          Going on about the personagge in question.

                          how exactly is he advocating a peaceful ethnic cleansing should take place?

                          If you talk about it in a country with 99% homogenuity it's something, if you're talking about a country with far less homogenuity then it is not going to be peaceful.

                          Hence, he is trying to fit into today's norms of savoir vivre (sic) while his message in essense seems quite violent, because that's the only way to be attained


                          • I've watched it plenty C0ckney. He's obviously a Nazi. He styles his hair in the "fashy". He glows at the response of the "sieg heil" from his audience. He doesn't speak out against it, doesn't admonish them. He blushes like a Hitler youth who got to touch the chancellor's hand when he says the word, "Lugenpressa". He makes references to Nazi Germany like 1933. It's not the media making those statements, it's him. His words.

                            He thinks white people are superior. "Only white people could build the Sistene Chapel". And various other stupidity. He wants to rid America of minorities. Sure, he has almost no power so can't do it, but that doesn't make his ideology any less reprehensible than those who had enough power to apply the same ideology.


                            • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                              how exactly is he advocating a peaceful ethnic cleansing should take place?

                              If you talk about it in a country with 99% homogenuity it's something, if you're talking about a country with far less homogenuity then it is not going to be peaceful.

                              Hence, he is trying to fit into today's norms of savoir vivre (sic) while his message in essense seems quite violent, because that's the only way to be attained
                              It's his way of trying to pretend he isn't a monster. There is no way to peacefully remove > 100 million people from the US against their will.

                              He's just too chicken**** to really stand up for the implications of his ideology. He knows no one would ever accept such a horrific thing right off, so he has to worm and wiggle so people like C0ckney will think he's "not so bad" and will instead of speaking out against him, attack those who stand up to his horrid bigotry for what it really is.


                              • Maybe (I'm just guessing) cockney judges him in comparison with people with very similar ideology who actually engage in violent acts. Apparently he hasn't yet or at least in apparent fashion.

                                However, that is not so important in a view that his stance elicits violent action anyway.
                                Actually it's worse because someone looking like an ape spweing hate and acting violently is easily dismissample but a clear cut "gentleman" setting the foudnations for what can only be accomplished through violent means is more dangerous in getting his message across as something civilized.

                                Also let us not forget the message of image.

                                The puncher acted like a cleansing actor, solidifying in deeds what many people are thinking.

                                What is the image of a nazi when he's whimpering like a **** that he has "Received violence"?

                                easily dismisample

