Obama has responded on his aunt. The worrying part...
This proves that foreigners have, as predicted, been able to contribute to Obama's campaign due to purposefully lax security measures. Obama's aunt has been making donations for several months, but her money is only now being returned after the issue came up in the press. How many other foreign donations are there lurking in Obama's unreported sub-$200 donations that will never be reported on or returned? As Bob Kerrey (an honorable Democrat) has said, Obama's fundraising machine is the real elephant in the room when it comes to under-reported campaign stories...
The campaign said it was returning $260 that Onyango had contributed in small increments to Obama's presidential bid over several months. Federal election law prohibits foreigners from making political donations. Onyango listed her employer as the Boston Housing Authority and last gave $5 on Sept. 19.
This proves that foreigners have, as predicted, been able to contribute to Obama's campaign due to purposefully lax security measures. Obama's aunt has been making donations for several months, but her money is only now being returned after the issue came up in the press. How many other foreign donations are there lurking in Obama's unreported sub-$200 donations that will never be reported on or returned? As Bob Kerrey (an honorable Democrat) has said, Obama's fundraising machine is the real elephant in the room when it comes to under-reported campaign stories...