Ah but the thing is that it's often in people's best interest to discriminate. An apartment building may lose other good customers buy renting to blacks who are good tenants. Similarly if a business hires a black manager who is the best qualified many may quit because they don't want to work for blacks. Discrimination is economic rational. It's just not fair.
Really, it's in the best interest of the complex to rent to the best people. I can see a law requiring those who will not serve certain customers to advertise this policy. Then that would give all the people a rational means to make their decision. What happens to the business if the best tenents they have leave because they don't want to be associated with this policy? Then the policy will eventually change.
Lot's of business decisions are poor and irrational - but it's essential to understand why they occur in order to deal with them properly. The solution to this situation is to require the business to advertise their decision not to serve certain people.