Paying workers more than they're "worth" is actually a good thing so long as it doesn't result in more unemployment.
On the employee end, it is actually to the benefit of the employee that he be paid what he should be paid - as he will get the most hours. If he's overpaid, then he will get his hours cut to compensate, which results in less pay. If he's underpaid, then he's not getting what he should for his labor.
This is the case with the minimum wage in the US so far. We've been able to keep at near total employment
It's obvious our economy can handle a current ~$7.50/hr minimum wage
Also, unionized workers make a mandated multiplier of the federal minimum wage. The only beneficiary of higher minimum wages are these unionized workers. Those actually making the minumum wage go down, and their unemployment goes up everytime you raise it, as one would expect. Raising it prices many marginal workers out of the market as their labour is not worth that much.
with ~0 effect on unemployment.
No one's ever really tried to find a limit, and there's not really any need to do so other than to keep up with inflation.
The important thing about the minimum wage is it gives a bump to creates a more affluent working class who can participate in the economy as consumers.
You can see this all over the world currently, outside us lucky bastards who were born between the right lines and/or to the right parents.
Depends on the wages paid, and what other options are available.
When you cut all wages (available to the minimum wage worker) by the same amount people won't leave for another job because they all pay the same.
If there are no other readily available jobs they also won't leave because they want to continue to have a livelihood. This is survival. If they have another option that now looks better (welfare) they may go for that, but it's a terrible thing to incentive.
Yes, it's better if they can work fulltime and make more in compensation than they would at half time. But that wasn't the hypothetical you offered. Your hypothetical was a cut in hourly wage, or a cut in hours worked. The worker is going to view that as a simple choice when they are comparable options in overall compensation. They'll take less hours because their time is valuable to them.
There are bad policies in workplaces. (Some dictated by government even.) This is the exception to the rule though, as usually employers have the ability to choose who they let go. (I don't know if this is even an exception at that. Sounds like it wasn't something forced on them necessarily. They chose to worry more about a potential lawsuit than to worry about productivity.)
Nothing to do with minimum wage.