Abortion is a question of dueling rights (which is why you're wrong, Asher, about there being only 2 rational positions). The rights of the woman vs. the rights of the zygote/embryo/fetus. I don't believe that a zygote (note: that's the first 4 days) has the full rights of a human being and, therefore, the woman's rights trump. Ditto for an embryo (note: 4days to 8 weeks).
However, I believe a full-term fetus has the right to life, trumping the woman's right to kill it. The question, for me, is when, exactly, the developing fetus acquires enough rights to block the woman's right to have it killed.
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure where to draw that line. "Viability" has problems, because it's a fuzzy line that moves with technology. But I'm not sure there's a better option. 24 weeks looks like an effort at hitting that mark (though I would hope there is a carveout for the rare instances when the mother's health is in grave danger b/c of the pregnancy - hell, even if you think abortion is murder, there's a thing called justifiable homicide). It's better than banning abortion outright. It's also better, IMO, than allowing abortion all the way up to full-term (~38 weeks).
However, I believe a full-term fetus has the right to life, trumping the woman's right to kill it. The question, for me, is when, exactly, the developing fetus acquires enough rights to block the woman's right to have it killed.
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure where to draw that line. "Viability" has problems, because it's a fuzzy line that moves with technology. But I'm not sure there's a better option. 24 weeks looks like an effort at hitting that mark (though I would hope there is a carveout for the rare instances when the mother's health is in grave danger b/c of the pregnancy - hell, even if you think abortion is murder, there's a thing called justifiable homicide). It's better than banning abortion outright. It's also better, IMO, than allowing abortion all the way up to full-term (~38 weeks).