Originally posted by DinoDoc
His country was the CSA.
His country was the CSA.
Besides, why would you have respect for a country that seceded on the basis of preserving the ideology of white supremacy?
And before you retort with the usual, "but some of Revolutionary founders were also slave owners" let me say this:
The difference between the revolt of American patriots in 1775 and the secession revolt of white Southerners in 1861 was in their REASON for revolting.
The Revolutionary founders revolted against Great Britain for economic and political reasons that did not revolve exclusively around preserving slavery. It was a revolt in which some of the rebels happened to have been slave owners.
There was only one overriding, economic reason why white Southerners revolted through secession in 1861. First, there was hundreds of millions of dollars invested in slave property; slave owners wanted to preserve such wealth. Second, these elite slave owners found ways to rally the majority of white Southerners who did not own slaves by using propaganda of states' rights and the ideology of white supremacy.
History has often shown that money and wealth are great motivators among greedy humans. And if you think an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in slaves was a non-issue and that this was not the reason for secession, you need to pull your head out of your ass.