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  • If he was constantly making allusions to Marx while espousing a similar ideology... then yes, he would probably be a commie.


    • Originally posted by C0ckney View Post

      they do go unchallenged. what i mean that people see spencer and ilk's ideas shut down with violence rather than dissected and disproved in honest debate. that's the wrong image to present. we shouldn't have anything to fear from his ideas: they are easy enough to counter without resorting to thuggery, and by using such methods, we simply allow him to present himself as a victim and to gain sympathy.
      that's one way of looking at things and of course I see it.

      however, the rise of the far right doesn't happen IMO because spencer and ilk manage to "spearhead" their ideas unchallenged. It happens because of economic reasons which, once relieved, the situation will change.

      my point is that you can go on punching as many nazi's/far righters you want, and still fight for virtue and it won't influence things much. I already said that in my opinion it is socially and collectively cleansing and that is beneficial.

      someone calmly advocating mass murder doesn't simply get a frown in this world..
      just the way things are imo


      • This isn't just a one off incident. He very clearly thinks the white race is superior, that America should be for whites only, that all other races are inferior. He makes allusions to Nazi Germany... about the press, 1933, children of the sun, etc. His Nazi (some outright admitted) compatriots pick up the hints easily, respond with even more explicitly Nazi actions, which he not only doesn't chastise them for, but seems to glory in.

        He is a Nazi.


        • The fact that you (cockney) think a one off incident is a valid analog shows clearly how incapable you are of rational analysis of the subject.

          As for your earlier quote that I had referred to, he was dehumanizing leftists and "cucks". "Cucks" is the alt-right term for those cuckold by the liberal line of inclusion and diversity ... those who aren't white nationalists ... inc right wing "cuckservatives".

          You would be nothing more than "cuckney" to him, as you don't agree with his vision of a pure white America. And he would question whether you really are even a person, rather than a soulless golem.


          • Hitler = Nazi
            Spencer = Nazi sympathizer
            Aeson = media sympathizer
            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


            • Originally posted by Aeson View Post
              If he was constantly making allusions to Marx while espousing a similar ideology... then yes, he would probably be a commie.
              Not if he were non-violent like Spencer is.
              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


              • Aeson
                Aeson commented
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                Spencer's ideology is inherently violent. You can't "cleanse" America of minorities without massive violence along the lines of genocide.

            • Originally posted by Aeson View Post
              The fact that you (cockney) think a one off incident is a valid analog shows clearly how incapable you are of rational analysis of the subject.

              As for your earlier quote that I had referred to, he was dehumanizing leftists and "cucks". "Cucks" is the alt-right term for those cuckold by the liberal line of inclusion and diversity ... those who aren't white nationalists ... inc right wing "cuckservatives".

              You would be nothing more than "cuckney" to him, as you don't agree with his vision of a pure white America. And he would question whether you really are even a person, rather than a soulless golem.
              I can accurately predict that you call people white nationalists because they call people cuck and you learned the meaning from the media.
              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


              • Aeson
                Aeson commented
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                I learned the meaning from reading the Trump Reddit.

              • Aeson
                Aeson commented
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                As for who uses the term "cuck", it's not just white nationalists. Misogynists also use the term.

            • While I see cockney's point I think that kid's reaction clearly dispells any worries.

              Nazis and communists can't be equated but in the mind of nazis themselves (or chainless liberals)

              So while this ethical equation is done, it's done only by people like Kid rendering the "danger" imaterial


              • Also let's debate a bit more on that issue.

                Cockney's pacifist stance vs another opinion.

                Someone told me about a movei about someone in america (it could be someplace else, not important) of a parent with no health care getting turned down for an operation about his kid. His kid was going to die, the hospital didn't accept to do the operation because of no health care.

                Health care is a basic right.
                Violence is the monopoly of the state.

                Would that man argue with the state or the hospital? Calmly explaining his position? But he is faced with a legitimatelly accredited violence.

                However ethically and humanly the right is on his side.

                He will revolt (he did revolt in the movie)

                Now take a million such people. Tens of millions.

                The state, or organized society has a duty to provide some basic rights and it is for that that it has the legitimacy of violence.

                Once this social contract is breeched so are most other previously agreed norms.

                The mantra of non violence but the violence of state needs to be put up for scrutiny wether this in fact takes the guns away so to speak from people with legitimate worries.

                Now, of course every sane person would not advocate the use of force. An organized society with justice and providence for its members should not be shred apart by violence.

                Unless... it's not legitimate anymore.

                Now, of course punching spencer won't provide that father with social care but it's a start.

                Someone can frown on it but it doesn't really matter.

                Volume matters.

                If trump, on the other day of his inauguration is faced with endless massive unrest he will fall.

                But it has to be massive.

                Such a thing won't be massive unless a considerable amount of people think that they are legitimized to go out on the streets.

                An old motto says that every revolt is justified, a priori.

                I won't go as far as to say the same but I'll say that some things are inevitable and controlled by the circumstances.

                A small group of troublemakers can in fact bring about change/ adjustement if it's done at the right time at the right place with the right social backing.

                So of course violence is frowned upon wherever it comes from, but really wherever it comes from.

                And then things take their own course


                • I've made a resolution not to talk to hypocrites who advocate violence against people because they don't like what they say
                  I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                  - Justice Brett Kavanaugh




                    • OK, why is using the word "cuck" misogynist?
                      I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                      - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                      • Aeson
                        Aeson commented
                        Editing a comment
                        It can be. "Cuck" is derived from "cuckold". The meaning of "cuckold" is a man who's wife cheats on him. It thus fits nicely into the misogynist lexicon with other words/phrases to demean men who are viewed as "accepting oppression from women" and other such nonsense.

                    • I think he said it was used by. Which is different. Unless he's implying that it's a tell.
                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Spencer's ideology is inherently violent. You can't "cleanse" America of minorities without massive violence along the lines of genocide.
                        And that's also at the heart of the issue.

                        At the time of voltaire it was illegal to write anything that went against the king (hence voltaire's famously misquoted "I will fight for your right to say anything you want etc - he didn't really mean it like that)

                        So voltaire himself started writing in allegories, saying one thing and bypassing censorship, while saying another.

                        Those people, call them nazis or neonazis doesn't matter IMO, know that they are operating inside a modus vivendi which will insctically react with a knee jerk reaction against their real ideas.

                        They will try to dress it as "cultural differences" etc etc

                        They can't openly advocate for what they really want so they either offer unrealistic and inherently violent "final solutions" (=peaceful genocide) or engage in out right violent speech.

                        They are ludites, like tolkien advocating the reutrn to a "peaceful past". They are romantics.

                        German Romantics was the womb from where nazism was born BTW.

                        They are misdirecting the rage to somewhere where the state and the status quo has no real issues in being directed at.
                        And driving it away from where it should be, aka the financial policies, which of course is the source of their re-emergence and them not the solution to it.

                        That is their major crime.

                        Now the social release a nazi/neonazi/romantic getting punched brings, it certaintly is welcomed although the issues lie deeper than that


                        • "Spencer's ideology is inherently violent. You can't "cleanse" America of minorities without massive violence along the lines of genocide."

                          If you aren't an anarchist or communist then there is a problem with you having this opinion.
                          I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                          - Justice Brett Kavanaugh

