Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
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Of course this shows that God doesn't consider children innocent. Whoops! I guess that blows the whole "children and people who have never heard of the story of Jesus are automatically saved" theory out of the water. So much for several billion people. But hey, God is loving and into "free will", right?
Mind, God later showed precision is killing only the first born of the Egyptians(sucks to be you if you were just some camel herders kid), so it isn't like he couldn't have just killed all the adults and left the kids.
I disagree. Christians originated the concept of religious freedom.

How did Christians originate the concept of religious freedom before the Romans did? Or the Greek Philosophers? Or the Persians? Hell, I seem to remember that the Persians went out of their way to return the Jews that had been relocated back to their homelands so they could continue their own religious practices.
I forget, what did the Christians do when they got into power in the Roman Empire? Help me out. Was it live and let live? No....
In the officially atheist soviet union, Christians were not free to practice and many who openly espoused Christianity were jailed in the gulags.
If what you say is true, we would not have seen such persecution in the Soviet Union, yet that is precisely what we do see.
We see the same thing with Hitler in the Third Reich. The same thing is happening in China today, where one cannot be openly Christian and defy the regime.
As for China, I would point out that China doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is. The United States, at least in terms of religion, do.
Yet, here in America, what penalties are imposed by Christians on Atheists? Are you forced to wear a star of david? Are you arrested?
Are you free to practice your occupation? Are you permitted to buy and sell and trade?
Are you permitted to write about atheism and declare that you hate God without further punishment?
You are free to do all of these things. Why? Because America was built on the principle of religious freedom where the refugees of various statist systems that persecuted believers and unbelievers were permitted to come to America, and make their own way on the world. You live in the freest country in the world, founded by Christians, and you are worried about the Christians persecuting you?
(2)Freest Country in the world? What metric are you using for that measurement? There are countries in Europe that have all the protections extended in the United States, and some that are not.
So having to stock up on Saturday is persecution?
Let me tell you something. When I lived in Canada, I cannot simply walk into the nearest corner store and buy whatever alcohol they happen to have. I had to go to the government controlled liquor store, which was open only during normal business hours. Their selection was limited and prices were high.
Here, I can buy from a huge range of alcohol, even at 3am in the morning as it is carried in 24/7 grocery stores. And they fight for customers by keeping prices low. Would I trade the right to shop on Sunday for having better selection, cheaper prices, and 24 hours during the week? Heck yes. You don't even live in an area where blue laws are in effect, so you are complaining that communities that you don't live in choose to limit the hours that merchants can trade alcohol. You've made your decision to live elsewhere, which means that liberty is working.
I like "you made your decision to live elsewhere so liberty is working". I guess If I go on a hike in the Southern Appalachians and I end up wanting to pick up some camping gear on Sunday while I'm down there, well, I'm just SOL right?
So you don't consider it a problem when money is taken from people in order to provide for the school system? Shouldn't parents be the ones paying to educate their children? If we expect people to pay for the school system, then the one who pays the piper plays the tune.
If you don't want your children to go to a public school, you can educate them yourself. Liberty again at work. If you don't think your money should be going to public schools that do not educate well, then you have my full support.
If you don't want your children to go to a public school, you can educate them yourself. Liberty again at work. If you don't think your money should be going to public schools that do not educate well, then you have my full support.
Nice completely dodging the issue of elected school boards putting outright lies in text books and pushing religious views in science classes. Which is what I was complaining about. My taxes going to support a religious view that I don't agree with, huh! Why that almost seems like persecution! Perhaps some kind of latter-day Ottoman tax!
Where do you think Laws come from, Lonestar? They don't just spring about naturally. The US could implement the Laws of the Soviet Union, which lacked important things like trial by jury, and habeaus corpus. You swear on a bible, because in America, the laws are based on the bible, on the concepts of freedom and liberty expressed therein.
And By the by, the Bible has scant about "freedom and liberty". The Bible gives passes to genocide, religious persecution, slavery, and in fact actively supports all that.
Neither can I. Some Christians, (Mennonites among them), have a problem with swearing a loyalty oath to the State.
Are these churches funded by private enterprise? How many businesses advertize to you on a daily basis? You watch cable tv at all?
You are correct that publicly funded secularists don't solicit you for money. They take from your paycheck and put you in jail when you refuse to pay for their largesse, and programs that you never voted for, and do not want or need. *
*Barring certain free states like TX and FL. Slave states, YMMV.
If you don't like solicitors, (and there are plenty of non-religious ones), live in a gated community where they cannot bother you. Liberty wins again.
Let me ask you something, Lonestar. What are the consequences for you in America for expressing any of the opinions you've said here?
I have never, ever, once in this thread said that I will suffer any consequences for saying on the internet that I had a certain amount of skepticism of the existence of God(capital g). What I have said is that the God Squad goes out of their way to marginalize through legal means anyone who does not follow their religion and at least one person on this thread has advocated that people should harass people in person at their own homes.
Well sure. Persecution amounts to your neighbour knocking on your door and then leaving.