You didn't just say you would "expect" them to feel that way ... you said you wouldn't consider it to be prejudice.
It would be prejudice if say, "mama says we're not to trust the black folks". It would be prejudice to say, "your mother should have aborted you because you are deaf."
I've been on the receiving end of real, actual prejudice. It sucks. But there's a difference between someone who's prejudiced because of what they have been taught, and someone who's been badly beaten and hurt. They have a rational reason to fear black folks. If someone was a Grizzly bear snack and escaped, I'd not be surprised to hear that they aren't fond of Grizzly bears.
Second question - is fear of different things really all that irrational? The problem with racism isn't that it's irrational but that it's rational. It makes sense for folks to prefer folks that are similar to them.