1. I don't know your exact citizenship status. I'm just saying that you don't understand key principles to being an American.
I am presently here on a work permit which my employer extends. I've applied for change of status to a Permanent Resident, which is pending.
2. Most Americans don't actually spend a lot of time hating countries that are supposed to be our allies. So if you hate Canada that does not qualify you as American nor prove your loyalty to the U.S.
3. You love the U.S., are apparently conservative, apparently wave the flag and cheer for the U.S. in war BUT have not put on the Uniform. Hmmm.
4. I LOVE the U.S., I am a liberal and have served 20 years in the U.S. Navy and another 4 as a Police Officer. I Love the U.S. I am a liberal.
5. You have been misinformed about how liberals feel on service members.
6. Based on my 4th point and the fact that several presidents served in the military and other prominent service members have been democrats/liberals Ben should love liberals.
The guiding principles about being and American is that this a melting pot of individuals and states with different backgrounds and ideals that have decided to come together and in unity become stronger than any individual part. The United States of America.
We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. - Benjamin Franklin
A house divided against itself cannot stand. - Abraham Lincoln
A house divided against itself cannot stand. - Abraham Lincoln
My list:
The American Dream.
The pursuit of happiness.
Inalienable natural rights.
The Common Law.
Rights and responsibilities (ie, we have the right to do things, but we do so in a responsible manner).
Separation of powers..
Division of the armed forces.
Independent judiciary.
Marriage between one man and one woman.
Freedom of Religion.
Market capitalism.
What I like to call the 'Cowboy Code'. Look it up.
Private property.
All people are created equal.
Due process clause, "people shall not be deprived of life or liberty.
The ability to walk into HEB and pick up a 2 litre of Big Red along with a six pack at 2am and nobody even bats an eye.