the improvements in infrastructure have been slight and have cost a fortune. the whole enterprise has been marred by corruption, incompetence and poor delivery, while doing little improve the lives of ordinary afghans.
where is the improvement in the security situation. more civilians are dying every year since 2006.
it would appear that NATO forces are making the situation worse, not better.
and who will that be, kharzi the corrupt election fixer and his cronies? a great advert for democracy there! the afghan government are worthless, their writ barely runs beyond kabul and they would collapse in a matter of days if it wasn't for the vast amount of foreign support
If you're going to intervene then the obligation is to fix things up before you leave. You just don't bail after intervention.
Yes, it is expensive, but then that should have beeen decided before going in. I believe I wasn the only realist who said that the US would be there for a long time. As in 50 years.