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Zkribbler's Retirement House - Watch it being built!

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  • What?!?

    *Looks in pocket, finds P37*

    Yup, rich

    Tina graduated college today. Congrats Tina!
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time


    • Zkrib, the front door and bathroom door are to be located where they are on the plan? The posts for them will tie into the underground tie beams so to post cages for them will go in tomorrow. The rest of the house can wait for your arrival.

      Btw, Tito was there today, he was on the way to do something regarding the permit. He mentioned that there would be qty 14 11" run and 8" rise steps. If you don't like that np, you'll be here for the steps...

      He's also going to check the plan regarding the doors I mentioned so he can tell Sho while I check with you to see if anything regarding the doors has changed.

      Pics coming...
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • The front door goes where Tito's map shows.

        The bathroom door is located 6m-7m from the basketball wall of the house, and 1 meter away from the streetside of the house. Tito's map incorrectly shows it as being 1.5 meters away.

        I have great concerns about any work being done on the house when Tito's plans have never been corrected.

        The proposed steps aren't right. In a 2-meter run, they're supposed to rise 1.5 meters. In two stages, they're a 4-meter run and and a 3-meter rise. But 14*11 inches is a 3.9-meter run, and 14*8" is a 2.4-meter rise. It's more than 1/2 meter too short.

        Edit: Let me put it more clearly. You can do anything you need to do with the 10 support posts, but do no other work on the house until I get there. I have this sinking feeling that anything else done will just need to be torn out once I get there.

        You can work on the circumferance wall, work on the gates, or work with the fill. You can find a nice place for the septic tank. Whatever. But don't work on the house.
        Last edited by Zkribbler; March 25, 2009, 22:39.


        • Zkrib, here's what I would like the ok to do...

          Fill in under the house with limestone base up to grade except where there will be work remaining ... the door posts and door post tie beams which are on dead stop.

          Do the underground tie beams except the ones with doors. This allows us to then fill these areas up to grade. This is the house...and those were bold letters you used so don't be irked that I'm asking. Its easier to do limestone fill without the circumference wall. We can stock inside the wall in advance whatever we can't do.

          Outside of house footprint...

          Raise the wall the remaining 2 feet (three steps, one of which is in, pic coming)
          Put the facing on the wall

          You mentioned the circumference wall already...

          Can't think of anything right now, but Sho might.
          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • Got your pm

            Long time member @ Apolyton
            Civilization player since the dawn of time


            • These are pics from yesterday, got more from today coming up. Here we have the completed tie beam which runs along the seawall and just the cage connecting the posts front to rear, whichever way that is.

              Long time member @ Apolyton
              Civilization player since the dawn of time


              • The posts connected by tie beams which spread the weight to the entire wall.

                Long time member @ Apolyton
                Civilization player since the dawn of time


                • Originally posted by Lancer View Post
                  Zkrib, here's what I would like the ok to do...

                  Fill in under the house with limestone base up to grade except where there will be work remaining ... the door posts and door post tie beams which are on dead stop.
                  Sounds good
                  Do the underground tie beams except the ones with doors.
                  Educate me. What are underground tie beams??

                  This allows us to then fill these areas up to grade. This is the house...and those were bold letters you used so don't be irked that I'm asking. Its easier to do limestone fill without the circumference wall. We can stock inside the wall in advance whatever we can't do.

                  Outside of house footprint...

                  Raise the wall the remaining 2 feet (three steps, one of which is in, pic coming)
                  Put the facing on the [sea]wall
                  Sounds good.

                  Q: What about underground water lines, sewer lines and electrical lines? Will these be affected? (One of my concerns is that, in three tries, Tito has yet to put a showers into either bathroom. I don't recall where he put the sinks and toilets, but I'll be they're in the wrong spots.) Do we need to figure out where these lines will go before you do the work you describe above?


                  • Rings waiting, waiting......and looking good doing so.

                    Long time member @ Apolyton
                    Civilization player since the dawn of time


                    • The grid of metal bars you see here are underground tie beams which will connect the posts, locking them into one solid mass. They are also the foundation upon which the hollow block or poured walls will sit. They also help to spread the weight of the house. They will be buried under loose fill limestone in which the plumbing etc will be buried in turn. The front door will have posts built off one of them and that is what raised the question. I guess Sho has a plan to stiffen the bathroom door too.

                      Long time member @ Apolyton
                      Civilization player since the dawn of time


                      • Tina graduated college today. Congrats Tina!

                        The traditional American chant:

                        No more pencils.
                        No more books.
                        No more teachers'
                        Dirty looks.


                        • This is my place which we did some work to on Monday which was a day off at your place, the first double day off allot of those guys have taken. The family guys were at my place helping me with the stuff you see...

                          The old salacot is removed and cut for firewood @ Sho's place with all the small pieces of wood behind it, quite a mess. Rigo found several crabs living in it which I guess the cooked up. All gone now...

                          Looks big!

                          Long time member @ Apolyton
                          Civilization player since the dawn of time


                          • Originally posted by Zkribbler View Post

                            The traditional American chant:
                            She's gonna love that.

                            They even built a little bench out of the salacot benches.

                            Long time member @ Apolyton
                            Civilization player since the dawn of time


                            • I can just make out your posts from my place.

                              Long time member @ Apolyton
                              Civilization player since the dawn of time


                              • Now here's a bunch of pics of my dutch door, maybe the first in the Phils...

                                Long time member @ Apolyton
                                Civilization player since the dawn of time

