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  • He wants all of the darkies to self-deport.


    • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

      Possibly that means two americas. Anyway, people aren't advocating violence unless they are advocating violence.
      we're supposed to have 50


      • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
        btw it's a brave new world when globilzation's champion is now communist china
        Which is a country which is extremely protectionist and makes use of heavily subsidized state owned companies to dominate strategic industries. For example how rare earth elements are used as an economic weapon. Ask Japan.

        That is before we get into deliberate currency manipulation and capital countrols used by China. It is hard to have trust in a system when you play by one set of rules and majpr competitors play by extremely different and unequal rules.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

          Possibly that means two americas. Anyway, people aren't advocating violence unless they are advocating violence.
          "We must conquer or die!"

          He's a pathetic worm who is bright enough to understand he would get crushed if he tried to do anything more than spread his ugly vision to others in the hopes that someday he can do something about it. If at some point he could do anything about implementing his vision, it's sure that any implementation of it would be violent.

          As for 2 Americas ... you aren't listening to what he's saying. He's saying "THE US" is "OURS", not "YOUR'S". He is saying the US for whites only.

          It's sad you think his ideology should be defended. But not really surprising given how much of it you identify with.


          • Wow. I can't believe this. I simply can't believe how badly Kidicious is PWNing all of your asses right now. Especially Rah.

            Rah, shuffleboard is not that bad of a game once you get into it. I mean, you are leaving, right? I would, considering the damage done to not only your ego, but your entire internet career. Kidicious' argument here is simply ironclad. Undefeatable. Flawless. Like a perfect diamond, Kidicious-Poastsâ„¢ are to be treasured and never taken lightly. I will honor your memory Rah, even if your legacy has been shattered in this thrade.

            Goodbye Rah. Goodbye.
            Order of the Fly
            Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.


            • Please stop being stupid. No one has said whites only and you are babbling nonsense about whites only.
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • ZEE
                ZEE commented
                Editing a comment
                OK I will try and stop being stupid lol.

            • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
              Please stop being stupid. No one has said whites only and you are babbling nonsense about whites only.
              Watch some videos of who you are an apologist for. Here's one of many where he spouts his ugly ideology that you seem to think isn't so bad:

              6:20 He is explicitly saying immigration should be white only. That the demographic change is the problem with America. Immigration is a rather small effect on demographics. He claims it's the legal non-white citizens of the US that are the problem. They are the ones voting. They are the ones making the US a non-white nation ... something he clearly thinks is horrible.

              He's also explicitly saying that whites are superior to everyone else. "Only Europeans [which he equates/conflates to whites multiple times in the interview and elsewhere] could be ... first to space ... build something as magnificent as St. Pauls Cathedral or St. Peters Cathedral ... engage in the type of scientific discovery that we engage with ... that will to keep going ... to follow reason ... reformation ... enlightenment ... only Europeans can be like this". This goes along with what he said in his speech, about whites being the explorers, conquerors

              At the end of the video: "Immigrants are pathetic ... I wouldn't be proud of a nation of immigrants ... I would be proud of a nation of frontiersman, colonizers, conquerors" - Nazi Spencer once again showing his admiration for violence against and oppression of non-whites.



              • Hitler never gassed any Jews before he gained power. He didn't campaign on gassing Jews. Even when he held power, it took time before he had built up enough resentment against Jews, indoctrinated enough of the population, that he could commit such atrocities. Because when you're a monster you don't lead off with your final solution ... no one would buy into it. It's abhorent. Spencer's ideology is abhorent, and the only reason he's adopted the thin facade of "peaceful" is because he knows if he talks about his final solution, the necessary solution for his ideology to make the changes he wants ... it must be violent ... and no one except some fringe lunatics would accept it now.

                But with enough baby steps. With drawing the Kids and Dinners to his side by playing on their xenophobia, getting the C0ckneys to fight against those who stand up against obvious racism and bigotry ... he and others in their movement can eventually bring enough people into power behind the veil of "peaceful" where it can be done. America can be white again. If we let these pieces of **** take inch after inch.


                • Aeson, you should provide context if you are going to quote him, especially since you'be already misrepresented him and you're allowing someone who had said that Americans are Nazi s post videos of a person he thinks is a Nazi getting punched in the face over and over.
                  I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                  - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


                  • Just to be clear here Kid. Do you consider this guy.

                    A. Your Hero
                    B. A guy you just respect
                    C. Just a guy getting a bad rep
                    D. Has the right to spew this hatred
                    E. Is actually the creep he sounds like when you actually listen to him.
                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • Just to clarify, I did say that americans are nazis but that was just provocation and something that is evidently not true.

                      What it is true though is the abhorent legacy that some espouse "the whiter the better" that steams mainly from english and western european colonialism found an abhorent implementation in nazi germany and is "Transfused" to some elements in the US as well.
                      It is unofortunately a cornerstone assessment.

                      Now, of course a country where 1/3 of its population is minority, evidendly isn't nazi, the same way france with the largest population of muslims in its territory evidendly isn't islamophobe


                      • We talked about me clarifying for you yesterday.
                        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh




                          • Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
                            We talked about me clarifying for you yesterday.
                            So I'm assuming B unless you state otherwise.
                            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • Originally posted by Aeson View Post
                              Hitler never gassed any Jews before he gained power. He didn't campaign on gassing Jews. Even when he held power, it took time before he had built up enough resentment against Jews, indoctrinated enough of the population, that he could commit such atrocities. Because when you're a monster you don't lead off with your final solution ... no one would buy into it. It's abhorent. Spencer's ideology is abhorent, and the only reason he's adopted the thin facade of "peaceful" is because he knows if he talks about his final solution, the necessary solution for his ideology to make the changes he wants ... it must be violent ... and no one except some fringe lunatics would accept it now.

                              But with enough baby steps. With drawing the Kids and Dinners to his side by playing on their xenophobia, getting the C0ckneys to fight against those who stand up against obvious racism and bigotry ... he and others in their movement can eventually bring enough people into power behind the veil of "peaceful" where it can be done. America can be white again. If we let these pieces of **** take inch after inch.
                              People are exactly as horrible as they actually are, and judging them otherwise is unjust. You have no moral high ground for attacking people who are insisting that people be judged according to how horrible they actually are.
                              I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
                              - Justice Brett Kavanaugh

