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  • Only thing i can say, if these soldiers are dying on Georgian soil it's clear who is the aggressor. Phew.. 6 hours away from the net and lot has changed..


    • Originally posted by Julian Delphiki
      Only thing i can say, if these soldiers are dying on Georgian soil it's clear who is the aggressor.
      Don't you realize that Georgia is illegally occupying Georgian territory?


      • Free Ossetia!

        Wow, for once I agree with Oerdin and Saras.
        Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
        "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


        • Originally posted by rmsharpe

          Don't you realize that Georgia is illegally occupying Georgian territory?

          It kinda reminds me of

          I'm not ruling out possibility that Ossetians might deserve independence. Currently it just does not look like that is what they're saying.. being a Russian lapdog, after all is not same as being independent.


          • Originally posted by Traianvs

            That's a never ending argument. One might argue that Georgia is a sovereign nation and that Russia has no right to interfere. In fact that's true. Only United Nations should be allowed that kind of operations. If individual countries start their business just like that then there's no end to the chaos.
            Yes, that's true. But there are some exceptions. And Russia is not the one who started this series of exceptions.

            and to counter Serb: If Saakasjvili is a western pet dog, then Russia is merely supporting South-Ossetian separatists because Saakasjvili's policies don't conform with Russian geostrategic interests. Oh yeah it then covers up its interference by saying most of these Ossetians have Russian passports, which Russia gave them without any problems whatsoever. Cheap way of getting involved in the conflict.
            Yeah, geopolitics is a dirty business. But then again, Russia is not the only one involved in it. Instead of thinking in terms of dirty motivations, try rather thinking in terms of a lesser evil.

            Give me one good reason why else Russia should have a say in this if not for geostrategic dominance.
            Humanitarian mission. To save civilians and the city from total destruction.

            And don't give me that bullcrap about Saakasjvili being corrupt. We all know that, and besides the whole region and Russia for that matter is just as corrupt anyways. If a corrupt leader is all it takes for an invasion, there'd be a gazillion wars all over the world right now...
            It's not in the Russian tradition to justify interventions by developing fixation on some inherently internal shortcomings of the opponent. You just confused Russia with some other geopolitical players.
            Freedom is just unawareness of being manipulated.


            • Originally posted by Julian Delphiki


              It kinda reminds me of

              I'm not ruling out possibility that Ossetians might deserve independence. Currently it just does not look like that is what they're saying.. being a Russian lapdog, after all is not same as being independent.
              I wasn't being serious; how can Georgia illegally occupy its own territory?


              • Originally posted by The Vagabond
                Humanitarian mission. To save civilians and the city from total destruction.
                Like Grozny?


                • Originally posted by onodera

                  Minor? I spewed my medication all over my laptop and Saras hasn't been able to reply since!
                  Freedom is just unawareness of being manipulated.


                  • Originally posted by Serb

                    Áëÿòü, òû, ñóêà, òàêîé ïèçäåö ïðàâèëüíûé îáèæåííûé è óãíåòåííûé ãîíäîí è ïðåäâàäèòåëü óíèæåííûõ è îñêàðáëåííûõ íàðîäîâ â èõ íåðàâíîé áîðüáå ïðîòèâ ðóññêèõ óãíåòàòåëåé, ïîêà ýòî êàñàåòñÿ òâîåé ñòðàíû. À êîãäà äåëî çàõîäèò îá àãðåññèè òàêèõ æå êàê è âû øàâîê ÑØ of Àìåðèêà, âû áëÿäè âñå êàê îäèí ãðóäüþ âñòàåòå íà çàùèòó ñâîåé ïèçäàáðàòèè. È ïî õóþ ìîðîç âàì íà ñâîáîäû è ïðî÷èé ïèçäåæ êîòîðûé âû â îòíîøåíèè ñàìèõ ñåáÿ ïðèçíàåòå âûøåé öåííîñòüþ è ñâÿùåííûì ïðàâîì.

                    Âîò îòâåòü ìíå, åñëè á Ðîññèÿ âòîðãëàñü â 2008 ãîäó "âîññòàíàâëèâàòü êîíñòèòóöèîííûé ïîðÿäîê" â Ëèòâó - ÊÀÊ ÁÛ ÒÛ ÇÀÂÅÐÅÙÀË, ãíèäà? Âûâåñèë áû Ðîññèéñêèé ôëàã â ñâîåì ïðîôèëå? Õóé òàì.
                    Áëÿòü êàê æå ìåðçêî âèäåòü òâîå æîïàëèçàíèå çâåçäíî-ïîëîñàòîé çàäíèöû âàøåãî õîçÿèíà.
                    Ïðîñòèòóêè âû áûëè, áëÿäÿìè îñòàëèñü è èìè æå ïîìðåòå. Æàëêèå êàðëèêè, óëûáàþùèåñÿ óãîäëèâà, äà, ñóêà, ýòî ïðî âàñ.
                    À òåïåðü ìîæíî è â áàí. Ìíå ïî õóþ, ÿ âñå ñêàçàë.

                    Новости сегодня: самые актуальные новости России и мира. Фото и видео. Комментарии, мнения и оценки. Происшествия, события шоу-бизнеса, спорта и мира науки. Новинки автопрома. Погода и курсы валют.

                    Âû, ñó÷àðû.
                    That was a pretty personal insult. But I forgive Serioga, he's full of beer now (as he wrote to me in an email in reply to some Russian jokes I sent him, saying we're better off enemies than friends). Well we've never been "friends" in the real life sense of the word, for me it was a mission to make him see the truth (epic fail).

                    Unban him, make him speak english and keep the people entertained.
                    Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                    Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                    Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                    • Originally posted by rmsharpe

                      Like Grozny?
                      No. Grozny was rather an anti-terrorist mission.
                      Freedom is just unawareness of being manipulated.


                      • Originally posted by rmsharpe

                        I wasn't being serious; how can Georgia illegally occupy its own territory?
                        Got that. I think we were on the same page on this. Situation seems to have currently escalated at least on to level 'decent Tom Clancy' spy novel game / book.

                        Phew. It seems there are lots of rumours / unconfirmed info going on ATM .. maybe tomorrow will clear up the situation.


                        • Originally posted by onodera

                          Minor? I spewed my medication all over my laptop and Saras hasn't been able to reply since!
                          It's my sons birthday, take two. Was busy training my and neighbourhood kids goose stepping, hanging Russians and shooting their Schmeisers.
                          Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                          Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                          Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                          • Originally posted by onodera

                            Annex Georgia? What do we need Georgia for?
                            The thing is, how would've we looked if we had let Georgia conquer South Ossetia and had ignored their pleas to intervene?
                            How would Saak look if he let Russia overrun SO and dictating terms? Frankly, SO was run by criminal thugs (with Russian passports), and Georgia is REALLY a very well run country. Trust me, my colleagues (I'm a partner at an investment bank) did a high level tour of it and had the country pitched to us by the PM and scores of other people burning with the wish to see their country finally blossom. I wish EVERYONE had such a PM, such a benign business climate, such clarity of laws and an atmosphere of optimism not unlike we had in 1991.

                            SO is a well-manipulated Russian tool to bang the only country in the region (save Azerbaijan) not in their orbit on the head. When Georgia did not buck under crafty meddling in their internal politics etc, they decided to up the ante and invade SO last midnight. Yes, I'm buying the Georgian version of events because the Russian version of events (you have to read what they say to their domestic audience...) is run by former KGB guys, who bested everyone in disinformation.
                            Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                            Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                            Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                            • Originally posted by Lancer

                              Doesn't the US have some carriers we could shift from the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea?
                              Bring them on! The more, the better. The Black Sea would be a nice trap for all your carriers.
                              Freedom is just unawareness of being manipulated.


                              • Originally posted by Saras

                                It's my sons birthday, take two. Was busy training my and neighbourhood kids goose stepping, hanging Russians and shooting their Schmeisers.
                                My goose stepping is stronger than yours.
                                Graffiti in a public toilet
                                Do not require skill or wit
                                Among the **** we all are poets
                                Among the poets we are ****.

