In response to the OP:
I'm not going to get into a debate on the existence of God. What I will say is that our modern, liberal lifestyle in our highly financialized, consumeristic society is completely meaningless. Maximize your profits and consume as much as possible in the pursuit of your own happiness. And then you die. Why do we have this undying faith in 'progress' and rationality? There is a reason that in Scandinavia, with the highest 'quality of life' by many standards, the suicide rate is the highest in the world. This does not make sense under liberal theory. Since our quality of life has exponentially improved over the past couple centuries, why aren't we exponentially happier? If we've gained all of these rights and freedoms, why aren't we that much happier?
For many reasons. It's because for one thing, humans are accustomed to what they're brought up under, and that includes material comforts and freedoms. That is one of many reasons that material comforts don't give us happiness, and there is a lot of empirical evidence behind this within the field of psychology. I won't get into it any further, but let's just assume for nowthe axiom that material well-being is not necessarily correlated with happiness. If you disagree with me we can discuss it later.
Another reason is that although we dogmatically worship freedom under liberalism, we don't realize that freedom doesn't necessarily give us happiness. Often times it just gives us the freedom to be unhappy, which we will take because we're reacting against the way our society used to be set up. We also don't understand the implications of ensuring the freedom to do whatever we please, mainly how society and its individuals will react to gaining such freedom. Often times it just means reacting against all traditional societal structures and any type of rules. This is unhealthy, and something we don't understand, because liberal theory offers little in terms of properly understanding society.
Human beings need rules set up by society. We need civil laws and we need societal norms as well. We need communities, and we need systems of meaning with which to understand and interpret the world around us and our own lives and their actions. This is a fundamental truth, one of common sense (that now is being proven by psychological research) that our undying faith in rationality, "progress," and liberal theory blinded us from.
Liberalism, since it worships individual freedom, has done everything possible to destroy traditional social structures and norms. It was born out of a reaction to the Church, and we only need to look at the French Revolution to begin to see its true nature. It is a reaction against society and rules by those who didn't want to follow them (and of course there were political, economic, and social factors as well), and it is atheist at its core. This is something Americans need to realize. We are a Christian nation that insists on accepting this atheistic philosophy as doctrine. We give the Constitution, a document that doesn't mention God, the same reverence as we do for the Bible.
What you atheists need to ask yourselves (since most of you are liberals it seems like) is why do you criticize the religious for being dogmatic and accepting beliefs without questioning them when you are even worse? You pride yourselves in your skepticism and your lack of adherence to dogma, but you have your own dogma. You have an unquestioned faith in rationality, and in what you define as 'progress' (material comforts and individual freedoms).
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe this is inconsistent with your own skepticism? Why don't you ever question your own beliefs? Even your own system of logic? Why do you think the best answer is aways found most immediately through rationality? The most basic of human truths can be found in common sense, even when rationality finds them to be untrue. Usually, much later, rationality finds these old adadges to have much more credibility than it first thought. A great example is this:
Common sense always told us that there were difference between men and women. Eventually, liberal theory (since it inherently views society and individuals as a bunch of rational economic actors making contracts with each other) held that women and men were equal. They were both individuals and deserved the same individual rights. Then they took it a step further. This must mean that men and women are fundamentally the same.
So you have this movement in psychology and sociology where the feminists claimed that any differences between men and women were culturally and sociologically conditioned. That we were a tabula rasa, and that men and women were the same. They rejected nature and said it was all nurture. Following rationality instead of common sense, people that they were right. But eventually biology got to the point where we could prove this wrong. The feminists tried to cover up the test results, but as it turned out, men and women are inherently different, and in the case of those experiments, you can't raise a boy to be a girl or vice-versa without causing that person serious emotional problems.
I'm not going to get into a debate on the existence of God. What I will say is that our modern, liberal lifestyle in our highly financialized, consumeristic society is completely meaningless. Maximize your profits and consume as much as possible in the pursuit of your own happiness. And then you die. Why do we have this undying faith in 'progress' and rationality? There is a reason that in Scandinavia, with the highest 'quality of life' by many standards, the suicide rate is the highest in the world. This does not make sense under liberal theory. Since our quality of life has exponentially improved over the past couple centuries, why aren't we exponentially happier? If we've gained all of these rights and freedoms, why aren't we that much happier?
For many reasons. It's because for one thing, humans are accustomed to what they're brought up under, and that includes material comforts and freedoms. That is one of many reasons that material comforts don't give us happiness, and there is a lot of empirical evidence behind this within the field of psychology. I won't get into it any further, but let's just assume for nowthe axiom that material well-being is not necessarily correlated with happiness. If you disagree with me we can discuss it later.
Another reason is that although we dogmatically worship freedom under liberalism, we don't realize that freedom doesn't necessarily give us happiness. Often times it just gives us the freedom to be unhappy, which we will take because we're reacting against the way our society used to be set up. We also don't understand the implications of ensuring the freedom to do whatever we please, mainly how society and its individuals will react to gaining such freedom. Often times it just means reacting against all traditional societal structures and any type of rules. This is unhealthy, and something we don't understand, because liberal theory offers little in terms of properly understanding society.
Human beings need rules set up by society. We need civil laws and we need societal norms as well. We need communities, and we need systems of meaning with which to understand and interpret the world around us and our own lives and their actions. This is a fundamental truth, one of common sense (that now is being proven by psychological research) that our undying faith in rationality, "progress," and liberal theory blinded us from.
Liberalism, since it worships individual freedom, has done everything possible to destroy traditional social structures and norms. It was born out of a reaction to the Church, and we only need to look at the French Revolution to begin to see its true nature. It is a reaction against society and rules by those who didn't want to follow them (and of course there were political, economic, and social factors as well), and it is atheist at its core. This is something Americans need to realize. We are a Christian nation that insists on accepting this atheistic philosophy as doctrine. We give the Constitution, a document that doesn't mention God, the same reverence as we do for the Bible.
What you atheists need to ask yourselves (since most of you are liberals it seems like) is why do you criticize the religious for being dogmatic and accepting beliefs without questioning them when you are even worse? You pride yourselves in your skepticism and your lack of adherence to dogma, but you have your own dogma. You have an unquestioned faith in rationality, and in what you define as 'progress' (material comforts and individual freedoms).
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe this is inconsistent with your own skepticism? Why don't you ever question your own beliefs? Even your own system of logic? Why do you think the best answer is aways found most immediately through rationality? The most basic of human truths can be found in common sense, even when rationality finds them to be untrue. Usually, much later, rationality finds these old adadges to have much more credibility than it first thought. A great example is this:
Originally posted by Heraclitus
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So you have this movement in psychology and sociology where the feminists claimed that any differences between men and women were culturally and sociologically conditioned. That we were a tabula rasa, and that men and women were the same. They rejected nature and said it was all nurture. Following rationality instead of common sense, people that they were right. But eventually biology got to the point where we could prove this wrong. The feminists tried to cover up the test results, but as it turned out, men and women are inherently different, and in the case of those experiments, you can't raise a boy to be a girl or vice-versa without causing that person serious emotional problems.