Originally posted by Caligastia
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However, the bit you excerpted claims that all Jesus ever talked about was mercy and love and kumbayah, and that's doing just as much violence to the text. He very clearly tells us to be, as it phrases it, "selfish" in the pursuit of our salvation. You know, all those bits about watching for the kingdom, wise virgins tending their own lamps, removing the log from your own eye before fretting about the speck in your neighbor's. Your Urantia Book adores the carrot and scorns the stick, so to speak.
The problem is simply that Jesus's teachings, to say nothing of Paul's, are not so clear-cut as some would like them to be. This doesn't trouble me so much. A complex problem like human nature isn't going to have a simple solution. However, a number of people look past this part to emphasize that, while others do the opposite. And that, too, is more or less to be expected with any received text of any real significance. Just look at how we squabble over the U.S. Constitution, and we haven't had that one-sixth as long, nor had to translate it. Also, the body set up to interpret the Constitution has remained intact in succession and generally universally acknowledged the whole time. And that body hasn't been subject to nearly as much meddling. And the document in question doesn't claim nearly the same degree of authority, and it's shorter, and we can be almost 100% certain that our copies are correct, and and and...