Originally posted by MikeH
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Depending on one's motives, that could be the case. When we observe the US-haters, pedos and terrorist wanna-bes at CFCOT, we can see that sheer numbers are where they operate. They expected to get slapped 9/10 approaches, and live off the 1/10 that react positively. When 99% of the public finds them disgusting scumbags and their only hope is the innocent and naive, they need all the numbers they can get. For all of their excessive moderation, that site is an absolute danger to young people; people like me get banned while real scumbags are the chosen ones.
Want to troll for autistic/aspergers children? Want to discuss how sex between adults and 13 year olds is fine? Want to support terrorists every chance you get? CFCOT is the place for you.
I was banned because I went after the scumbags (especially among the chosen ones) and told it like it is. You see, those excessive rules of moderation allow the monsters to hide under the bed; noone is allowed to look and noone is allowed to point them out.