From Talking Points Memo
Fist Fight(s?) at Tampa Townhall
08.06.09 -- 8:05PM
By Josh Marshall
The early reports are sketchy. But apparently a mob of teabaggers began to riot after some were not able to get into a townhall meeting in Tampa.
"As the building filled to capacity, angry protesters stuck outside began to scream, yell, and chant," reports local TV channel 10 in Tampa. "At one point, those trying to get inside began banging on windows as Tampa Police officers quickly spread out guarding all entrances."
A reporter currently inside the venue says at least one fist fight has already broken out.
Late Update: The event was hosted by Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL).
Later Update: We're getting overlapping reports. The Tampa Tribune reports to instances of "shoving and scuffles." It seems like at least one incident occurred in cases where teabaggers trying to force their way through the doors after event organizers manning the door were no longer letting more people in. Reports also suggest the teabag crowd was organized through Glenn Beck's "9-12 Project."
Still Later Update: Here's a page from the Tampa912 group's Meetup page. Discussions leading up to the event. Some whacked statements, all pretty far right, but mostly pretty garden variety, people getting charged up to hit the event and give their member of Congress an earful. Poke around. See what you find.
And an eyewitness account:
TPM Reader JG reports in from the event ...
Fist Fight(s?) at Tampa Townhall
08.06.09 -- 8:05PM
By Josh Marshall
The early reports are sketchy. But apparently a mob of teabaggers began to riot after some were not able to get into a townhall meeting in Tampa.
"As the building filled to capacity, angry protesters stuck outside began to scream, yell, and chant," reports local TV channel 10 in Tampa. "At one point, those trying to get inside began banging on windows as Tampa Police officers quickly spread out guarding all entrances."
A reporter currently inside the venue says at least one fist fight has already broken out.
Late Update: The event was hosted by Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL).
Later Update: We're getting overlapping reports. The Tampa Tribune reports to instances of "shoving and scuffles." It seems like at least one incident occurred in cases where teabaggers trying to force their way through the doors after event organizers manning the door were no longer letting more people in. Reports also suggest the teabag crowd was organized through Glenn Beck's "9-12 Project."
Still Later Update: Here's a page from the Tampa912 group's Meetup page. Discussions leading up to the event. Some whacked statements, all pretty far right, but mostly pretty garden variety, people getting charged up to hit the event and give their member of Congress an earful. Poke around. See what you find.
And an eyewitness account:
TPM Reader JG reports in from the event ...
I was at the riot/townhall tonight since it was about half a mile from my house and I'm always down for a freak show. I also attended the April 15th tea bag party down the street. This was the same audience, very old and very white (half the minorities I saw were in the media, literally). They did indeed close the doors--I stayed outside because I wasn't about to be trapped in with the nutters for three hours. They started to chant "move it outside" and were infuriated about being somehow left out. I heard some people make the comparison that if they can't run a meeting how can they run healthcare? (Is this the next meme?) It never ceases to amaze me seeing medicare recipients holding up signs saying "Just say no to government run healthcare" and there was plenty of that.
I left before I saw any actual violence, but certainly believe it. The few pro-healthcare people who were there received an impressive amount of boos and name calling. "Get a job, buy your own insurance!"
Lots of recording devices out by nearly everyone. Uninformed people with cameras stoking hate amongst each other. These things are designed to get footage to get more people mad to get more footage.
I left before I saw any actual violence, but certainly believe it. The few pro-healthcare people who were there received an impressive amount of boos and name calling. "Get a job, buy your own insurance!"
Lots of recording devices out by nearly everyone. Uninformed people with cameras stoking hate amongst each other. These things are designed to get footage to get more people mad to get more footage.
